Forums Discussions What is the Difference?

  • What is the Difference?

    Posted by PinkyPower on June 30, 2010 at 7:26 pm

    Ok. So I feel like a dork. I need help figuring out the differnce between pole types. What is the difference between a Static pole, or a spin pole… etc. Is chrome the best for a beginer, or is a Titanium Gold better??? ahhh! there are so many kinds to choose from I don’t want to make a mistake and spend a bunch of money on a pole that I don’t understand and won’t fit me. I have been trying to do some reaserch on it but I’ve come up with nothing but more confusion. I have looked at the Carmen Electra Poles and the X poles and some of the off brands that Hussy and some other sites have. So far my hubby and I like the set up of the X- pole the best.I LOVE the colour pink and some of the poles that I have come across are so cute but I’m a little wary of them because they are not a well know brand. Also, are they painted or what? Thanks! Pinky

    P.S. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am obsessed with everything pole. And thank you Veena and Webmaster for creating this web site and these forums! They are wonderful!

    Mary Ellyn replied 14 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • reenie aka Mysfit

    June 30, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    Okay…………You are not a dork~ most of us start out with exactly the same questions.

    Static means the pole does not spin…..when you spin, it your momentum getting you around the pole. Spinning means it is the pole’s momentum that gets you around.

    I learned on only spin. This had its up and down sides.
    1) As the pole did all the work, my hands/arms and upper body were not as strong as someone who learns all the tricks etc….on a static pole.
    2)I also couldn’t do certain spins(reverse grab) on a spinning pole cuz the physics(quoting Empy I think) just wouldn’t let me do it.

    I went back several months ago and relearned everything on static. WOW!!! What a major difference!! I love it! I am strong….my spins rock and I am doing the work. I also don’t suffer from the nausea anymore…..hehehe

    Ironically~~I can’t handle being on spinny anymore for too long….I get super dizzy and can’t get my spatial awareness back in check quick enough to move on to the next trick I want to do. LOL

    I still love the fact that both my poles have the option of static or spin. There is need for both.

    I have the chrome Xpoles. I learned initially on brass. Major grippy. Not a good thing for a new poler with our grips of death. LOL

    As I now find the chrome kinda slippy on days where I am hot and sweaty……I would like to order the TG. It will have to wait a bit though as I am in the process of moving and we all know how much that can cost.

    Before I bought the xpoles………..I did tons of research and I went with the Xpole because of their stated weight maximum. I have several ladies that I teach that are beautiful woman…..but they are on the larger side. They pole like nobody’s biz~~ WOW.

    Now, I have danced on a lil mynx………found it very slippy. But my biochemistry may be quite different than others.

    The no name poles are garbage, do not waste your money. I recently taught a workshop where one of the ladies had a huge scar that ran down from her knee to her ankle. NASTY. She got it on the pole she bought at the adult store.
    The sections do not fit together snug and she did an invert. When she slipped down, her skin caught between and rrrrriip!
    Poor girl. It required stitches if I remember correctly.

    Anyway~~There are several threads on here about the difference in poles. If you hit the dance poles section in the forum, you will tons of input, info and reviews.

    I know the Kendra pole is an Xpole….it is just static.

    The Lil Mynx has a good reputation as well, but I am completely an Xpole girl.
    Platinum Stages is getting good reviews as well I think.

    Now, my suggestion to my own clients is this:
    Don’t let the prices scare you. You are getting better quality and one that will last for years.
    Much better option than buying something cheap and having to replace it once every six months…………..OR worse yet—-getting injured badly cuz it rips you to shreads or falls down.

    As I mentioned, have a boo around the dance poles forum. There is a plethora of great info to be had in there~~

    Good luck..

    Also……….I know I have seen a post or two in the forums for people looking to sell their poles……Don’t remember how long ago that was….but that might be another option if you need to save some money. Plus…buying it off here, all of us take good care of each other and our poles.

    Huge hugs!!

    Ok. So I feel like a dork. I need help figuring out the differnce between pole types. What is the difference between a Static pole, or a spin pole… etc. Is chrome the best for a beginer, or is a Titanium Gold better??? ahhh! there are so many kinds to choose from I don’t want to make a mistake and spend a bunch of money on a pole that I don’t understand and won’t fit me. I have been trying to do some reaserch on it but I’ve come up with nothing but more confusion. I have looked at the Carmen Electra Poles and the X poles and some of the off brands that Hussy and some other sites have. So far my hubby and I like the set up of the X- pole the best.I LOVE the colour pink and some of the poles that I have come across are so cute but I’m a little wary of them because they are not a well know brand. Also, are they painted or what? Thanks! Pinky

    P.S. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am obsessed with everything pole. And thank you Veena and Webmaster for creating this web site and these forums! They are wonderful!

  • PinkyPower

    June 30, 2010 at 11:27 pm

    Reenie, thank you so much. you have helped me alot. Do you have a preferance or know how I should properly take care of and clean my pole when I but one? Sorry to be a pain with so many questions!! Pinky

  • Danielle Tillie

    July 1, 2010 at 1:28 am

    If you are getting a chrome X-pole, it can be cleaned with a variety of things. I like to use Windex. Other things you can use is non-acetone nail polish remover (though why you’d want to deal with that smell is beyond me), rubbing alcohol, even vodka will work! You’ll be wiping down your pole several times during any given practice, so cleaning it will become a regular occurrence by itself. It is also important to make sure that all the threaded joints can come apart on a regular basis. If you know you’ll be leaving your pole up all the time, it’s a good idea to make sure it can still come apart every week or every other week. It might be necessary to grease the threads a little bit. Also, with an X-pole, make sure you re-tighten the pole (if you’ve left it up) before each practice. If it comes loose at all, you might end up on the floor with your pole! All X-poles come with a really nice manual and DVD to explain how to put it up and take it down, including maintenance and care instructions. So all you have to do now it, buy one!

  • tiggertail

    July 1, 2010 at 11:53 am

    I’m sold too x-pole even if it’s the only one i’ve try Mine is chrome and i’m happy to have static and spin even if i can work on spin really well. At first it’s a little more slippery but with time it get better, and i clean it with rubbing alcool. As for putting it down i only do it after 3-4 months and never had problem yet (it’s pretty new). I do check it evey week but for right now seem it take a lot of time to get loose. And the class where i went she didn’t have to retight then more then one a month so it repend on how well you put it at the first time i guess.

    As for the pink one i think they’re Little Minx, some girl really love it but i was needing something that i wouldn’t have to screw and i’m not sure about those.

    Good luck with your pole shopping.

  • Mary Ellyn

    July 1, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    This link may help you…tons of info here if you wish to read through. Especially the parts about choosing your pole and careing for it.

    Another important point for those of you who do remember to check and tighten the pole regularly…you also need to take it down every few weeks and allow your ceiling to "rest" so that the joists settle a bit. Just 10 minutes is enough then put it back up.

    Of course with the original Xpoles this was done anyway if you were taking it apart to clean regularly like you were suppose to but it’s still important now with the new Xjoint models.

    It’s not only good for the structure of your ceiling but one girl I knew didn’t take hers down and just occassionally tightened it – One day she had to take it down and found the center portion caved in on the top of the dome and ground a hole in the ceiling.

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