Forums Discussions Weight-loss

  • Georgiapeach

    December 31, 2009 at 2:38 am

    OMG Meleania , I have never seen the example like that before.!

  • Runemist34

    January 2, 2010 at 2:11 am

    Meleania, that was the best post, EVER!
    I always go on forums with women in them, and find a bunch of girls going "well, I wanna lose weight!" and when I explain these things, they get all…er, dumb. I get shunned.
    Anyways, yes, I totally agree! Most people look at me and say I must be somewhere around 120 lbs, but I’m actually creeping my way up to 170lbs! I keep a lot of muscle in my hips and legs, and it’s just getting better as I increase strength for the upper body, too.
    I don’t know if anyone touched on this, but I’d like to note that women need to have a certain amount of fat on their bodies in order to be healthy. I’m sure no one here is going for bodybuilder-esque here, but keep in mind…the less fat you have, the better, to a point. There are lots of very athletic girls out there that don’t menstruate, because their bodies tell them they can’t have children…there isn’t enough fat on them!
    Anyways, good luck to everyone losing weight and getting fit!

  • PhillyPoleJess

    January 3, 2010 at 9:49 am

    There are two parts to this first about calorie counting second about eating out and being busy and losing/maintaining! (kudos to the good advice from others given previously!)

    In high school, I did some calorie counting and lost about 15lbs. Since then i have put it all back on in the last few year but as muscle!
    Calorie counting, drinking water, eating consistently, and with things that satisfy you. <their section on international foods is great since often if your unfamiliar with the way something is prepared this could get you in the ballpark. plus the search work well! this one is good as a handy reference my dad keeps this in his kitchen ( he started me on calorie counting)

    For those who feel they don’t have enough time to cook, some helpful tips! (some of these initially take a little time but after awhile they are nothing)
    1) snacks: it takes very little to throw an apple, orange, or banana into a plastic bag into a purse. If you are that busy you probably have a big purse, i do!
    Also nuts and small squishy fruit (berries, grapes, etc) fit well in little containers go to the $1 for these since you may lose them!

    2) Meals : There is no excuse if you can spend time on here looking at pole videos and investing in your health you can also take 5minutes out to look at the nutritional info on local chain restaurants or even just preview menus so you can have a go to healthy option.
    *If you make poor food decisions don’t beat yourself up about it start right the next meal.

    3) Portion size: Take a few hours to learn what a real portion size looks like in your hand or on your plate. <~~~ while looking at website is great make sure you can identify it in real life.
    *once you get a control on portion size you will have leftovers making busy lifestyles easier!

    4) No excuses: Just stop before you say it!

    5) Self Deprecation: Also STOP doing this. Losing weight, exercising, and being healthy is about LOVING yourself and those around you! The more you are positive about what you are doing the more people will want to support you and in return you will have more to give. (it may all sound a little cheesy, but it is true)
    Hope this is helpful to all of you!

  • litlbit

    January 5, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    Ok….since there are so many people here that are trying to either lose wt or maintain it….thought I would throw this out there. I belong to a website that is FREE!!! I know the owners and have been with them since they started the site. It is for health and fitness. You can track your meals, your workouts, get info and support…it is an AWESOME site! They also have a free get started program. A lot of bodybuilders are members on there as well and can help you, as well as other professionals…and then there are of course people like me and you…just everyday folk. There are some pretty amazing people on there. Nancy lost a huge amount of wt by learning how to eat right and exercise…her story is featured along with others…she was even interviewed and published in Oxygen Magi zine last year!! Anywho here’s the site!! you can visit my page I’m litlbit.

  • RoxyPink

    January 5, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    Ok….since there are so many people here that are trying to either lose wt or maintain it….thought I would throw this out there. I belong to a website that is FREE!!! I know the owners and have been with them since they started the site. It is for health and fitness. You can track your meals, your workouts, get info and support…it is an AWESOME site! They also have a free get started program. A lot of bodybuilders are members on there as well and can help you, as well as other professionals…and then there are of course people like me and you…just everyday folk. There are some pretty amazing people on there. Nancy lost a huge amount of wt by learning how to eat right and exercise…her story is featured along with others…she was even interviewed and published in Oxygen Magi zine last year!! Anywho here’s the site!! you can visit my page I’m litlbit.

    I assume since it was featured in Oxygen mag it focuses on clean eating??? Just wondering being cuz I’ve joined the CE bandwagon!!

  • litlbit

    January 5, 2010 at 7:16 pm

    Hey Roxy….it supports HEALTHY eating and CLEAN eating. The difference between the two are to just stay fit and healthy…and clean is for that as well as sculpting the body…building muscle. It covers everything!! Also since your into "clean" eating you might be interested in Tosco Reno’s Clean eating cookbook…she has the most awesome tasty recipes for clean eating and a lot of great tips!! The woman is almost 50 and she’s INCREDIBLE!!!

  • RoxyPink

    January 5, 2010 at 7:28 pm

    Hey Roxy….it supports HEALTHY eating and CLEAN eating. The difference between the two are to just stay fit and healthy…and clean is for that as well as sculpting the body…building muscle. It covers everything!! Also since your into "clean" eating you might be interested in Tosco Reno’s Clean eating cookbook…she has the most awesome tasty recipes for clean eating and a lot of great tips!! The woman is almost 50 and she’s INCREDIBLE!!!

    TY Lilbit! I have Tosca’s books (got the new Recharged and cookbook and log journals) I just ordered her family and kids book. She has some amazing recipes!!

  • Sparklie

    January 7, 2010 at 12:45 am

    All of the information on this form is great, but the one thing that I think is most important is portion control/size. As Americans we tend to over indulge on how big a meal should be compared to the rest of the world. A random example of this would be the proper portion of meat to consume should be between 3-4 oz because anything after that gets stored as fat. Most meat servings in restaurants are between 7-14 oz. With this in mind it gives you a whole new perspective on eating.

    Another thing to look at isn’t necessarily the diet/healthier life habits and physical activities, but also ones mental state and self. If you can’t push yourself into a positive mind set then it will be multiple times harder to loose any weight. (As women we are all guilty of this at some point in our lives ). One’s mental state is equally as important as nutrition and diet, which is commonly left out of fad diets… which is why they don’t work.

    A couple of really good books to read on this topic would be Jillian Michaels "Making the Cut" and "Winning by Loosing". She breaks weight lose into a three S approach. Self, science, and sweat. It is straight forward, blunt, and honest.

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