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PS: One more thing: calorie counting is a good method if you can stick to it but I know for me, because of my perfectionist tendencies, I became completely obssessed and engrossed in calorie counting to the point that I was constantly calculating my calorie total for the day with every food I saw. It can become an unhealthy habit so be careful. Also, it is very difficult to get an accurate calorie count and I see people frequently say that they count their calories and are still not losing weight and I’ll bet anything that they are underestimating and getting inaccurate counts.
Lastly, I find the more I focus and obssess about the food I eat, the worse I do! Relax, don’t let it become a focus in your life and stay healthy mentally and physically
My sister’s a skinny bitch follower. Both her and my niece are dedicated vegans. My sister lost 40 lbs and made it back to her high school weight… my niece gained weight due to her indiscriminate love of french fries. I think the reason why skinny bitch works for some is because it is a nice organized way of eating. Any organized way of eating is going to have good results if you follow it, bad results if you eat the french fries.
I also think that you’ve got an amazing body. I insist you tell us how much weight you intend to lose! You should give us the chance to moan and groan, mourn and yearn.
I agree with everyone else on the methods, though. It’s also a good reminder to go drink some water!
Andrea, you think you need to lose weight? Your a beautiful girl!! I bet if you took the snuggie off while you danced you’d lose 5lbs Ok that was just silly. Please don’t try any of the fad diets most of them require you to cut out something….that’s not good. Choosing to be Vegan or Vegetarian is perfectly fine. Just don’t do it as a way to lose weight. Everyone pretty much said all I would have said….so thanks guys you all gave great advice and saved me a heap of typing. LOL. One more thing….don’t forget about alcoholic beverages, soda and energy drinks… can add a lot of calories to your diet by consuming beer and high calorie girlie drinks. Oh and I think some one mentioned this but eat sloooow it takes about 20 min for your brain and stomach to get together and say "hey wait a minute we’re full!"
I always say…Everything in moderation. Even poling hehe.
Thanks for all your great information, I really really appreciate it! I will start trying some of this stuff out.
I lost 10 lbs. in a month doing the 3 hour diet. Then I quit. LOL. But i hate "diets" and i love to eat, but this was simple and easy. The best part was that you "technically" don’t even have to exercise with this diet. (I can get lazy)
It isn’t about restriction, you can eat whatever you want. Of course it is encouraged that you eat healthy foods, but you can eat whatever you like. There is no time restriction it can fit any schedule. It is all about keeping your metabolism going so your body doesn’t go into "starvation mode," which kills the muscle and not the fat.
The basics are:
You eat every 3 hours from when you wake up, eating within the first hour of rising.
For Example:
You wake up at 6 am – eat a 400 Calorie Meal.
At 9 a.m. – eat a 100 cal. snack
At Noon – eat a 400 cal. meal again
At 3 p.m.- eat a 100 cal. snack
At 6 p.m.- eat a 400 cal. meal
At 9 p.m. – eat a 50 cal treat
Also DON’T eat any food after your last treat/meal OR two hours before you go to bed, you can combine snacks and meals (if time is short) and save up calories, but you have to use them that day.
Trust me once you start paying attention to how many calories you are eating, you will notice how many LOW-CAL foods you can eat in one meal and you will actually have to end up forcing yourself to eat the rest of your food. LOL. Also in the book there are options for the fast food joints! woot! love it!This diet was designed by Jorge Cruise. He has a couple of books out but I suggest only the original 3-hour diet book. This guy isn’t some body builder, he was an overweight guy who developed this and lost a ton of weight himself doing this exact thing.
More importantly, drink water. Drink water. DRINK WATER. Your body is like 55%-78% water (depending on size). So your body needs it. Not only that, it gets rid of toxins which can alieviate pain, your skin is clearer, healthier, and more supple. Water is amazing. You will just feel better.
ACK! this was long. LOL. I’m not like super advocate for the 3 hour diet, I just know it works.
Before anyone does anything further. Can I reccommend ‘A Fat Girls Guide to Life’ by Wendy Shanker. I’d make this book part of the School Curriculum. (Goes into Auntie Nx Mode) I’m not against eating well, but I am against dieting out right (which I know will tick people at the start). There is no such a thing as good foods and Bad foods, or the right way to eat or the wrong way to eat. I’m not recommending a diabetic eat sugar or a nut allergy sufferer eat a snickers. I’m recommending that if we (humans) spent as much time on more important things rather than ‘I wish I was a size eight’ or ‘I wish I hadn’t ate that snickers bar’ we would have cured poverty and ignorance by now.
