Forums Discussions What does your MOTHER think about poledancing?

  • What does your MOTHER think about poledancing?

    Posted by Machiv Leahna on September 24, 2012 at 6:16 am

    I told mom I thought she was missing out,she said she would feel dirty,degraded,and broken in soul and spirit if she ever got on a pole?!?

    luvlee replied 12 years, 5 months ago 64 Members · 73 Replies
  • 73 Replies
  • MrsNaughtywed

    September 24, 2012 at 6:47 am

    My mom thinks I'm a dirty slut trying to purposely disrespect my husband. lol. I'm glad I moved 1500 kilometers away from my parents. 🙂

  • IchigoMewMew

    September 24, 2012 at 7:01 am

    My mum would never try ot herself, she gets quite self conscious exercising but she doesnt mind me doing it, pole fitness is taking off quite well in the UK, I think it also helps that she happens to work with one of my instructors! My cousin isn’t sure if he likes me doing it though but my mum stands up for me lol

  • Account Unavailable

    September 24, 2012 at 7:41 am

    My mom and I actually took our first classes together. She had lost close to 40lbs and her biggest moves she learned was the rockstar and cross knee release. She eventually stopped doing it all together while I continued and even got myself into chair, floor, lyra, and silks. I personally love practicing outside at parks or really even anywhere. She had said to me that I need to 'grow up and stop acting like a child dancing at parks, if I wanted to be a real woman I wouldn't be a stripper." It hurt to hear it from her especially since I'm not a stripper and as far as I'm concerned I'm more of a woman than she'll ever be. A few months ago she landed herself in hot water and is in jail now for 5 counts of ID theft. I found it to be ironic since she doesn't have a job and she is a pretty well known bar fly in our town, and she's also know real well by the men if you catch my drift. I hope while she's there she thinks about how great of a daughter she had, cause she will no longer be a part of my life. I work real hard and have maintained my job at the same place for the past 4 years. I'm also in my 3rd year or college and I'm a firefighter. Just because I enjoy aerial dance doesn't make me a stripper. For her to have the nerve to tell me those things and not even concider her own reputation is disgusting.

  • Empty

    September 24, 2012 at 9:16 am

    My mother is deathly afraid its secret training to become a stripper. She literally thinks my teacher is a evil "pimp" and is trying to "lure" me into the stripper underworld. lol. She doesn't care too much about it otherwise, i mean, she'll ask me about it but she hates it. She prefers i do it at home if at all. I tend not to bring it up at all when i visit. 

    My {soon to be} mother in law is the opposite. She LOVES that i do it and thinks i'm a total bad ass. She loves hearing about it, will literally watch my daughter just so i can go to class and would totally do it if she was younger. 

  • MsChocoateLEO

    September 24, 2012 at 9:23 am

    My mom loves it!! I’ve showed her many videos on YouTube so see could see the true art of pole dancing. She supports me and is my biggest cheerleader. She knows that I do it for fitness and not for sexually pleasures. That’s why I adore my mommy/BFF

  • SexyRockStarsWifeNowWidow

    September 24, 2012 at 9:32 am

    My parents don't know I'm doing this yet, unless someone in the family has opened their yap over it. And if they did, my parents are keeping totally silent. I also have very few actual family members on my FB page.

  • pantherchild

    September 24, 2012 at 10:07 am

    My mom has come to one of the showcases I was in and watched me get a prize! She wasn't able to make my first comp, but told me she was so very proud of me for doing it and placing.  ðŸ™‚  She is super cool about it.  Dad's…well, he's not as thrilled, but he is okay with it.

    I did have an aunt on my Facebook page whose profile pic was of that stupid tshirt that says 'I SUPPORT SINGLE MOMS' and had a stripper on it.  She took it down as soon as I posted my first pole dancing pics.  Hee hee.

  • Dirty Girl POLEtice

    September 24, 2012 at 10:08 am

    When I first started, I was selling poles…the first thing out of my moms mouth…


    "Where's MY pole???"


