Forums Discussions When am I a pole dancer?

  • Dayanara

    June 30, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    HAHAHAHHA, that’s funny Natalie, this friend of mine does yoga and is all about fitness, so she thought inverting on the pole was piece of cake, I tried to tell her, it took me 2 months of practicing 4-5 times a week to be able to invert and another month to invert properly (using my abs), she didn’t listen, she then tried to do a carousel and banged her knee pretty bad on the floor when she couldn’t hold it, that’s when I said NO MORE, you’re not killing yourself on my pole!! get off it now! LOL. funny people.

  • mayzface

    July 2, 2009 at 6:55 pm

    I was feeling like too much of a newbie call myself a pole dancer, but untamedshrew’s criteria just put me in my place. I love showing off those bruises, and I can’t hear a song without thinking about how it would flow on the pole. Now I don’t feel like such a poser! Thanks friends!

  • SissyBuns

    July 2, 2009 at 11:24 pm

    I was feeling like too much of a newbie call myself a pole dancer, but untamedshrew’s criteria just put me in my place. I love showing off those bruises, and I can’t hear a song without thinking about how it would flow on the pole. Now I don’t feel like such a poser! Thanks friends! LOL

  • violet

    July 18, 2009 at 3:40 pm

    If you are proud of your bruises, you may be a pole dancer.
    If you can’t find shorts that are short enough, you may be a pole dancer.
    If you spend more time watching women pole dance than the man in your life, you may be a pole dancer.
    If you hear a song and immediately rate it for pole compatability, you may be a pole dancer.
    If you have spent any amount of time trying to convince someone that pole dancing is different than stripping, you may be a pole dancer.

    HAHAHA thats fab! I’m so saving that

  • Crystaljng

    December 21, 2011 at 1:15 am

    This is epic! For some reason when I read this I have tears in my eyes! It gives me a sense of belonging and I am touched by the thought that there are many of me out there truly loving the art of pole.

  • CalBear

    December 21, 2011 at 7:08 am

    I've often asked myself the same question. And for me, I think you can call yourself a poledancer once you perform in front of people/an audience + how long you've been practicing and how committed and passionate you are about it.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 21, 2011 at 7:42 am


  • Esperonza16

    December 21, 2011 at 8:40 am

    If you spend more time watching women pole dance than the man in your life, you may be a pole dancer.
    If you hear a song and immediately rate it for pole compatability, you may be a pole dancer.
    If you have spent any amount of time trying to convince someone that pole dancing is different than stripping, you may be a pole dancer.


    You know it's funny. I don't even have a pole yet….and I already do those 3 things….haha. What's that make me now?

  • beginner2

    December 22, 2011 at 5:51 am


    I think you call yourself a pole dancer if it's your job (you're paid to perform pole dancing or to teach pole dancing). Otherwise poling is listed as your hobby.


    It's like if I learn all skills to become a secretary & I'm good at them but if I don't work as a secretary, I cannot call myself a secretary.


    It's like one learns how to sing, sings well & is passionate about singing, but one is not a singer for the same reason.


    Or a person graduating from acting school but never acts in any movie doesn’t call herself an actress.

  • michaelaarghh

    December 22, 2011 at 8:00 pm

    I don't really agree with that though, polefitness. 


    That analogy works for the secretary, but that's because that is a specific job. 

    I have plenty of friends who are singers, and don't necessarily make a living off it. Same way I'm a guitarist. I don't really perform (no time) and I'm not in a band or anything, but I do play the guitar. Therefore, I'm a guitarist. 


    This has been interesting to read, because like OP, I'm only new to poling but was wondering if I was jumping the gun by calling myself a "pole dancer". I think when you're passionate about it. If you've taken it up as a serious hobby or whatever. 

    I think especially because "dancer" is just the noun of the verb. So, I am a dancer because I dance. 

    I don't think there needs to be a monetary aspect taken into consideration at all, or how many tricks you can do.

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