Forums Discussions What did you eat today?

  • jalin

    September 21, 2009 at 9:07 am

    a quik salad with mushrooms, cheese and potatoes

  • witeroze

    September 22, 2009 at 3:03 am

    omg i love that pole-dancer emoticon thingie! lol so cute….

    and it doesnt matter what i eat cuz i dont know where it all goes! im trying to gain 10 pounds and i have such a hard time with it i envy all your curves ladies..

  • loopielou

    September 22, 2009 at 10:09 am

    This is good reading what people eat – it’s odd because you can tell who is english and who is from other parts because of the things that we eat on a daily basis.

    Today I have had 2 crumpets with pretend butter and 2 cups of tea so far (about to start on my 3rd )

    Lunch is going to be a small bowl of spicy butternut squash soup with a couple of slices of multi-seed wholemeal bread.

    Not sure about dinner yet – am thinking pasta with smoked bacon, courgettes, peppers, chilli, mushrooms and any other odds and sods I can find in the fridge, plus abit of pesto and some creme fraiche (schlurp!)

  • Jonnie

    September 23, 2009 at 1:02 am

    8 syrup pancakes.
    a cheese and ham toastie.
    breadsticks and humous about half a pot
    2 packets of crisps
    and apple
    and a bowl of ice cream.
    and about 4 cup of tea, from camomile, green tea, blueberry and apple, and i think cranberry elderflower and rasberry.

    not very nutricious and theres not alot there, tommoro lots of sandwiches during the day, and out to eat tommorow night for sea food.

  • jalin

    September 23, 2009 at 6:40 am

    morning: btoast, butter, cheese, grapes
    i’ll go later for a salad with boiled eggs and potatoes, cheese and soya

  • Skittles01

    September 23, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    Didn’t workout today. . . usually will have a A.M. Shake following morning workout.

    Breakfast. . . 1 Whole Egg + Egg Whites scrambled over Chopped Raw Spinach. OJ to drink.
    Snack . . . Apple & Green Tea
    Lunch . . . Chicken & Rice Soup + Small Salad
    Snack . . . Shake & Fruit (planning)
    Dinner . . . Chicken, Potatoes & Peas (planning)

    Ive really not been working out this week. . . I should start back up before 2 days turns into a WEEK!

    Thanks for the motivation!

  • Jonnie

    September 23, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    its odd but this thread has given me motivation to htink about what im eating, im trying to be 14stone by xmas, now im 10 an a half, so im trying to keep up a 4500 calorie a day diet.
    today im pretty sure i hit, and probably exceded that.

  • jalin

    September 24, 2009 at 10:23 am

    butter, toast, cheese

    quick salad with tuna, potatoes, cheese, eggs
    yogourt with honey and apples

  • Charley

    September 24, 2009 at 12:36 pm

    Great thread!

    breakfast – coffee and water
    lunch – 2 pakets of oatmeal
    snack – blueberry yogurt
    cheeseburger and fries before class
    dinner – cheeseburger and pizza

    WOW! that was kind of bad…

  • RoxyPink

    September 24, 2009 at 12:47 pm


    Breakfast: soy yogurt, protein bar and coffee
    snack: fresh juice (love jucing!)
    Lunch: base salad from chick fila (no meat… with sunflower seads w/ lf ranch and dt coke (my weakness)
    Snack: fiber one bar
    Dinner: bowl of raisin bran (hectic night…didn’t have time to cook for myself)

    Breakfast: banana, coffee and protein bar
    snack: will have some fresh juice
    lunch: will have pb&j on stone ground wheat bread, grapes and baked lays
    snack: will have a fiberone bar
    dinner: haven’t figured this one out yet…but most likely something with tomatoes and sugar snap peas…

  • sima

    September 25, 2009 at 4:37 am

    My number one eating healthy advice to every one is to try to eat as much leafy green vegetables as possible! iceberg lettuce dosn’t count!lol! kale, chard and spinach are my faves. whatever your goal, they are the most neglected yet most important things to eat!

  • Notradaya

    September 25, 2009 at 10:57 am

    Wow! i just looked at Lilbit’s profile… one hot mama!! you look PHENOMENAL for 54… clearly your healthy eating is helping!

    I’m getting married in march and trying to convince myself to start the workout/eating right. didn’t do so well today:

    BF (at 1pm)- coco pops with skim milk
    L (at 4:30ish) – bircher museli (actually pretty darn healthy)
    snack- 3 pieces of chocolate (flattie is doing a truffle promotion and brought home KILOS of truffles- must remember to steer clear)
    D(about 7pm) – 3 small pieces of homemade pizza and a can of pepsi (I RARELY drink this, maybe once a month or so)- wholegrain base, smoked salmon, chicken and capers with pesto, roasted capsicum, onions, olives and artichokes. yummmy
    Dessert- about 4 chocolate scotchfinger biscuits (damn)

    Drank some H2O, but not enough. need more water, less sugar and more veggies. tomorrow I’ll try to eat clean and have that bircher museli for brekky, then something HEALTHY for the rest of the day!

  • CrazySamantha

    September 25, 2009 at 12:22 pm

    Unfortunately I don’t get to eat much during the day now-a-days.. which has been resulting in me being really tired from work and school. Life just sucks sometimes..

  • KillerRedTex

    January 20, 2010 at 6:23 am

    ok…tex is jumping on this bandwagon…a while ago in chat, glitterhips was saying how she kept a food journal, so i started doing the same. today is my second day writing my journal, i am going to transfer it on here exactly as it is in my notebook:

    please understand…i have SEVERE irritable bowel syndrome. i drink fiber (yes the gross gloppy kine) and i drink laxative tea just to keep myself SOMEWHAT regular and my stomach under control. on average i drink a gallon to a gallon and a half of water per day, i love the stuff and i cant get enough of it. also, i eat at home mainly, so everything i write down is all homemade by me in my kitchen.


    6:00 am:
    2 slim shots
    1/2 c leftover homemade chili w about three tablespoons of shredded cheddar
    1 whole wheat double fiber english muffin
    1 mug size cup of coffee w a little milk

    9:45 am:
    1/2 turkey sammie on whole wheat multigrain bread w a smear of olive oil mayo, extra tomatoes and extra lettuce and pepper sprinkled on it
    a capri sun 100% juice pouch in apple splash

    12:45 pm:
    30 almonds w sea salt on them

    2:15 pm:
    5 homemade hot wings w ranch

    4:15 pm
    1 cup of raisin bran w 1/2 cup of 2% milk and a handful of dried berries, bout 1/4 cup of them

    7:45 pm

    8:00 pm
    shitters tea

    now its lights out for me. im early to bed and early to rise, i am a MORNING PERSON

  • amcut

    January 20, 2010 at 2:57 pm

    lol @ shitters tea.


    I call it "shittea".

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