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Hello all, im new here, i have not even gotten my pole yet, lol… I am a military wife only 21 and hopefully will be getting a job at a thrift shope here on base in Germany. I have had little job exsperience. I worked at the Arizona Renissance Festival throughout high school, which was fun everyday!
What I aspire to do is work with animals, I am going to start college soon so i can reach my dream job.
This thread has inspired me, the strenght of all you beautiful women is motivational!
I’m currently working at the Gap as a sales associate. I pretty much like my job (especially the discount) although I do wish it paid a little more. =/
I also have a certificate in Paralegal Studies. At the time when I was in school for it, I thought it was a great idea but now I’m kicking myself because I’m not doing anything with it.
This is a great, and thouroughly entertaining thread!
I have an undergrad in Cinematography/Filmmaking. But I didn't want to move to LA after college and realized that film wasn't my try passion.
So now, like SashaMae, I'm also a Licensed Massage Therapist. I work full-time and have been doing so for 4 years and loving it. And needless to say, I'm not always open about my goals with people, lest they get the wrong impression about me and assume things.
A lot my my regulars know that I'm a dancer and that I'm persuing aerial arts, but I tend to leave out the pole stuff. But my co-workers and friends know and are supportive!I specialize in Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy – which is a modality in which I use my feet to do massage while I hold bars on the ceiling of my treatment room. (I love it!) So they were the 1st poles that I used! And then I became interested in pole dance.
I also teach at my practice's massage therapy school. I am hoping to become a personal trainer, so that I can help further educate my clients, that have chronic issues or pain, on methods and ways that strengthen the muscles that might help them improve their quality of life. I'd also like to own a pole studio one day – I just love working with the human body and helping people live healthier, happier lives! And I love dance so, i suppose time will tell.
Hello all I am new to posting here. I am 22 and a Registered Nurse for over a year now…currently mending hearts. (I recover patients from open heart surgery)
I like it a lot but would love to be good enough at pole to teach…haha probably will never happen! Anyways good to get to know you all.
ChesireCat- blue collar you and me both!
I’m a jorurneyman carpenter and I also hold my C ticket in welding, considering progressing into underwater welding 🙂 -
English teacher living in Taiwan,
An actual certified teacher, not joe blow with a degree in basket weaving working in a cram school. I work at a public government elementary.
And part time aerial arts teacher/performer (I train with crazy chinese acrobatics 🙂
Professional American Sign Language interpreter with a Master's degree in Communication and hoping to start teaching at university soon 🙂
Wow! Such a wide variety of careers! And so many people in various areas of healthcare or positions that involve caring for others! So proud of all of you Veeners!
I'm a doctor – just started my residency training in anesthesia.
Its great to see that so many others are in the HeathCare world as well. Im an Occupational Therapist working with special needs babies and kids 🙂
I'm an apparel designer with a focus on women's activewear so my job CAN be pole-related except that the workout shorts that I design aren't short enough for pole. I work for a major U.S. department store full-time and I freelance for other clients designing yogawear and hunting apparel.
I love this thread! It's so wonderful to see such a wide-range of intelligent, professional, artistic, and diverse women out there! Wow 🙂 I am a full-time obstetric Registered Nurse with a Master's Degree in Nursing. I also perform fire arts (i.e. fire fans, fire fingers), model occasionally, and am training in aerial silks and pursuing shamanic studies. Yeah, I'm really busy, haha 🙂
Nice! I'm a registered nurse as well, but I work in the ICU. I'm currently obtaining my master's of science in nursing. I have one more year left and then I can take my boards to be a nurse practitioner.
Hi from Montreal! I graduated in theater , i'm a actress, specializing in voice over. I was a teacher with children but since I discovered the pole, I opened my own studio and I teach adults! I have many projects bringing together my two passions!
I am a marine engineer. i look at ships and ship equipment and make sure it works right. i imagine a few torches would hit the floor if it poled from a 2 inch sounding tube in the tank of a ship!
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