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What’s your dream trick?
Posted by Misspolejava on July 27, 2013 at 11:11 amHave you been working on it, and if so how long?
Mine is the fonji, started working on it yesterday and I am SO SORE.
klaus e berger9168 replied 11 years, 6 months ago 30 Members · 36 Replies -
36 Replies
Split grip Ayesha, just starting to practice the split grip but it will be a while….. I suppose i need to get the elbow grip ayesha first lol
Rainbow marchenko and the cocoon! I’ve been stretching for about 6 months, but I don’t think my back will ever bend like they’re. I think they’re beautiful and I’m so jealous of people that can do them!
Any aysha, and the ability to maintain balance and move my legs anywhere. Had started on this last year but haven’t touched it in a long time.
I want to be able to go into and EG Ayesha and pop out to a true grip Ayesha. It would be nice to cartwheel into a TG Ayesha as well.
Dream trick? Hmm… I’m working on so many things, but I’ve been working in the Phoenix so I’d like that to be performance worthy. But my dream trick that I haven’t even tried to do is Rainbow Marchenko. It would be awesome to be able to do that!
I have a few…SG Ayesha (which I am working on right now but it will be awhile before I get it), Jade(have been picking at it here and there but I know it will be awhile before I get it…working on flexy, my legs still look like scissors lol), Handspring and Iron X.
Oh SG Ayesha I have been working on about 2 weeks, Jade I have been working on it periodically for the last 4 months or so. Handspring is on my goals list for Oct. Iron X is on my goal list for Dec.
Right now my dream move is a phoenix. Started working on it more seriously, just a few weeks ago, so maybe I can make it reality!
Mine is a phoenix also and a jade drop. Since I started poling those are the two I've wanted and I am finally getting closer!!
Hm, right now, its a trick I'm not even sure is possible. Thigh Rest to Gemini or Scorpio. I can do them individually, it's the transition that will take some time. *fingers crossed*
My absolute dream is the infamous iron-x, but being a scardy pants of heights, anything like drops and climbs with my head down are my dream. Right now, I want to master the shoulder mount and the frigging butterfly 😀 that would be a plus before I move down on my list of wishes 🙂
yeah, and of course, splits first 🙂 that is still my dream 🙂
Sooo many dream tricks lol. Last night I dreamt I could do a superman. I've never had that dream before. I got into it so easily, I even went into a superman bridge thing, and angled myself facing really far down. I don't even know if what I dreamt is possible, but it sure was cool.
I have quite a few but Phoenix definitely wins. And I'm noooooowhere near close to getting it. But someday…
My dream trick would be Rainbow Marchenko. But that is just a dream because it will never happen. My realistic goals are Phoenix, Cocoon, Janeiro, Downsplits, and the Fonji. I can't pick just one.
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