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Climbing Ivy, maybe military should start poledancing as a training
I come back to this thread every couple of days and marvel at our AWESOMENESS. Holy wow!!! I love this thread. Thank you thank you thank you to the OP for starting it! 🙂
What I really think is awesome is how many ladies on here are holding down more than one job. Most often our "real job" which we may or may not love, and a second or third job that feeds our passions – so many pole instructors here to attest for that! Really fab. Interesting that I can't think of many guys out there who do the same. Mostly if they're working a second job it's to make ends meet, not exercise their passion.
I write marketing copy for a new business development firm that serves small to mid-sized marketing agencies. Easiest way to explain it is, I help agencies advertise themselves to potential clients via email marketing. A lot of writing and a lot of HTML. I love it!
Before this I worked as a web content manager for a local newspaper (technically, 8 local newspapers all managed by the same media company). I worked nights, weekends and holidays for 4 years before I finally had ENOUGH and quit – that happened last summer, I've only been in my new gig for 9 months. I just ain't cut out for the news biz.
In addition to my day job, I've also recently started teaching creating writing workshops with a local nonprofit called Women Writing for a Change. "Recently started" is a bit inaccurate – I got certified earlier this year and my first for-real workshops are coming up within the couple of months. And I blog (very infrequently) about creative writing at
I've always dreamed of being an author and may still yet make that happen. Cheers and props to my fellow writers on here!
I'm a Freelance Enviromental/ Portrait Photographer and currently in the process of establishing a clothing line with my hubby 🙂
I work for a sports med doctor as a Medical assistant and a phleb.
I'm a mom to an adorable toddler. My partner and I run an online record store selling everything from classical, rock to jazz and ship all over the world. I went to school for hair and I do hair out of my home too.
I have been trying to make an income at home but I can't stay focused on anything. I sell Herbalife products and I have had a lot more sales since I started pole and lost the majority of my access body fat but I sell it more to keep my discount on the products.
I am fortuinate to have a hubby who makes a good living for us. I am trying my hand at affiliate marketing using a pole dance/health and fittness site right now but I am just in the baby stages of that.
Now here is the kick in the pants for me I went to college and graduated with a bachelor's in social work but I don't like it. I have come to the conclusion I will not be happy with a job unless it is something I enjoy doing.
I do occasionally get work at the studio I dance at but it is limited and they pretty much know I will be using it to get started on my next obssession. If I could take dance lessons for a living I would be doing great. I take Pole 4-5 days a week and I take one Latin and one Ballroom class a week. I just feel like there is so much to learn and who knows maybe when I get really good I can make a career out of it. I may not be an instructor but I am sure I could find some creative way to make a living related to dance even if it requires a little business related schooling.
I work at a nail bar in Montreal( I do mani/pedis) and I do nail art at home
I am also starting work in passion parties(at home sex toy parties) and its something I can do anywhere in North america so If you want a party dont hesitate to get in contact with me(the parties are free, you only pay for what you buy)
This is my first serious job and I love it. Im also only 23 and have a zillion careers that I want to do so I take it one career at a time for now(ok maybe 2:P)
I'm an undergrad avian science major (also prevet) studying at UCD. Right now, I'm just trying to survive the rest of college. I have two jobs. One involves waking up at 7 am everyday (even weekends) and driving to an avian facility to count quail eggs for the bird birth control project that we are doing. I just got another job and I'm working in a lab that does a ton of research for wound healing and eye problems. I mostly do office stuff for them but soon I will be trained to work with a laser and help with the animals in our projects. after college, I have no idea what I'm doing til i get into vet school but maybe i'll get a job as a pole instructor!
What a neat thread, it's cool seeing what other polers do. I'm a recent B.Sc. of molecular bio and biochem and am currently working as a research associate at a biomedical company. Still trying to figure out what to do with my life though.
I’m a pediatric registered nurse currently looking for a travel nurse position so that I can travel while working!
I’m a licensed cosmetologist,currently working at Great Clips. But the goal is to one day get my barbers license and work at an old school barber shop (:
What a fantastic thread showing what a diverse bunch of talent we are, all bound by a love of the pole… I'm Mum to a delightful teenage boy, 2 cats and a dog. I teach gymnastics, pole and baby swimming when the roster allows…. Fulltime I am a RN specialising in emergency medicine and trauma…. When I grow up I want to be a Nanna, spoiling my grandbabies rotten!
WOW! We are truly a bunch of amazing polers aren't we??!?
I teach pole full time. I was Fawnia's lead instructor in Vegas until 6 months ago, when hubby and I relocated to the Big Island of Hawaii for his electrical engineering job. I recenty opened my own studio here, but thus far it's more work in building my student base and letting the island know I'm here. So now I'm instructor, promoter, bookkeeper, receptionist, and janitor ! 😉
This is great…. so many mutli-talented people with a diverse range of interests and experiences…. I love it.
I'm a high school teacher. Only on a temporary contract…. I plan on travelling extensively next year so I will probably end up teaching in schools overseas. My feelings about my job fluctuate…. I think teachers are underpaid and unappreciated. I think it can be an extremely challenging and unrewarding job, because usually children are formed by their upbringing so if there is no encouragement or motivation at home there is very little a teacher can do to counteract a damaging environment. It can also feel like babysitting sometimes, due to the apathy students exude, which can be very boring and soul-destroying. I also think that education is one of the greatest assets a person can have, and ignorance is one of the most destructive influences in life. I do like engaging with people and I love public speaking, and I love explaining and talking and debating and considering ideas and analysing the world. So, that is why sometimes I love and sometimes I hate my job.
In the future I'd like to somehow get into humanitarian aid, I'd love to become fluent in another language (or several), I'd love to somehow make a living out of pole dancing. It's ridiculous though. I'm only 24 and I dream of retirement. I'd love to be a lady of luxury 😉
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