Forums Discussions What annoys you???

  • Poleluver

    July 26, 2009 at 2:10 am

    I love how some here; even though they know what doesn’t look good, will still list things they also are guilty of themselves.

    a cute personality trait!

  • Sparklie

    July 26, 2009 at 4:25 am

    Things that annoy me When watching other dancers:
    #1… Not pointing toes. Unless on the rare occasion that something, like Argentine tango, is stylized to have a flexed foot (never women, sometimes men) feet, in my opinion, should always be pointed because it makes your legs look longer and more shapely.

    #2…. Walking with no stage presence, or like an elephant. Enough said there. (This is more from ballet and jazz classes)

    #3)…. Not moving with the music, or music that just doesn’t go…

    Bad habits of mine:
    1…. I sometimes spin on my heels because I did folk dancing, and the spins that are really fast with a quick stop cannot be done in demi point.

    2… Getting bored and not dancing like I can. Normally done at work when I’m tired and sore, or when I think no one is paying attention.

    3… Not always walking around the pole on demi point.

    4… Dragging my toes when I walk, especially in heels.

    I probly have a lot more that I can’t think of yet. I will find more when I can start filming.

  • RoxyPink

    July 26, 2009 at 2:23 pm

    haha…the next time we each post a vid we are gonna be analyzing to make sure we don’t "annoy" anyone! rofl!!

    I do have to agree with Charley on the long vid…although I do know I’m guilty of that every once in a while..

    I also find it annoying when people post 15 vids that are 15 seconds each…why not just make one longer vid???

    I think my biggest annoyance is still when someone is working on a move that they clearly aren’t ready for….for example…trying to do twisted grip hs when they don’t have a strong invert or be able to do a straight edge, aysha..etc. I think this is more of a safety concern than it is annoyance…

  • amcut

    July 26, 2009 at 2:45 pm

    I hate it when beaches dance to the song that you’ve been thinking about dancing to as soon as you get a free second. They post a video that doesn’t just outshine you, but makes you wonder why you’re even pole dancing.

    I don’t like it when people are like, "Nothing much in this video", and then they whip out a move they’ve never done before, and they do it to awesome perfection, secretly expecting you to see it, and be like, "But what about that straight edge, that is SO NOT NOTHING MUCH". It’s a bad script that while I occasionally follow, I do not enjoy.

    I am annoyed by booty-wipers. But I like wedgie pickers. RhiannonNicole is like… master of the wedgie pick, and I feel it seriously enhances her dance.

    I like stream of consciousness practiceers, but I do wish they’d make short videos. I like videos in the 3-4 minute range. I am annoyed by 1:15 second videos. I just skip parts of really long videos. Sometimes in a really long video, I look at the comments to make sure I didn’t miss a newly perfected supermove hidden by a video description.

    I really don’t like threads like this, because we women have no need to be more insecure, but I also love to complain. SO LETS GO.

    And I do like…. everything annoying. I’LL FLEX MY FOOT IF I WANT! wahahhahaha.

  • pole-twista

    July 26, 2009 at 6:03 pm

    ok i am also in rare form last couple days so ready to have at it here ..

    i will pick out my own things that i notice and don’t like when reviewing my vids

    1)think everyone said this but flexed feet! i was like omg when i saw some of my vids and it looks like my foot is about to plow through someones stomach rather than looking pointed and sexy. i am really bad for that

    2)walking around looking confused and letting it show. just do some filler moves til you can decide what move to do next. so much more attractive than staring into space hoping the answer will suddenly appear in the sky.

    what i dont like that i have seen in other vids or about some fellow polers..

    3) having to feel like i have to dowmnplay my accomplishments to make people who are less advanced feel better
    (i could literally strangle the breath out of someone when they tell me i’m a "lucky bitch" for landing new moves! it’s like no! your just a lazy B**** and thats why your not progressing AT ALL after over a year w the pole!!!!!! I work hard and don’t give up bc i cant land something right away ( i have been trying aysha and handspring for atleast 6months now but i am hardly about to say i cant do it or hate on people who can. i know i can do it. just not this second and thats ok.

    3)exssessive hair tossing. i agree a well timed hair toss or 2 looks great in a video, but when i see you do it 11 times in a 3 min. vid it makes me wonder if you realize your suppouse to be selling me on how sexy and talented you are, your not filming a shampoo commercial… it just makes it look like you dont know how to come up w anything intresting and so your just going to rely on alot of hair flying around.

    i’m sure theres other things, but unless something really gets under my skin i usuallty barely notice, and am more apt to focus on what i do like, but this was fun to do. especially with my slightly foul mood lately. hope no one took offense to anything. even if you flip your hair 67x in a vid, i will still find things to enjoy about your dancing!

  • Ritalin

    July 27, 2009 at 3:49 am

    I too am annoyed by monkey feet, non-pointed toes, wedgie-picking, and hand-wiping. But also: when people lean out away from the pole while walking around it. I think it looks awkward.

