Forums Discussions Weights

  • Weights

    Posted by Gsylass on December 2, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    I’ve started doing some weights to try to strengthen up a bit. I have no experience whatsoever, and can’t afford to go to a personal trainer. I looked on YouTube but all the stuff I found was either big heavy stuff for guys or pansy little toning things for ladies. I would love to hear your advice on suitable exercises and also how to do it safely.

    I currently don’t warm up specifically as I don’t know what to do, if anything I dance around my pole for a bit first.

    I do a raise from hands down by my side and lift out to the sides as high as I can, slow and controlled, and back down. Breathing in on the up and out on the down.

    I do bicep curls, twisting them from thumbs forward to thumbs at the side if that makes sense – this was recommended by a guy friend who does weights.

    I then do raises from my shoulders to straightening my arms above my head.

    Then I do tricep lifts, a variation on what my friend was describing as I don’t have a whole table set-up thing, so one leg bent in front and the other straight behind in a kind of lunge pose, so I’m leaning forward, elbow bent at 90 degrees, and raise elbow up behind, and switch sides.

    Afterwards I cool down by rolling shoulders and flexing fingers, maybe hip rolls if they feel stiff. Again, probably not very effective.

    I hope not too many of you are cringing at my awful technique – I really would appreciate any advice you fab people can throw my way!

    Gsylass replied 14 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • galewinters11

    December 17, 2010 at 3:20 am

    Here’s an article that I’ve found to be useful in my quest to find out what is the best way to lose weight quickly:

    The Best Strength Training For Women
    Lauren Aaronson, Women’s Health

    Hope that helps!

  • PhillyPoleJess

    December 17, 2010 at 4:43 am

    I know one of the other ladies (Chemgoddess?) mentioned this in another strength thread and it really is the best fitness mag geared for women. some of the articles will be more feared to gym machines but they do have a lot of free weight and body weight exercises

  • chemgoddess1

    December 17, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    Yep it was me and yep, Oxygen Magazine!

  • minicoopergrl

    December 17, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    I dont do much weights when im at the gym. I do maybe 30lbs max on them. I do alot of leg exercises (that Ill increase the weights in the 100’s) when im at the gym. My gym routine is:

    12min on bike
    30-20-10 push ups with the bench. I do 30 reg push ups against the bench and then do 30 dips using the bench. And repeat for 20 and 10. I get a good bicep/tricep workout.
    Lunges – I do about 2-4 laps and use real light weight for my hands. Every time I stand I lift my arms up and back down.
    Rotator Cuff – do a 15-10-5 rep for this. I also increase the weight with the lesser rep.
    12min on arc trainer
    Wrist strength – I use a 5lb and 7.5lb weight. With the 7.5 I hold it with my palm facing up and arm on the bench. I lift up the weight in the 30-20-10 routine. I do the other hand like that, then I use the 5lb and hold it palm down towards the floor and lift up the weight. This will help with grip strength. If you notice baseball players, all thier power when the swing and hit is in the forearm not in the wrist.
    12 min on the ellpictal
    Inner/Outer thigh workout – I use the machines and do a 30-20-10 routine.
    Abs – I do the 30-20-10 routine and I do reg crunches, bicycles, leg lift and side (for obliques)
    10-20min of stretching – this also includes oversplit stretching as well.

    Im in the gym for about 90min to 2hrs depending how I feel that day.

  • Gsylass

    December 17, 2010 at 8:57 pm

    Thanks ladies!

    I’m trying to build strength and stamina, I’m pretty weak and pathetic lol! I can manage perhaps 3 lots of 10 press-ups with a few minutes break between, although I can usually do 30-50 sit-ups in one sitting. With the weights I do 6-10 of each thing, depending on how I feel that day and whether I’ve just upped the weights. I will check those links out, thank you so much for your input!

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