Forums Discussions When You Video…

  • PoleNerd

    May 24, 2011 at 6:00 pm

    Watching my videos consists of learning what I need to fix and bashing myself. I bash myself for performing a move incorrectly and for how my body looks. However, the former is very helpful in showing me what I need to improve.

    Things that I’ve improved on, thanks to watching my vids:
    Pointing toes

    What makes me CRINGE from watching my vids:
    Stomach fat
    Faces I make

    So at the moment, watching my videos is more negative than positive…but I keep powering through, knowing that videos will only help me improve and make me feel proud of my progress.

  • Madfelice

    May 24, 2011 at 6:30 pm

    I have trained myself not to actually look at 'myself' when I watch video.  I look instead at my form.  How a trick or move is executed, how it flows, whether I am in position for it etc, because I know that if I allow myself to look at 'me' I will go into a spiral of depression because I am not pretty enough, toned enough, the list goes on.  I just don't look at those things.  Same thing when I watch myself in the mirror when I am poling.  I am not watching myself, I am watching my form.

  • Sair

    May 24, 2011 at 6:43 pm

    That’s a loaded question 😉 but a very good one at that

    My issues are with my short goofy legs and the way the camera picks up and emphasizes my strangely shaped lower half. It’s so bizarre but I find myself sitting back while watching it and thinking “wow is that really how I look?”.
    Everyone is their own worst critic though 😉 anyone who posts a video of themselves pole damcing on the net is pretty ballsy and a least a little bit confident in my books 🙂
    Please don’t let body issues stop you from posting videos ladies 🙂

  • Sair

    May 24, 2011 at 6:46 pm

    Ps as soon as I switch the camera on, my hands sWeat profusely! It’s so frustrating!!!!!! 🙁 but camera off and no

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