The books very good. It points out the human trait of conformity in many examples and will go a long way to taking the guilt out of eating what you want. It doesn’t mark or dissuade the health issues of being larger than socially acceptible, but it does go along way to pointing out how it is just a health issue and no-ones business.
If someone wants to eat well, I’d recommend ditching all processed white stuff, eating more veg (it’s 7 a day you’re supposed to get not 5) and learning to cook. And believe me, I’m saying this as someone who’s 5ft 0′ and nine and a half stone. Apparently, I’m overweight. I say, talk to the fat wrist ‘cos the fat hand is pi$$ed as me and my wobbly fat ass walk away.
A lot of great points have been mentioned.
I’d like to add that it all starts with grocery shopping. If you don’t buy ice cream you won’t eat ice cream.
The thing about losing weight is that it’s a process and it doesn’t happen overnight. The best way to change your habits is to eliminate the bad food from your house. I am a big believer in eat what you want. But if you like chocolate and have a big bag of m&m’s around it’s easy to eat the whole bag. I buy snack size chocolate bars so if I want chocolate I can have some without eating a whole candybar. If I want ice cream I buy a pint instead of a gallon. If you like fruit flavored ice creams try sorbet or sherbert. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil instead of cooking oil. But the best advice besides getting rid of food you don’t want to eat is to make a list and stick with it when you go to the grocery store. I shop at Costco a lot and it’s great to buy a big box of Oatmeal and granola, etc. because I shop less often (only go to the grocery store for produce) so I am less often tempted to buy things. Costco also has a great selection of organic meats. We get organic chicken and beef – it tastes better and has less fat. I can buy so much of it and store it so I don’t have to shop often – again keeps me from buying things I don’t need. Also helps to shop after a meal. Everything looks good when you shop.
I think it’s hard to jump from eating a lot of processed/packaged foods to making your own healthy dinners and cooking takes time. So shopping at a whole foods store is great you can still buy canned/jarred foods but they are generally more natural and aren’t chock full of sugars and preservatives. It’s good to read the labels on packaged food. If it has a long list of things you can’t pronounce you might not want to eat it.
After that it’s just a matter of following everyone else’s advice. Grab a granola bar (I like nature valley) in the morning, drink your water, etc.
Also consider if you are working out then you may actually gain weight – I did but it’s from muscle.
Not everyone has a stick think body type – remember bones and organs will have weight, lol! You want some amount of fat on your body.
The sexiest thing anyone can be is happy
I totally agree with glitter i started a year ago counting calories and i was in a size 13 now im in a size 4 no joke i lost 20 lbs in a year. Today i was in subway and i was looking at the menu they had for what sandwich had calories and fats and all that stuff. And somehow me and the other ladies there started talking about health and of course i was like i lost 20 lbs in a year. And the conversation went on and one of the ladies asked me what i do for exercise. I had to blow their minds. I said pole dancing and i do it in my living room. They were like completely shocked. I Stood their with the proudest grin on my face. Its moments like that, that make everything worth while. I love it and good luck to whatever decisions you make as far as losing weight and getting healthier. In the end i think its not really about losing weight its about making a change and setting goals and following through. Good luck!!!
Okay, so classymommy, you really did all that just by poling? no other excercises? I am struggling to loose my weight, and now after my bf had been diagnosed with fatty liver, he had to go on a diet, so I am trying the same diet with him and to support him, but 20lbs?! Congrats!! I just need to get crackin on that pole of mine downstairs!! Although I think this comes to a point in everyones life, I wanna be skinny, but fit. So I am glad that ppl are losing weight doing pole dancing, I just need to stay more moviated and time managment!! (thats my biggest issue right now!!)
i read skinny bitch but didn’t help me O_O heres noo way I have the time to cook my own food, and become vegan!
Its never gunna happen. i dont eat alot of meat anyways. i dont drink sodas or punch or candy… unless theres a party ETC. I eat a big bowl of frosted mini wheats! that feels me up for 3 hours then i eat a sandwich and fruit… dinner a lean crusien. and i snack of nuts or oat meal bars. Thats my diet to be honset. haha also im on those MY ALLI pills! lost 20 pounds! no joke. too a month/half I do alot of exercise. plus my job its self a workout -
There have been a lot of great tips in here…and I think I may have posted in this thread already…but I’ll do it again! Lossing weight is not by means of a diet…it’s by changing the way you live! You can count calories…but do you really want to do that for the rest of your life?? I don’t…so I just make smart choices about what I eat…I eat chocolate and chips when I want…but I’m not going to gorge myself on the entire bag! Charley is right…it starts with what you buy at the store…I don’t buy junk, therefore it’s not in my house. I can happily say that I am finally back into a sz 8…after I had my daughter I was in a *cough*18*cough*. 90 lbs down!! Now, the keys to my success are:
1. drink lots of water
2. I am 100% veggie and 75% vegan…cheese is my weakness!
3. watch my sodium intake….to much sodium causes you to bloat and retain water…
4. Pole dance my heart out
5. be mindful about what goes in my mouth food AND drink wise
6. be my own cheerleader! This is what really got and kept me going!good luck to anyone who wants to get healthier…that should be the goal…not just to look better! They do kinda go together though! If anyone wants any tips..let me know!
