Forums Discussions What is your pole routine?

  • What is your pole routine?

    Posted by polediva55 on September 22, 2011 at 6:49 am


    I'm just interested to see what everyone does in their practise sessions and what routines they have 🙂 


    I'm sure alot of you follow the veena lessons, however I'm interested to know a little bit more.


    I'm currently using a few DVDs, Pole Motion, Pole Exercise, Alethea Austin to name a few and will put up a review of them in the comings days on here and on my blog (which i'm going to start updating more regularly) for anyone who is interested on how I've found them 🙂 I know that Veenas lessons are fab, it's just not something that is viable at the minute for me 🙁





    I usually practise 3 times a week:


    1. I warm up following Clubland: Work it Out DVD 

    2. A bit of freedancing to incorporate and practise moves that I already know so that everything can flow a bit better (Pole Motion DVD has helped me with my transitions)

    3. Learning New tricks and sometime a bit of strength work depending on how my body is feeling – (Pole Exercise DVD)

    4. I'm usually quite tired by this point so work on some stretching (I've JUST got the Alethea DVDs like yesterday lol so will probably use them in this part from now on)

    5. Either some toning work with my exercise mat OR if I'm tired 6. a cool down and DONE


    This is just what I've found works for me and my body and it's working for me 🙂 WHAT WORKS FOR YOU????!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    polediva55 replied 13 years, 5 months ago 8 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Runemist34

    September 22, 2011 at 11:14 am

    Hey polediva55!

    While I haven't quite gotten back to dancing yet (a lack of sleep and horrible girly times being strong contributors!) I figured I would tell you what seems to work for me thus far.

    Generally, I warm up with a little bit of light dancing- that is, no really hard spins, and no climbing, just playing around on the pole a bit. Then I start getting into the tougher stuff, trying to get used to climbing, being upside down (and my extremely ungraceful dismount!), and tougher spins like the Carouselle, and possibly the Tuck spin if I'm feeling masochistic.

    I save the strength training for last because I tend to push myself with it, and will end up getting very tired and unable to do my tougher dance stuff if I do the strength training first. So, that's after dancing.

    And then, lastly, I get into stretching and trying to increase my flexibility, because I'm gonna be very warm at that point, and needing of a good cool down. I may re-evaluate this, though, because it didn't seem to help much before…I might need to do my flexibility training before the harder dancing.

  • Vaudeville

    September 22, 2011 at 1:01 pm

    I'm a newbie, but this is what I do


    – Warm up (5-10 minutes of just dancing/veenas basic warm up)

    – Practicing tricks 30 minutes

    – Veenas Conditioning exercises 20 minutes

    – Veenas Flexibility training for splits 50 minutes

    – stretching 10 min



    – Warm up/hot bath depending on how I'm feeling

    – Flexibility training for back 20 min.



     – Warm up (5-10 minutes of just dancing/veenas basic warm up)

    – Practicing tricks 30 minutes

    – Veenas Conditioning exercises 20 minutes

    – Veenas strength training routine

    – Veenas Flexibility training for splits 50 minutes

    – stretching 10 min



    Same as tuesday







    – Warm up (5-10 minutes of just dancing/veenas basic warm up)

    – Choosing 4-5 tricks and incorporating them into a dance in 4 different songs (tip I got from Aerial Amys blog to increase fluidity)

    – Veenas Conditioning exercises 20 minutes

    – Veenas Flexibility training for splits 50 minutes



    Same as tuesday and thursday


    oppsie, rather looong post

  • polediva55

    September 22, 2011 at 1:35 pm


    @Runemist34 – Hey! Sorry to hear about your troubles! Hope it’s getting better at least! Thanks for the sharing your routine though…I’ve heard that some people just do a light dance to help them warm up, I always want to do that but I’m so scared off pulling something so I always do the old school stretching as well. What kind of light spins do you do? Like the fireman etc?

    Strength training can be a bit of a killer – it always tires me out and then I find that the chopper I did perfectly at the beginning of my workout is now the hardest thing in the world!! Hahaha


    @Vaudeville ahhh great! I’ve only been poling since April so it’s brilliant to hear how ALL different levels are practicing!! 🙂 I really like your schedule, very disciplined!!! How do you find it? Have you noticed much improvement? I was a lot more disciplined when I first began and the result (after overcoming a couple of pulled muscles and bruises haha) was great! Even now I’m surprised by how much stronger my body has gotten! 🙂

  • Runemist34

    September 22, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    @polediva55- Lights spins like, Fireman, and front and back leg hook spins. That's usually about it. Oh, and the "half spin" (That's what Veena calls it, I think of it as a transitional move), and just a lot of bodywaves, fun with steps, poses, pirouettes. Nothing where I'm lifting with only my arms, and I always start off slow. If the oldschool way works for you, though, keep on it!

