Forums Discussions What are you pole work out routines like???

  • ronia

    July 11, 2012 at 7:08 am

    wow!  I'm really impressed by your work out routines ladies, you are some dedicated pole and fitness addicts! Makes me feel like a real slacker though.  I would find it impossible to exercise every day, especially with a full time job. Besides exercising every day just isn't for me. I like to give my body a rest, at least one day in between, or two days, or three… Maybe I'm getting old or its just pure laziness I used to go to a pole class 2x week and an aerial yoga class 1x week. Now when I have a pole at home I don't go to regular classes, only workshops once in a while. However, I find it so much harder to motivate myself when I'm alone. I usually do 2-3 sessions a week. They are 2-3 hrs long. I start with warm-up (20 min: cardio and conditioning). Then work on new and old tricks (1 – 1.5 hours). If I'm in the mood for dancing I will throw in a freestyle session. I finish with a 30 min. cooldown from Jamilla dvd. I would definitely like to do more. I was thinking of taking up pilates or some dance clasess, maybe some private pole clasess but it's just a plan still…

  • Vdub

    July 11, 2012 at 7:31 am

    Shariya I really like pilates.  I've noticed that it's helped with my core.  But, like everything else, once you start you have to keep going or else your abs will revert to what they were.  It can be a bit pricey to work on the reformer, but if you find a studio that has good mat pilates classes you can save yourself a few bucks.

  • shariya

    July 11, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    @calbear do you do all of that at a gym or at home? That’s really cool you Do such a variety or workouts.

  • shariya

    July 11, 2012 at 1:04 pm

    @ronia you have really good structure to ur pole practice! I’m taking some tips from you thanks :)!!!

  • shariya

    July 11, 2012 at 1:08 pm

    @vdud that sounds great! I have a pilates studio around here and they have mat classes and semi privates and privates where u use machines. I would be totally fine w just mat classes. but do mat classes still get u in just as good of shape? And also I always here Pilates is the kind of exercise that u should really have an instructor to help u get the most out of it, do u think that is true? Or could I benefit from learning at home by myself still?

  • Vdub

    July 11, 2012 at 1:27 pm

    @shariya, matt pilates can work really well depending on the instructor.  I've taken classes that were so-so and then I've taken classes that were really good.  You just have to try different instructors and see what works best for you.  I've tried doing pilates at home, but it didn't really work out for me becaues I felt I needed someone there to correct my form.

  • Black Orchid

    July 12, 2012 at 1:06 pm

    Wow! Well I have good intention but not enough hoops & aerial silks stare reproachfully at me as they gather dust!

    I do a weight workout three times a week, abs three times a week. Pole class once a week and i try to do two other training sessions that week ( including hitting up Open Pole if possible). My stretching tends to happen as part of the training sessions…I havent been good about being consistent outside of it. I teachZUmba once a week so there's my pure cardio. Honestly I've gotten bored with all my other cardio options so I've kinda stopped trying to squeeze in any extra.

    When I was in competition mode this summer, I started at least running my routines 3-4 times every day for about a month and half to build up my stamina, so I also had longer traiing sessions. I'm in between that phase now so I'm trying to figure out how to keep some of that intensity oing mindfully without burning out my brain or body….

  • HyperHorsegirl

    July 12, 2012 at 4:03 pm

    I'm doing the Insanity workout program right now. It's a 63 day high-intensity cardio interval workout plan. It's six days a week, one of which might be a "recovery" day with deep stretching instead of cardio. Tomorrow will be Day 40 for me. I've only missed one day (I started the workout and realized I was WAY slacking/hurting, so much so that I wasn't getting any benefit, so I stopped and skipped that day.)

    Apart from that, I am at my studio 3 days a week taking various drop in classes. None of them are structured towards learning anything new. I just go for the time with the other ladies and having fun. I take PoleFit and Hottie Body, which are pole strengthening workouts, not dance classes. I also take several pole classes that teach mini routines with basic spins, transitions, etc. Sometimes I'll take a freestyle class or a floor/chair class. It varies. But I'm always there at least 3 times a week. It's just not to work on skills.

