Forums Discussions What kind of dancer are you?

  • What kind of dancer are you?

    Posted by TinyDancer04 on August 20, 2011 at 10:25 am

    I am definately NOT a slow dancer. I’ve tried but I just look like in trying to slow myself down and am ready to MOVE! lol
    What kind of dancer are you? Just curious 🙂

    Kobajo84 replied 13 years, 6 months ago 17 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • nymphdancer

    August 20, 2011 at 10:38 am

    It really depends on my mood. Usually though my best dances are either Burlesque style or very slow sexy music. to me harder music calls for more tricks and I'm not really a trickster.

  • Briannabohannah

    August 20, 2011 at 11:08 am

    I love songs that are super slow in the beginning but evolve into something harder, then slow down again at the end.  The Where is My Mind cover for Suckerpunch is my favorite song right now.  Ive listened to it so much I feel like that song lives in me, and it just makes it a joy to dance to.

    On the other hand I love to throw in a sort of cabaret-y tune like Christina's Nasty Naughty Boy just to show-boat it a little bit!

  • polergirl

    August 20, 2011 at 11:20 am

    Slow, for sure. When I dance to faster music I often do a quick/quick/slow kinda thing, but slow is my comfort zone. I look a little like a spaz when I dance fast, lol.

  • nymphdancer

    August 20, 2011 at 11:43 am

    I do like the ones that have some faster in a slow song so you can let fly with some fast spins and such as well! one of my Favs is Evil by Matt Goss.

  • Terpsikhore

    August 20, 2011 at 11:55 am

    I was thinking about this the other day…I really don't know. I haven't found my 'style' yet.

    I know what I'm NOT: I am NOT a sexy dancer. I don't do sexy, on the pole or otherwise, lol. I'm not an elegant, balletic dancer either though, because I'm way too awkward and ungraceful. And I don't have the attitude to be a rock chick.

    I think I'm just a goofball!

  • JiggaLuv87

    August 20, 2011 at 12:16 pm

    Im pretty much right in the middle….however i do tend to struggle with slow sometimes cuz my body rolls and such will start to look stiff. All in all i lean more towards fast than slow music to spare myself some embarassment LOL  Im a certified booty shaker for the most part….

  • Veena

    August 20, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    I'll chime in if you all don't mind…. I was just thinking about this today.

    hmmmm….My least favorite style is just tricks, so that's not me. I like watching other get their trix on but its not for me.

    I do love the dancey/artistic side of pole BUT I'm not a trained dancer so sometimes I get frustrated with myself and would like to do more with it but can't.

    Sexy Pole…. that is something I don't have to think about it just all flows and comes together easily and I really enjoy it, but yet I don't think of myself as a the "sexy" dancer. Not because I don't feel sexy but…..hmmm I don't know really. *sigh* I guess I feel like right now I'm having a pole identity crisis……

  • poledanceromance

    August 20, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Veena, I came here to post the same thing. Because of the events prompting the vid I posted last night, I’ve been watching old videos I hadn’t seen in a year. I can tell I’ve accomplished a lot, which gives me hope for the future. But I still don’t feel like I’ve really developed a style…so what defines my dancing? Well, I aim for control in my tricks more so than doing tons of tricks and sacrificing form. I aim for good lines, because I’m taller than average and that’s the area where it’s actually to my advantage.

    I guess I don’t know what kind of dancer I am, but I’m okay with that. I just try to focus on my strengths and really feeling like myself when I’m dancing. The dances I usually wind up liking are the ones that feel like “me.”

  • Ophidia

    August 20, 2011 at 1:26 pm

    So interesting to read everyone's different "types"! I am very much a slow dancer, I love sensual and sexy and even meloncholy songs. I recently performed a routine at an event to a fast dub-step song and it was a challenge! I felt sloppy through out was and exhausted and panting at the end of the 4+ minutes, but I recieved more compliments on that routine than I have for any of my previous performances! I am now trying to challenge myself with fast music more often so that I can feel more comfortable and be a more diverse dancer. It also helps me with my playlist as an instructor- some people need the fast songs for routines to get them going! Thanks for posting this. Ps Veena you seem to be a sensual, graceful, and thoughtful dancer, imo:)

  • Miraine

    August 20, 2011 at 2:14 pm

    A clueless one

    I'm very new to pole, and have no other dance experience besides making a fool of myself on the occasional night out, but I've already discovered I struggle to keep things slow.  I guess I'm a naturally bouncy person.