I am going to share my experience which is definitely going against what a lot of you have said you follow for eating plans. I lose the most weight the quickest on strict meat only eating. If you want to read about it check out Zero Carb eating. I felt better than I ever have,my skin was glowing I never had any teeth trouble with plaque buildup or cavaties and I lost 10lbs in the first 5 days, was never hungry and had tons of energy and I strongly believe its the way humans are made to eat. The higher the fat content the better you feel sat fat is not harmful our cells are made up mostly of saturated fat we need it! be unafraid of red meat and saturated fat. "Good Calories Bad Calories" is a fantastic read as well as "Trick and Treat how healthy eating is making us ill" Anytime I want to lose weight I know eating strict high fat no carbs will work fast and make me feel the best.
There is nothing wrong with meat or being a vegan…the only concern I have is being a nurse and having a degree in Diet and Nutrition Therapy is that we know for a fact that more than 2lbs of wt lost in one week is not healthy, because you are losing muscle, and carbohydrates are necessary to synthesize protein to feed the muscle as well as glycogen which feeds your brain, and healthy fats are needed to complete the cycle.
It’s a bit complicated to explain. Here is a simple version…if you don’t keep putting gas in your car when it’s low what happens? Well the body basically is a furnace, we put fuel in it and in order for it to keep burning steady we need to keep fueling it (when we eat only a few times a day it slows the metabolism and the body gets a message from the brain that it’s starving, so it starts to store fat so it doesn’t starve…it’s a built in mechanism , that’s when we gain wt.). The body when given small meals at least 5 times a day will continue to burn fat and calories…wt doesn’t have to be a problem if you do this with the proper balance…rule of thumb 45% protein, 35% carbs, and 20% healthy fats will keep wt off…it is SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN and a FACT. What eating strictly meat does is cause your body to change from burning the right fuel to burning your muscle and fat. You put your body into ketosis which is not healthy for any length of time. I’m not here to lecture just share some facts. Diet is what you consume not what you do. So whatever your choices Just wanted to share that.
The only thing that ever helped me was tracking my nutrition. A really great tool for doing this is or Both of them are free sites and have charts after you track so that you can see calories in vs. calories out, as well as a pie graph that breaks down what you’re eating into percentages of fat, protein and carbs. Sparkpeople has the added bonus of providing you with a meal plan and a database of recipes (with ingredients that are common whole foods like fresh fruits, veggies, and meats) You can disable the meal plan though if you don’t wish to use it.
I don’t spend my life tracking my nutrition, nobody wants to do that, but while I was losing weight after I had my daughter I tracked my calories for about a week. After that I just tracked my calories for a day or two every couple of months to refresh myself on how much and what I should be eating. I was surprised that sometimes I was not eating near enough protein or fiber (two things that help you stay feel full longer).
I know it’s frustrating when nothing seems to be working. For me it’s a struggle just to maintain sometimes but then I realize "der, I’m not doing what I should". Good luck!
Wow this thread is so informative about weight loss it should be stickied!! Remember that especially with pole dancing how much you weigh does not matter as much as how your clothes fit! Make sure you take your measurements instead of just getting on the scale, you could be losing inches but gaining weight because your building muscle from pole dancing! Heres a quote from someone on another forum:
Muscle weighs the same as fat, that’s true, in the sense of 1 pound of muscle = 1 pound of fat. A lb is a lb.
However, what most people mean by "muscle weighs more than fat" is that muscle is DENSER than fat. Meaning, 1 lb of muscle takes up less space than 1 lb of fat. Meaning, gaining 5 lbs of lean muscle tissue will take up less space than 5 lbs of fat tissue.
Here’s a picture example: https://www.studioveena.comhttp:://
See how that muscle takes up a LOT less space?Now, yuo might be built like me. In the past two years, I have been the same height (5’7) and weighed anywhere between 120 and 145. I was actually skinnier at my heaviest, due to weight lifting and working out. At 145, I was almost down to a size 3. At 120, I was pushing a size 9.
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