    I've been neglecting my pole at home. Work has been crazy and mostly I'm just tired from Insanity and classes. My days out of class, I just want to be lazy. Still, sometimes I'll do a little dance or something. I hope that once this 3 days a week of classes slows down (it's part of a studio challenge) I'll be more willing to play on it. I'm being stagnant right now and not working on anything.

  • Elektra Vallens

    July 13, 2012 at 9:24 am

    Pole at home 1-2hrs 3x week.

    I warm up by freestyling, then spend most of my time working on individual moves.  Sometimes I freestyle at the end too.

    Lyra 1.5hrs 1-2x week and Silks 1.5hrs 1-2xweek 

    One time (for lyra and silks each) is a lesson, and sometimes I also go to open studio to practice. In the lesson we warm up, then work on individual moves, then developing routines, then do conditioning (sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, trapeze toes touches, climbing, and other things you can do on silks.)

    Flexiblity 1hr 3x week.

    Warm up, then splits, then back flexibility.  Sometimes I use Felix Cane's flexiblity DVD or Alethea Austin's Pure Splits DVD.  Then it's more like 1.5 hrs.

    As for what I'm not doing regularly, but should be: enough cardio, gymnastics, and ballet.

  • chipandchar

    February 24, 2013 at 8:50 am

    I like this thread. I pole at home every day.
    I have no studios locally.

    I always promise myself I’ll work out at least 10 minutes to get up and going, but then I’m dancing at least an hour usually.

    I do a quick warm up. Pole climbs and spins. Work on my left side since I primarily use my right. Then I get into inverts (before I wear myself out because it’s safer). I stretch between moves. Like I’ll stop and just randomly stretch while my muscles are warm. Then after I’m done on the pole I do tons of stretches. Then, probably 3 days a week, I will do squats, bridges, lunges, and planks, sometimes weights after that. Then stretch some more. Lol

    I also try to incorporate the Ballet Beautiful workout from Mary Helen bowers whenever I can.

    I’m always really active. If its summer I’ll swim (a lot) and jump on the trampoline or if it’s spring, I’ll run or go walking. Or biking. I guess that’s a lot. Haha but just whatever I can get in, every bit counts toward my overall fitness.

    Yoga moves are also fun to do between practicing pole moves.

  • AliciaPolerina

    February 24, 2013 at 10:06 pm

    Training routines now for a comp (!!) So I’m poling 3-5 days a week, I usually start with a quick warm up then get right into my list of tricks or moves I want to work that day. Once I get frustrated with my lack of trickyness, I work on some freestyle dance transitions and try to come up with soething unique. At the end I run routines (or what currently exists of them) for stamina and flidity. I end with flexibility when I’m warm. I like to add pointe work into my warm ups some days or do some vertical barre.
    I also do silks 1-3 times a week, and lyra 1-3 times a week. Also have been doing yoga at home 1-5 times a week and ballet beautiful, and the regular gym 2-3 a week. …whew! Amazing that I’m still overweight right?

  • Kira

    February 25, 2013 at 5:13 am

    Hmm this might explain why I’m so slow to progress if everyone’s pole schedule is like you guys! I only pole twice a week – 1.5hrs on a Monday and 3.5 hrs on a Sunday and then I stretch 1hr every Thursday. I’m focusing on freelance work outside of my full time job though so pole is on the back burner… I don’t usually up the training unless I havr a competition coming up. I’m happy with this schedule, I don’t feel the need to exercise everyday and my body isnt suffering in any way 🙂 am in awe of those who practice every day though, your fitness level must be through the roof!

  • Veena

    February 25, 2013 at 11:16 am

    Shariya, if you're looking for a no brainer pole workout routine you could try our 30 day Take Off Program! It's part of the lessons and gives you 30 days of instruction, telling you exactly what to work on even on rest days, including stretches and conditioning work. It's a great way to build strength and learn more about how to structure your own pole workouts!

    This video explains a bit more.

  • shariya

    February 27, 2013 at 12:00 am

    @studioveena thank you so much! i eatched the video looks so awesome my lessons ran out saving for another year. I cant wait!!!! im so excited!

  • Athena30

    February 27, 2013 at 12:25 am

    how do you guys fit these hours in? Do you not work full time or do you just wake up super early? I assume it'd be exhausting to do a two hour workout after a nine to five. 

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