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What itac level is best for super sweaty hands?
Posted by glitterhips on February 20, 2011 at 12:01 pmI know level 2 is recommended for pole but I have insanely sweaty hands and I'm performing in the Detroit showcase and reaaaaallly dont want to accidentally wipe my hands on my butt while i'm up there!!!! I do it in my videos all the time and I don't even realize I'm doing it! So obviously I need to break that habit but in the meantime I wanted to get the best itac for really sweaty hands and wanted to see what everyone else uses. I have used level 2 and I did like it but I am almost thinking I should get at least a 3, or else get a 2 and a 3 or 4 and just use 3 or 4 for my hands and the 2 everywhere else? What do you guys think? Anyone else have 3 or 4 level?
pegasusaerialfitness replied 13 years, 10 months ago 18 Members · 24 Replies -
24 Replies
I have level 4 and I love it. I suppose it depends on how much a dancer's hands sweat, mine are very, very bad! Level two is also good but once I'm really warmed up if I want to continue doing inverts and climbs then I have to use level 4. Love Itac!!
Good luck with the performance!
I tried 2, 3, and 4. IMO 4 is too strong and sticks too much, ESP if you put it on your body. 3 seems perfect for me, even though I mostly use 2. I would say 3 for hands and 2 for body. You need some natural grip and freedom too.
I don't know stil, but i ask for a samples from itac2 and Peter sends me, i'm waiting it for arrive. I asf for samples of level 3 and 4. Go to the page and ask for a samples, they send…
I have levels 2, 3, and 4. I liked level 2 at first then it started to get slick on me. So I got level 4 and couldn't tell much of a difference the other day. I was told it works differently with everyones body chemistry and I think I am one of those people it doesn't work with. Try the samples before you make a purchase.
How does Itac compare to Tite Grip? I don't really find Tite Grip helps make my grip tackier at all 🙁
shellectra, tite grip isn't really effective as a grip aid– it's an antipersperant. put it on an hour or two before you pole and your hands won't sweat. glitter, have you tried doing that?
glitter, request some samples. i have heard from a lot of polers (myself included) that itac is great for colder conditions but for a hot, sweaty environment it can feel very slippery… it's natural beeswax based i believe so i think at some point it "liquifies" and you can lose your grip.
I just ordered a sample of 3, we will see how it goes. Theres also a new scent to it as well, cant wait to test it out.
People seem to either love itac or hate it. I think Amy nailed it, it must be a body chemistry thing. I am not a sweaty person but like a little bit of tackiness when I'm learning something scary. Itac 2 turned to grease on me in the middle of a true grip handspring. I've tried 3 and found the same thing. Starts out tacky, turns to grease. I agree with trying samples before you buy.
@Glitter- I'm planning on attending a local Bad Kitty Exotic Wear party this weekend and hoping to be able to pick up some Mighty Grip. I will let you know if I get some or any others and what I think.
i have obnoxiously sweaty hands. When i type at my computer, the keys all have little puddles of sweat on them. Sweat from my palms run down my wrists all the time.
I use and LOVE iTac2, but I put it on my legs, elbow pit, and behind the knees. If I didnt use it on my legs and other contact points, I would rarely get enough friction to stick on the pole. I just slide right off the pole…
It seems that iTac2 does not help the grip of my hands because I just sweat right thru it. I have not tried the other numbers, but I suspect that they will not help me.
I wear Mighty Grip gloves to keep my hand grip on the pole at it's maximum. I love the gloves- i have both tacky and non tacky. They keep my grip secure and I just cannot put into words how wonderful it is to NOT get frustrated over losing hand grip due to sweatyness.
also- forgot to mention:
i dont care for the products that require you to apply them an hour or so before use. I wash my hands alot, so it probably gets rinsed off. Also, I am concerned that I may accidently injest some if it's on my hands and i snack on something. What if you rub your eyes and that hand drying stuff is on your fingers? I have tried Dry Hands, Tite Grip, and other alcohol-like grip aids and they are just "o.k" imo. I still end up sweating anyway. I also tried using an underarm antiperspirant that you apply at night, (put it on my palms) but i was not completely satisfied.
I had a problem with alcohol-like grip aids making the skin on my finger tips crack open this winter- I think I have a very rare & unique condition with my hands and fingers, and think it's best for me to avoid hand drying grip aids.
Thanks for the replies everyone! I'm most likely going to order a 3 and get a sample of 2 and 4. I have used level 2 from my friends' jar and I don't think I sweated it off my hands, but I also tried to plan out my routine for the show so I'm on/off the pole with enough time for my hands to dry in between. I've never performed and when I get nervous my hands get cold and tingly and don't sweat at all so I'm hoping that happens this time it would be a big help! I've stayed away from performing live partly because of my grip problems so I hope my sweaty palms stay under control for five minutes while I'm on stage…not so much to ask!!! hehe
I recived today my samples or level 3 & 4.
I will test it today xD
Let me know how you like it! I had a sample a few months ago, but it almost seemed dried out in the plastic cup?? It went on sorta "chunky" and left little bits all over my pole…so I'm not sure I really applied it right. It was grippy for sure, but really messy. SO many people seem to love it, so I keep feeling like I should give it another go.
At the moment i tested level 3, and have more grip, but still not all well… Next practice i test the level 4.
I'm thinking that i have a problem warming the pole maybe… I don't understand at all the meaning of "warming the pole" hehehehe
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