Weight Loss After 50
Thought I might share my weight loss journey to encourage those folks who want to lose weight that it is possible to do so after age 50 without pills or medical procedures. This picture was taken on my birthday December 22nd, 2009. I weighed in at 173 lbs. They had a biggest loser contest where I work and I decided to play along. I chose the South Beach Diet for my eating plan and took up Belly Dancing for my exercise plan. I gave up sugar, alcohol, soda (including diet soda)and most refined white flour products. Yes!!! It was working. Lost 8 lbs the first 2 weeks and then steadily lost about 2 lbs per week until I hit 132 lbs and stayed there for 3 years. Then I took up pole fitness and gained weight (muscle)! I now fluctuate between 135 and 137 and do enjoy a small handful of chips and small piece of chocolate as a daily treat. At 5’6″ with a medium frame I keep my calorie intake to around 500 calories at each meal breakfast, lunch, and supper. I add an additional 300 calories in snacks/treats over the course of the day to total around 1800 calories per day. This seems to be work well for me. I work in an office setting sitting on my keester all day and working with women who drink big gulp soda’s and doughnuts and candy so the temptation is there but I feel even better not sharing their treats and sticking with my personal fitness plan. The way to winning the battle of the bulge is persistence and tenacity and always keeping your goal in front of you never allowing other people’s habits to sway you. Stand strong:)
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