    But mostly I get annoyed when I try to video myself on the pole. When I’m dancing, even in front of the mirror, I feel like a pretty graceful butterfly, delicately and expertly spinning around the pole in time with the music. When I check the video camera… I am very sadly disappointed to realise I no longer look like a graceful butterfly. Le sigh.

  • Caramel_Dlite

    July 27, 2009 at 11:23 pm

    I hate it when beaches dance to the song that you’ve been thinking about dancing to as soon as you get a free second. They post a video that doesn’t just outshine you, but makes you wonder why you’re even pole dancing.

    Hahaha!!!! I burst out laughing when I read that Amcut! Coz you stole my song ‘No One Like You’!!! But it’s ok, you did a really lovely dance to it!

  • jeng

    July 29, 2009 at 2:36 am

    What annoys me the most is Studios that teach classes and the instructors don’t have a clue about how to properly teach technique thus endangering their students or when you pay to learn and end up teaching the instructors.

  • Poledancefan

    July 29, 2009 at 4:43 am

    I honestly can say that I don’t have too many pet peeves when it comes to other people’s videos. I mean, I think we should all recognize that people have all sorts of different reasons for getting into pole–and that many different factors may affect levels of performance.

    There are casual polers for whom poling is like a social sport–a time and place to get together with other people and get a decent workout. One subset of this group are the You-Tube polers (like myself) who don’t really have any studio access. And then there are serious amateur pole athletes. There is also a professional subset of erotic dancers interested in perfecting their skills for work and as a way to improve their income (nothing wrong with that!). And finally, there are competitive polers.

    Some people don’t have time…or a decent space…or a decent camera to make a video that looks nice, or they don’t have or can’t figure out how to use editing software. Even so, they want to participate and make the effort and I think it’s important to be as supportive as possible. I HAVE seen some pretty wild videos where it’s been hard not to cringe…young ladies taking a running start and HURLING themselves at a Carmen Electra on Springs, wedding rings scraping the ENTIRE distance from ceiling to floor, LOL! But you can often see the fire and the desire in their eyes…so I think we just have to search hard for one good thing in those videos and point it out…then pray they sign up for Studio Veena!

    I hope I don’t come off as being too critical of the thread…I just think that maybe we need to acknowledge that many ladies are basically poling for fun and their videos are just a way of being part of the conversation and having a social exchange with other polers.

    LOL–on a much lighter note, I think I have committed just about EVERY peeve listed in this thread…including stealing somebody’s song!

    I have this EXTREMELY annoying tic of pulling the right shoulder strap on my sleeveless T-shirts. It shows up in all my videos–I hate it…and I often chop up clips to edit this habit out!


  • SaschaPoles

    July 29, 2009 at 5:05 am

    very interesting thread!

    my pet peeves:

    1) point those toes!

    2) don’t take it so seriously! i get down a lot about not being able to do a move or look like my favorite dancers, but my shortcomings are NOT what got me into poling in the beginning. relax and enjoy it!

    3) when we beat ourselves up. im a huge offender of this, "my boobs are too little" "i have no chin" "my nose is so huge" "OH MY GAWD THOSE STRETCHMARKS!" but seriously, i wish we all could put aside our insecurities and realize how truly beautiful we ALL are on this site.

    4) <– batman needs to lighten up a bit. he takes himself too seriously.

    and those are my pet peeves lol.

  • balletgurlie

    July 29, 2009 at 9:20 pm

    I’ll give it a go too I guess.

    My pet peeves:

    When people give up on a move before even trying it! If you’re not ready that’s fine but just say "I don’t think I’m ready to do that" not "Oh my gosh I CAN’T do that!" I get being nervous! There are moves that I’m afraid of still (straight edge, extended butterfly, etc.) but I still try them no matter how nervous I am. You just have to be aware of what you’re doing!

    Women who get catty. We all learn at different paces. Some people have had prior dance/exercise training so they’re gonna be able to do certain moves quicker than those of us who haven’t. Don’t put them down for that!

    Pet peeves about myself:

    I have a bad habit of pulling myself up in an invert with the sole of my outside foot. I also sometimes go into a basic invert instead of going straight into any other invert.

    I also have a bad habit of wiping my hands. Lately it’s been really hot so I’m sweating more but even when my hands are fine I have this fear that they’re not. So I wipe them all the time.

    I pick wedgies…a lot…

    Sometimes I won’t work through the discomfort of a move (i.e. the superman hold) and so it never gets better.

    Yay for getting stuff off of our chests!

  • Polegirlsonia

    July 30, 2009 at 2:27 am

    Teachers that cant do, or have only just started themselves doing pole, that preach as though they know it all !!

    Teachers that take off other teachers, sylabis, style of teaching advice on safety etc.. and send there other teachers to you without giving you any credit for your input or help !!!

    People jumping into the pole industry becuase its a new thing without knowing anything about it!
    (to me this is like a builder one day deciding he can be a surgeon and doing surgery that day)

    Jelouse nasty people that write bad things about others pole work and business’s when they cant do any better themselves!

    Sorry Veena xx

    Ok maybe i’m PMTing too

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