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What makes us unique as individuals in our pole dancing
Posted by litlbit on September 6, 2010 at 6:17 pmI wasn’t sure where to put this, but….I have read/heard many conversations on this topic regarding ladies being a bit nasty saying someone "copied" them or "stole" their moves and found this on pole skivvies…I think it says it all. Just thought I’s share the link" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Mindy4pole replied 14 years, 6 months ago 11 Members · 24 Replies -
24 Replies
didnt read the link, but i was thinking about this too the other day when i was trying a spin combo i saw on yt. i dont think ppl should be mad if someone uses "your" tricks you should be flattered–it is all for the advancement of the sport if u wanna be selfish you wont have many friends in life or in poling. also take into consideration that you are NOT the only human smart enough to think of a new move LOL many ppl could think of the same new move in their own minds
just went back to read the article it was beautifully written!
That article was hilarious and sooo true! I hope people won’t get mad if I "copy" their tricks. I’m so impressed and amazed by them, that I WANT to learn more! I can’t wait for the day I can do yogini or a teddy or a split grip Aysha!
I am an admitted copy cat stealer. I have thought I came up with a new variation on something to learn later that others do it too. There are so many dancers we just never see so how do you that you’re the first. but it’s fun to say you invented something as long as you don’t take it too seriously.
Interesting article….I fear I will always be the one without her own style. I’m always told I dance "like Alethea, or Felix" I actually stopped watching the pros videos because It thought maybe I was "copying" without realizing….I don’t know. lol Some day I hope to develop my own style
Umm I think you can go ahead and check that off the list, V. Not only have I never thought you "dance like" anyone else, I can’t even think of anyone else who "dances like" you. In fact, I think of the household name pole dancers that everyone knows, you have one of the most distinct styles of them all.
Umm I think you can go ahead and check that off the list, V. Not only have I never thought you "dance like" anyone else, I can’t even think of anyone else who "dances like" you. In fact, I think of the household name pole dancers that everyone knows, you have one of the most distinct styles of them all.
I totally AGREE! VENNA!! YOU DO have your very very own DISTINCT style…I have never seen it in anyone else!!! It’s UNIQUE to you and ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Awww that’s sweet of you guys…but really in almost every video I post I am compared to someone else. Sometimes I even take down the comments. I know there is a copy cat mentality and I don’t want to be thought of as one. I feel like the dancer that has no style I need to suck it up and deal with it.
Thanks for posting this!! It drives me crazy when people get territorial about "their" moves. In general, our moves work because that’s how our bodies work. There are some contortionist type things that probably are only reachable through targeted training, but hasn’t anyone heard "there’s nothing new under the sun"? I love "inventing" moves — that is, playing on my pole until something cool happens. But I also love learning from others moves. If you want to learn, why wouldn’t you copy from others???
And Veena — you DO have an amazing style!!! Quit being so hard on yourself!! <Pot calling the kettle black!>
veena your august challenge vid (last year) to coming undone comes to mind…. i LOVE that video and you definitely have your own style in it! sexy and tough floorwork hot!!!!
I really do hate being so sensitive about it…..I think it comes from being the youngest in my family. They are all really talented (give us something crafty or artistic and we can master it) and one of my older sisters would sing a lot in church and for everyone’s weddings. We also both played flute. I really loved singing and playing flute but was always compared to my older sister (she was 10 yrs older.) I could sing fine (maybe better than fine knowing my views on myself) and would do some singing in school and church but I was always "just like Linda". or I looked Just like Linda, talked just like Linda. Growing up as a "clone" of my sister I never felt like there was any thing unique about me. Once I reached my teens I stop singing solo in public because I didn’t like the pressure of trying to live up to my sisters talents. My whole family is a bunch of perfectionist. To this day I still have a hard time singing around her because I don’t want to be compared to her. I"m so silly!! I’m sure this is why I don’t want to compete in pole comps either…..I hope I didn’t over share and cause you to think less of me….but there is really no other place I can go to talk about this.
Veena, I think a lot of younger siblings would understand where you are coming from. I’m actually an older sister, but my younger sister has been compared to me a lot, and there’s no way it can’t bother her. Actually, it bothers me sometimes; I really wish people would just accept that she’s her own person–I don’t see why I have to enter into the equation at all. We are two separate human beings. And it really bothers me when the way she looks is compared to the way I look; there are a few guys who have said some pretty hurtful things to her and it seriously pisses me off. She is very pretty all on her own; why does she need to be compared to me in that regard? She was compared to me a lot in karate too, because I was always at the head of the class; I had very strong basics and I was aggressive in sparring and picked up on things quickly so I always did very well, and while none of the other students got compared to me and found lacking, she did simply because she was related to me. So even though I’m coming at it from the opposite end of the spectrum, I actually understand why you would be a bit oversensitive about that sort of thing, and I highly, highly doubt anyone will look down on you for it.
For the record, I’ve actually never compared your dancing to anyone else’s. I’ve watched a lot of pole videos, and you honestly have never reminded me of another dancer. To me that says you do have your own style whether you know it or not, because I don’t see echoes of someone else in your dancing despite the fact that we’re all pretty much doing the same moves.
I do copy moves as well if I see a combo I really like or some new floorwork, but I also try to think of my own stuff. For me, copying someone is the highest form of flattery; I would not be emulating their move or combo if I didn’t think it was amazing. I really don’t know why some people get bent out of shape because someone used the same combo as them. We’re all a community, aren’t we?
Well said horsecrazy12987! I’m the eldest, however I didn’t have that experience…I was always compared to my younger sisters…I was never good enough and why couldn’t I be more like Darlene, or Evie, or Christine! ARGH! I ran away from home at age 15 so got over all that since I was no longer a part of the equation. I AM UNIQUE in my own right…as are you VEENA!!! You are my MENTOR and my ROLE MODEL!! Believe it or not, you have had a MAJOR impact on my life because of WHO you are!! You are such a BLESSING and GIFT to this world, just want you to know that and more importantly to BELIEVE that!! I think others would agree with me!!
Although no one has ever compared my style of pole to anyone else’s – that really makes me feel like it’s bland. That I love all styles of pole dancing so I’ve *tried* to do them all at one point or another.
I LOVE your dancing Charley and I don’t think you dance like anyone else…..that’s a good thing!! I’m so happy to see you competing Even in your hooping is very you, and I like that. I don’t think its a bad thing at all to not be compared to someone.
Awesome article! I can’t speak on pole dancing but as a dancer in general, I was always flattered when I saw another couple or dancer using one of my partner and I’s moves or incorporating our style. Dancers should take "copying" as a measure of their dancing not as a slap in the face.
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