    My pole practices tend to be more "trick" (beginner ones anyway) oriented than dancey, though it's fun to let loose and just do whatever feels right along to a good piece of music once in a while!

    The main problem I have is, I feel *silly* practicing dance moves.  There's no-one watching, but I still manage to feel embarrassed nonetheless!  That being said, I used to climb, so I'm used to not worrying how I look whilst attempting to scale random objects, but very very rarely went out and danced.  Perhaps the self consciousness is literally just because I've never done anything like it before.

  • SpyralBound

    August 20, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    Polergirl, you made me laugh with your spaz comment – have you seen my Outtakes video? SPAZ!

    I usually let the music dictate how I'm going to dance. I've spent a LOT of time crafting the perfect pole playlist with a mix of hard-n-fast songs (Supermassive Black Hole by Muse is one of them), mid-pace electronic and techno songs (I just did a vid using Thievery Corporation), slow sensual songs (lots of blues, R&B, Corinne Bailey Rae) and some very slow, ethereal, meditation-type music (like Enigma and Cirque du Soleil). Then I just put the whole thing on shuffle and dance to whatever comes on – although I will skip through if too many songs of the same genre/pace come up. I'm also pretty new to pole and can't do a ton of tricks, so I tend to dance around the pole more than on it, lol!

    I have a lot of ideas that would put me in the category of a "funny" dancer, if such category exists. For instance, for the July booty challenge I wanted to do a wacky video to Queen's "Fat Bottom Girls" but ended up taking a break from pole that month to work on other fitness things. I know part of it is because I use humor as a defense mechanism when I'm uncomfortable, especially when I want people to like me. But I also like the idea of using the pole for satire or parody.

  • Sassafrassle

    August 20, 2011 at 3:50 pm

    I think of myself as a 'magpie' dancer because I like to pick up random shiny things (metaphorically speaking) and put them in my pole routines. I even had a dream last night that I really wanted to learn a couple of tap dance moves so I could stick them in the routine dream me was doing!! I've done random types of dance over the past 20 years (I did jazz when I was younger, a few short courses of things like belly dancing and street funk at the uni rec centre when I was a student, and an adult hip hop class a few years back, and of course pole for the past 4 years) but only as  once a week hobbies (so I feel a bit fraudulent to say I've been a dancer!). I think it's given me a desire to pull all manner of elements into my pole though!

    I tend to freestyle to a variety of pop type music and do very similar moves each time and then for performance routines, I find myself leaning towards old style type music with a lot of brassy trumpets etc, which leads to sassy kinds of dances (my stage name is in fact Sassy Minx, although that's partly a riff off my nickname too). Most of my "I depesperately want to do a routine to this song but I want to put this slow controlled move that I can't do yet" songs are slow beautiful ones and I really want to make my next routine just a really slow controlled one that people think afterwards "wow that was beautiful!" (haven't quite figured out if I can pull that off yet!). I also totally want to do a slow sexy one, just to completely contrast to my performances so far!

  • opielee

    August 20, 2011 at 10:52 pm

    Hmmm…interesting question,I think I tend to move better to slower stuff like enigma so prob slow then,but then something fast n rocking comes out and I keep the slow flow,but kick the pace up a bit

  • divapolegoddess

    August 20, 2011 at 11:46 pm

    I'm still in the process of figuring it out  I tend to move very fast, but I'm practicing on slowing my movement down to make them look sexy.  My next problem is that I don't know what sexy is when I'm dancing.  I want to record myself dancing so that I can get a feel for what looks right, but I don't want to watch the videos!!!  I hate seeing or hearing myself on video.

  • opielee

    August 21, 2011 at 1:20 am

    Oh wow,I have the same problem here in terms of videoing myself dancin,I want to do that just so I can have an idea of how I move and what is my style exactly yet am squeamish bout it actually

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