    And yeah…I find the same thing! I tried to do strength training at the beginning after warming up, because it was my least favourite thing to do…and after that, I found I had a lot less strength to do moves I wanted to work on! So, I moved it a little later. I don't dislike it as much anymore 😉

    I'm gonna take some melatonin tonight and get some really good sleep, though, and then I'll be back on the pole probably tomorrow! 🙂

  • Miraine

    September 22, 2011 at 1:49 pm

    I am the antithesis of @Vaudeville

    Much as I'd love to be able to write myself a routine and stick to it, my health never seems to make that possible.  My workouts are utterly random and often spaced out far more than I'd like.

    If I could cope with it, I'd ideally like to do pole strength based stuff every other day, and dance practice in between, with flex training every two to three days depending on feedback from my body…   As it is, because it can be a few days before I feel well enough to do any exercise at all, I tend to end up skipping the dance side of things in order to try some pole tricks every time I'm feeling up to it.

    However, intermittent as my practice is, I am still making progress!  Slooooow progress, but that's unsurprising given the situation.  So, I'm basically saying I have *no* routine, but to take heart if you lie somewhere between me and Vaudeville on the scale of things, because you'll still improve regardless

  • Vaudeville

    September 22, 2011 at 3:21 pm

    Polediva55: I'm one of those strange people who love to have strict schedules…I've only been poling for 3 weeks, so i guess it's to early to have a proper evaluation, but so far I've had great progress, can't believe how strong I've become.

  • Coatcheckgirl

    September 22, 2011 at 5:21 pm

    I really need to be on here more often.  I will see let you know my routine. 🙂

  • Polecat88

    September 23, 2011 at 2:28 am

    I am now goin to be stealing vaudeville's routine!

    My routine is very hit and miss lately because of other commitments.

  • Coatcheckgirl

    September 23, 2011 at 2:35 pm

    Monday  Weds  Thurs   Stretching with AA 530 am  Poling with SV @ 6am

    Tues  and Weds  hour of poling  at Flirty girl fitness  this is in the evenings

    Friday I rest from poling

    Saturday I rest from everything.

    Sunday Pole tricks at Flirty Girl Fitness

    Also i may do Pilates or yoga in the morning @ Home.







  • Sair

    September 23, 2011 at 4:18 pm

    <3 it's kind of neat to see how much everyone differs on here when it comes to routine 🙂


    Mine goes something like this:


    Monday : Lower body & abs in our gym / intermed. pole class in the evening

    Tuesday: 1.5 hour of silks class mid-day (it's physically exhausting!)

    Wednesday: (busiest day) Upper body &abs in our gym / in the evening, Pole transitions class followed by Core Flow (needless to say my ass is KICKED by the time i get home)

    Thursday: Back & arms in our gym

    Friday: Lower body & abs in our gym

    Saturday / Sunday: i rest like it's going out of style 😉 sometimes i'll have some pals over for a pole jam.


  • Veena

    September 23, 2011 at 10:29 pm

    You all have some great routines!  I'll share one of mine with you…I change mine often depending on how much time I have. This is a more advanced routine for someone who has been dancing for a while and for someone who has the TIME. Don't we all wish we had more time!

    Monday – Free weights, (full body) Flexibility at night

    Tuesday – Dance in the morning (like floor transitions fluidity few pole tricks) and hooping, Heavy Flexibility training at night.

    Wednesday – Pole work (new moves and dancing through whole songs)

    Thursday – Dance and hooping in the morning, Heavy Flexibility training at night

    Friday Free weights (full body) Flexibility at night

    Saturday REST

    Sunday Dance, hoop, pole. OR Flexibility training at night. I pick one of the 4.

    This is NOT a suggested routine for new dancers!!! I'll do this for about 2-4 weeks and then back off to pole dancing 3 times a week or less with no free weights, and hooping, handstands and more balance work on the non pole days. Variety is great


  • polediva55

    September 25, 2011 at 8:09 am

    Wow thanks everyone for sharing! It's really great to see the variety and the dedication that everyone is giving to poling! (espcially @coatcheckgirl waking up at 5:30 to do studioveen workouts!!! 😀 ) and @Miraine showing that you can make progress even if things get in the way of practising. 

    All of the routines shared are definetly going to help me get a little more serious with mine and I hope that reading everyone's espcially Veena's(!!!!!!) helps everyone else with their pole routines as well!! 🙂 

    I was going to sloth out with a sunday dinner and a movie but I think noe i'm going to do some ab training and also a bit of flexibilty work to finish my Sunday off! Thanks EVERYONE for the inspiration!!!!! Happy Poling!


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