Forums Discussions What are you pole work out routines like???

  • What are you pole work out routines like???

    Posted by shariya on July 9, 2012 at 12:23 pm

    I was just wondering what are your pole workouts like?? How often do you guys pole? Do you go to a studio or just use Veenas lessons? What other types of workouts do you do to improve your pole skills faster? I’m getting my pole back up some time this month hopefully and am super excited and am trying to plan out my workouts and figure out other things I can do so I can improve on the pole much faster!!! So any comments will be appreciated thanks guys 🙂

    x falcon 3 0 x replied 11 years, 8 months ago 18 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • sundcarrie

    July 9, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    I go to the studio and hide in the corner on Monday Wednesday and Saturday because it is beginners class and we are allowed to work on more advanced moves as long as we don't try to teach the newbies. These classes run 1 hour and 15 minutes and they have a great warm up with some strength training then pole time. Newbies learn pole moves while everyone else works on more advanced stuff. 

    Then Tuesdays an Thursdays I go to intermediate class we warm up and work on new moves but each person is at a different level so it is more like free pole time and our teacher comes around and gives us new moves once we get better at the last one. Then the last half an hour of this hour and a half class we run routines. 

    If I am not too sore I do my own version of class at home on the days I don't have class. I also have a pull up bar at home that I use to do a lot of shoulder and core exercises. There is more but I am probably starting to get boring so I will shut up now.

  • LillyBilly

    July 9, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    On an average week (I usually skip one acrobatics/basic pole every week):

    – Flexibility and conditioning studio – 3 hours (one "regular" class ~1 hr long, one advanced – 2hrs). These are pretty extreme and really improve your technique (pointe, extension etc). 

    – 1 Private lesson – we work on dance technique and build a choreography

    – 2 advanced pole classes – usually working on new tricks/sequence

    – 1 Strip dance class (no pole)

    – 2 Beginner level pole classes – in these classes, advanced students really focus on cleaning up all the moves we already know.

    – 1 Acrobatics class – handstands and stuff without the pole

    – At least one streching session at home/between classes with Veena's routine

    And if I have time or just really need it, some freestyle at home.

  • shariya

    July 9, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    That is soo awesome!!!! I need to find a studio that has classes like that!!!! There aren’t any where I live right now so I think I will just stick w Veenas lessons and practice most days of the week! Hopefully that will help me. I’m still a beginner so I am going to add in some basic strength training and do lots of stretches!!! That is soo awesome that you guys get to go to a studio most days a week like that!!!!

  • shariya

    July 9, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    That is soo awesome!!!! I need to find a studio that has classes like that!!!! There aren’t any where I live right now so I think I will just stick w Veenas lessons and practice most days of the week! Hopefully that will help me. I’m still a beginner so I am going to add in some basic strength training and do lots of stretches!!! That is soo awesome that you guys get to go to a studio most days a week like that!!!!

  • shariya

    July 9, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    That is soo awesome!!!! I need to find a studio that has classes like that!!!! There aren’t any where I live right now so I think I will just stick w Veenas lessons and practice most days of the week! Hopefully that will help me. I’m still a beginner so I am going to add in some basic strength training and do lots of stretches!!! That is soo awesome that you guys get to go to a studio most days a week like that!!!!

  • calipolepixie

    July 9, 2012 at 9:38 pm

    When I have a slow week, I do:

    Pole at a studio 1x a week but 1x a month I try and go 2x a week.

    Try to practice whatever we learned in class that week at home 1-2x a week.

    I try and workout to Aletheas DVD's 1x a week

    Zumba 1x a week

    I do stretching, push ups & sit ups a couple times each day 

    I have a grip exerciser that I use a couple times a day

    If I have a busy week, I only do the Zumba and my studio class.

    That's it, but I am hoping to add Lyra to my workouts soon. I'd also eventually like to learn silks…I want to be an aerial arts diva!!!


  • shariya

    July 9, 2012 at 10:44 pm

    That is soo cool!!!! I want to do lyra classes after I get better at pole lol. But u have a great routine I am def taking some tips from you 🙂

  • shariya

    July 10, 2012 at 12:59 am

    Cool!!! That sounds great. Those are all great sounding resources for pole stuff too!!! Il check it out. It sounds like u don’t even need a studio haha

  • RoseMay

    July 10, 2012 at 9:50 am

    Well I'm currently in "pole-offseason" as it's summer and warm and I'm sweating too much to do anything on the pole.

    I do a strength routine 3 times a week, using free weights for the lower body and gymnastic style strength exercises for the upper body.

    Then I try to get in 2-3 hours of flexibility training per week.

    Also I do a lot of prehab exercises for the shoulders and upper back (and other body parts too, but these are the ones I concentrate on for pole dance)
    ~1 hour per week, I try to do something daily.

    One or two times per week I spend one hour pole dancing, but without any tricks (Atm I'm using Aletheas dance DVDs for that).

    Depending on how much time I have I set priorities:
    1. strength training
    2. prehab
    3. flexy
    4. dance

    Hope this helps 🙂

  • shariya

    July 10, 2012 at 12:16 pm

    Wow that’s a lot of work it def helped thanks!!!

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    July 10, 2012 at 5:41 pm

    Wow there are some seriously dedicated and busy ladies on here. Ummm I am way lses structured.

    I try to have a pole training session every second day (its good to let your muscles recover for 24hrs). My training session starts with a warm up and stretch for about 10 min (I should do more but I get impatient) and then I have a dance to some music (improv) and then I might work on a few specific tricks over and over, and then I will do a few final dances and a wuick stretch to cool down. I NEED music whenever I pole…. I find it really hard to practice moves in isolation, hence why I tend to do a lot of dancing, and then throw moves in during. I also ALWAYS film myself, that why I can look back to see what looks good and what needs work. Plus I think it builds my confidence, seeing myself on film as others would see me from an audience's perspective.

    Other than pole, I walk for an hour plus everyday, do some light jogging or interval running every second day. Do some resistence training maybe once or twice a week (pushups, planks, lunges, squats etc). 

    I'n the last few motnhs I've been doing an acrobatics and a circus class each week. My muscle isolation, balance and control have improved sooo much, and I can already see more tone and definition in my body. Plus it's super fun! 🙂 Hope this helps 🙂

  • shariya

    July 10, 2012 at 6:27 pm

    Nice!!! Thanks!! That is soo awesome that you have started some circus classes!!

  • Vdub

    July 10, 2012 at 9:04 pm

    I try and do cardio 2-3X week, 2 pole classes (2 hours each), 1-2 pilates classes, and stretching.  I'd like to add more and structure it a bit better, but this is it for now. There are some great ideas here so thanks for asking the question!  

    BTW, I'm interested to know what rehab exercises RoseMay does as I have have problems with my shoulders and back sometimes.

  • shariya

    July 10, 2012 at 11:44 pm

    Nice! How do you like Pilates. How does it help u w ur pole skills? I have been interested in it lately 🙂

  • CalBear

    July 11, 2012 at 2:00 am

    Pole: 2-3x a week (30min-1.5hours)

    Stretching/Conditioning: everyday (about 5 days a week right now lol)

    Regular Yoga: 1-2x a week

    Acrobatic training(handstands,core,some chinese pole) 1x a week (1.5hours)

    Contortion: 1x a week (1.5 hours)

    Gymtime: 1-2x a week (cardio, free weights, pull ups, etc)

    Try to fit a dance class in once a week if possible (modern, ballet)


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