Forums Discussions What to do for April 2011?

  • Billababe220

    March 31, 2011 at 5:31 pm

    Interpret a song through dance/movement.

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    March 31, 2011 at 6:02 pm

    Ok, I love the enthusiasm guys but you've got to remember, this is an international community – and way over here in Down Under Australia, spring is a LOOONG way away – in fact, we've just survived skin cancer from endless days at the beach under the scorching sun in wondrous hot humidity, and now we r about to enter the dark days of winter, so spring is far far from any aussie's mind right now! We r far too busy mourning the end of summer and gettin ready to hibernate in our ugg boots to celebrate spring! haha Im sorry to burst your bubble – i dont want to rain on any one's spring parade, but it wuold just be really hard for me to get in the mood for a spring theme song right now… it just wouldnt make sense to my seasonal rhythm haha 😛

    I like the idea of dancing to a song from another language/culture. I also like paying homage to an idol or muse… it's always interesting to see where people get their inspriation in life from…. It could be your fave pole-dancer (but then there would be a lot of crossover with  everyone loving Felix, Karol, Alethea, Jenyne etc)…. But that could be fun too, to see what moves and styles people choose to emulate from the greats. 

    I love the idea of dancing to a song released in the year you were born…. Because then we would definitely get a broad spectrum in response…. I love that pole-dancers come from all sorts of fascinating eras of music! Runemist, I have to disagree, im a huge lover of the 80's…. and I have a feeling there were some great hits released in 88, which works for me! More researcxh must be done! 🙂

    Salubivires – great idea, i think using just one word or theme for inspirationg like "arty" or "noir" or "aching" or  whatever… would get some really interesting results.

    ummmm im trying to think of another idea….. you could just elect one era or style of music for us to use in a video…. since almost everyone has their personal preferrances when it comes to music, like rock, pop, country, ballads, etc, it wuld do us good to get out of our comfort zone n try another genre. For example, maybe classical music? It would be hard but it would certainly be challenging! 😛 

  • PoleLiang

    April 2, 2011 at 11:34 pm

    It would be fun to dance to a song in a language that I dont understand… I really like this song from my favorite Korean TV show "Boys before flowers". and I also really like the idea of dancing to music from the year you were born too, lots of great songs from the year 1977, for instance "Dancing queen" by ABBA! I know, the song was played every xmas party for work that I went. And of course, "Hotel California" by Eagles. This challenge would be fun!

  • HazelHotpants

    April 3, 2011 at 4:24 am

    Quite like to dance to a song from the year you were born! I love the fact that pole is for any age!!! Also had a look at some songs from my year, which I had not even realised where released then. lol.

    Also think it could be fun to dance to a different language, I have a few italian songs. But think I would try and do something different for the challenge. 🙂

  • polefairy

    April 3, 2011 at 5:38 am

    The song from the year you were born is great. There are so many cool ones for my year, lots for Alice Cooper and Bonjovi etc hahahah that could be fun! I'd totally do it if I could dance through a whole song! The one word idea is excellent too because it's not one exact set idea, it can literally be interpreted in dozens of different ways. 

  • PoleKitten87

    April 3, 2011 at 7:40 am

    I love the song from a year you were born idea. Or even maybe the number one song on the day you were born. 🙂

  • Layla Duvay

    April 3, 2011 at 7:58 am

    There's a link you can use (Pop Culture Madness) where you can look up the #1 song on the day you were born! This is a great idea! We should do this!!!

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