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When did you start getting…”good”?
Mary Ellyn replied 12 years, 6 months ago 18 Members · 21 Replies
If you really are located in the San Fransisco area, you should look into classes at Poletential. I've heard great things about that studio and seen some amazing dancers come out of there.
I agree with the other ladies. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. You'll progress at your own pace, your body will let you know when it's time to be able to do the hold. You just have to stick with it and build up your strength and it will come.
I started poling at the end of February 2012 and when I first started I could barely sit on the pole, I couldn't climb the pole, my spins were awful. Haha! I watched the other girls in the class get holds before I could. One girl was so insanely good she did a shoulder mount on the first try and she had never pole danced before. It was really frustrating, but I stuck with it because I wanted to keep learning. I really worked on conditioning and voraciously watched youtube tutorials and videos at home. It paid off because now I can do advanced moves like the Extended Butterfly, Caterpillar Climb, and the Ayesha.
I still struggle with my own weaknesses, of course. My chopper looks like crap 30 minutes into a practice session and I can only get a Superman 50% of the time. So, long story short, try not to compare yourself to anyone. Just let your determination be your guide.
I think when we have built the muscle and flex needed for the smooth lifts, etc then we start to look good , however it really is hard to look at yourself as being good because we are always striving to get better and better and we are our own worse critiques, when people say to me you are so good it still does not compute!
But I watch Veena, Penny, and lots of others on here and they are good!:-)
Ramona – you’re already better than someone who refuses to try!
What I often see (and warn students) is that it takes about 5-6 weeks for the average new student to start feeling comfortable enough that they remember at least a couple of things they've learned in the past few weeks and can move without feeling clumsy. It usually takes this long for muscle memory to kick in and that's the big problem for new dancers.
It's just like martial arts or gymnastics in that way. Despite whether you "dance" or do pole for fitness the beginning aspects of learning involved a lot more coordination than just dance.
I also like to remind students to think back to when they first started dancing as a kid…you watched VH-1 (or if you're as old as me Soul Train or American Bandstand) and practiced secretly at home for weeks then went to your first school dance and most of us still moved like a robot! It was YEARS before you could go to a dance or party and just get up and dance without thinking about it or feeling akward.
You are starting that experience all over again with pole dancing. Some take weeks, months or even longer to get comfortable. It may not take you years now because you have some sort of dance experience to draw upon but it is like starting over since it's so different.
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