    That was 6 years ago, she is still asking for one lol.  She thinks it's awesome and I joke that she "pimps" my videos out to her boss..who apparently is in love with me lolol



  • FabulousRuby

    September 24, 2012 at 10:12 am



    My Mum really likes it – she wants to have a go, but shes got one hand so it kind of doesnt work. 

    I told her to use the other but I think shes a bit insecure over it. 


    But Pole dancing  – she thinks its awesome, loves Studio Venna and "likes' everything I put related on FB. 

  • FabulousRuby

    September 24, 2012 at 10:14 am



    @BeccaL HUGSSSS

  • KuriKat

    September 24, 2012 at 10:14 am

    At first, my mom was kind of jokingly negative, "Making a career change, are you?" but I showed her some Pole Art and other videos and her reaction was really positive, noting how similar pole dance is to gymnastics. Now it's not really any different in her calculation from any of the other fitness and artistic activities I'm into like trapeze or silks or dance.

  • Account Unavailable

    September 24, 2012 at 10:21 am

    Its alright that my mom and I don't get along and she doesn't support it. All the other women in my family are incredible and love to gossip and talk about it. My grandma loves to dance with me when I bring my pole over 🙂 And all my younger cousins, 6 of them, love to play and see what big cousin becca can do. My boyfriend's mom used to take pole and she loves it too. All of his aunts think its real cool that I do it and his grandma loves to see the different ways that I can twist and bend 😉

  • aliceBheartless

    September 24, 2012 at 10:54 am

    Haha, I am not exactly sure… I am so bad about communicating. Initially when I started, I didn't tell family, only my sister knew because she was taking classes with me. I come from a big Catholic family (I have four brothers!) and I never wanted to tell anyone, especially bc when I started I had no idea that I would like it as much as I ended up doing. At that point, definitely felt like I should have said something because it started to feel like because I had never told them, that it was a much much bigger deal than it was, and maybe even something I might be ashamed of since I had been hiding it. Which wasn't the case at all, but my typical non-confrontational policy is avoidance. 

    However, when I was living in Hawaii, I got into the aerial scene. I started as a practice partner, and all of a sudden, I was getting to perform with company members, I started to assist in teaching, I started to get to teach my own basics classes, I went from performing as a student to performing solo as a company member, and eventually, an original cast member/collaborator for a couple of different aerial burlesque shows. My mom had always known about the aerial, and she constantly bugged me for pictures, and video, etc. (My parents have always been really active in our lives, etc, and she had always come to all my sporting events, piano events, 4-H events :D, and to her this was no different). Because we had a DVD made from the first aerial burlesque show, she did get to see me perform in a way. She liked it so much she flew to Hawaii for the second aerial burlesque show. I never told her that I had a pole solo in it. So she got to watch me on pole, trapeze, and chair. And she loved it! However pole was lumped in all together, so I dont know if she feels differently about it than she does trapeze. I was so nervous for it, but I think to be hit with it as a part of a show, a performance art in a direction that is not typically stripping, allowed her to not even think about that particular aspect. She saw it as dance. 

  • polegrove

    September 24, 2012 at 11:19 am

    She thinks it’s great and always asks me to show her my new moves. She came to an teaser class. She is impressed at how hard it is and encourages me all the way. What can I say, my mom rocks!

  • sundcarrie

    September 24, 2012 at 11:21 am

    My mom thinks its great after seeing what I do. At first a little of her conservatism came out but after seeing how much of a work out it was and how much I enjoy it she has my back. I love my mom but had I started this when she was in her CRAZY conservitive phase she would have been emabrrased. Now she just seems to feel the need to explain to her conservative freinds that it is like gymnastics. I am sure it took some getting used to for her but she didn't make a big deal of it. I am also sure she doesn't tell certian people what I do for exercise but I don't blame her after some of the reactions I have had. Some people seem to think that pole dancing means I am a slut and I will do anything with anyone those are the people that will never change so there is no sense in trying to explain anything to them. 

    Just glad to publicly say that my mom ROCKS! 

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