What am I doing wrong?? (Pretzel/ballerina)
I have been poling a few months now, and am progressing quite well. I have all of my basics and am moving on to inverts…so far, so good! 🙂 I am in love with the flying ballerina pose. Doing the pretzel/ballerina spin is one of my favorite things to do and I think it looks impressive when doing the pose up high on the pole. My only problem is, I have a static pole and even when I really jump into it and extend my lower grip, I'm still hitting my back against the pole (in the spin)…I don't know if it's my posture is stiff or if I'm putting my body at the wrong angle or what. But I really want to master this move so I can work on getting into the pose for the flying ballerina. Also, do you all get into the flying ballerina from a ballerina spin? I mean, I know you can, but it's just where I'm on a static pole, I don't see how I can get the momentum to do it that way! Thanks!!!
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