Forums Discussions What to Expect

  • tiffthebest

    April 25, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    I havent been on the pole in 3 years and I havent been doing much exercising either so for the past two weeks I have been so sore it hurts to drive = So yeah pretty much I feel your pain and soreness is normal lol

  • Solya

    April 26, 2010 at 11:54 am

    I think pain and skin damage come with pole at all levels I’ve been poling for 1,5 years and I still get massive bruises when I try something new or do a spin many times over. Mind you, I don’t feel them when I get them and they don’t hurt after, so I just don’t care.

    If I overdo training a bit then I get sore muscles – but it feels SOOO good when you wake up in the morning, can’t get out of bed because of the pain and you think, wow, I worked out well yesterday It’s got to the point where I do pressups at home just to get sore muscles and feel that I’ve done something Bottom line is, your body gets used to being exercised and you’ll feel much better overall.

    You’ll definitely get abs, there is no way you shouldn’t! I haven’t lost much weight (maybe 2-3kgs) but I dropped almost 2 dress sizes and got lots of muscles. Pole is not a cardio workout so you’ll build muscle instead of rapidly burning fat, I guess.

    I had back problems all my life (curved spine, big boobs, bad posture) and pole has eliminated every single one of them. I carry myself much better, stand up straight and my back never hurts (and it has pretty muscles on it Whenever I stop poling, my back starts to hurt and it goes away when I pole again, it’s pretty incredible!

    Overall pole makes you a much healthier and happier person. You’ll build muscle and feel better in your skin. Frankly, the pain doesn’t really matter. Your skin will get used to it after a while and it’s worth it anyways Just make sure you don’t push yourself too hard and get more serious injuries like tendonitis or torn muscles.

  • MommaBear

    April 26, 2010 at 3:35 pm

    I had back problems all my life (curved spine, big boobs, bad posture) and pole has eliminated every single one of them. I carry myself much better, stand up straight and my back never hurts (and it has pretty muscles on it Whenever I stop poling, my back starts to hurt and it goes away when I pole again, it’s pretty incredible!

    I’m SO glad you shared that – my back is a major issue for me too – curved spine (sucks when your wanting an epidural), bad posture, I guess somewhat big boobs LOL. I was wondering to myself if I would achieve a nice straight back like I see in some of the videos because I tend to have that curved, hunchback shape instead.

    So excited to find out that it IS possible!!!!!!

    Per my daughters request:
    She was dying to click those into a message

  • Solya

    April 27, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    Haha your daughter is a sweetheart
    And yes, if you pole regularly your back will improve very soon! I was in physio for 2 years because of my spine and it did absolutely nothing compared to what pole has done so far. My back and neck used to hurt all the time and I’d get migraines, it’s all gone now As for general muscle development, in descending order it would be back, arms, pecs, abs and thighs – you’ll get toned up very nicely!

  • loopielou

    April 28, 2010 at 9:09 am

    I had back problems all my life (curved spine, big boobs, bad posture) and pole has eliminated every single one of them. I carry myself much better, stand up straight and my back never hurts (and it has pretty muscles on it ). Whenever I stop poling, my back starts to hurt and it goes away when I pole again, it’s pretty incredible!

    ME TOO!!! I used to wake up with trapped nerves, muscle problems and they wouldn’t go away for days. Since I started poling I haven’t had any of those problems at all! Apart from when I stopped for 2 or 3 months and then they slowly started coming back. It’s amazing how much it has helped me feel better.

    I have been poling for about 1.5 years as well and I have probably put weight on according to the scales, but my clothes are looser and I have toned up dramatically. Prior to poling, I pretty much hadn’t done any exercise since forced PE at school and that was coming up to 20 years ago. I smoke unfortunately but trying to kick the habit. I don’t drink and have a pretty healthy attitude to food, etc. so have never had a problem with my weight, but I can safely say that I have never been happier with my body than I am now – the only thing I wish pole could do for me is grow my boobs!

    It is a brilliant form of exercise. It will improve your posture, the way you think about yourself, your confidence – or it has for me – along with all the other benefits of being fitter, looking better and having muscles and that. There is also such a good community around poling – whether that is here online or in classes. I would recommend you do a course and push yourself to go to one as when you first start out I feel it is important to have that support around you and it is good to get a group of friends who do the same as you that you can jam with on occasion.

    Welcome to the world of Pole

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