Forums Discussions When do you fit in strength training?

  • When do you fit in strength training?

    Posted by EagleSpirit on February 6, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    I haven't been finding time to strength train, and I'm trying to figure out how to fit it in because I'm sure it would help me a lot.  I pole dance every second or third day.  On pole days, I do a 10-15 minute warm-up, then anywhere from 1/2 hour to 1 hour of pole dancing and working on moves, then I stretch for another 15 or so minutes to try to increase flexibility.  All in all, it ends up being a rather lengthy exercise compared to 20-30 minutes on the elliptical.  I don't think I'm going to want to try to do strength training on the same day as poling; it'd just be too much and I wouldn't stay dedicated to doing it.

    But I can't strength train on off days because those days are supposed to be for your muscles to rest, repair and build, right?  So the only option I can think of would be to have a pole dance day, then a rest day, then a strength training day, then a rest day, then a pole day again.

    How do all of you fit strength training into your routine?

    mizvix replied 13 years, 12 months ago 21 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • inkyfingers

    February 6, 2011 at 6:00 pm

    Eagle, I have been questioning my fitness schedule also.  I just don't know how to make it fit and still have rest days for recovering.  I'm gonna be checking in here again, hoping that somehow someone has an answer.

  • Bellz

    February 6, 2011 at 6:45 pm

    Mayve strength training and pole tricks…and cardio and pole dancing. Switch those off and on. I don't pole dance- I focus on tricks, so I have to do different cardio. I do ST every day (upper body, lower body, core, upper, lower, core..ect) So maybe you can do 10 minutes of ST and pole tricks, and the next day get your cardio in by dancing???

  • Liani K

    February 7, 2011 at 9:02 am

    I like to combine my workouts. So, I'll usually do something like 30 mins of cardio and sometimes follow it up with 30-45 mins of strength training. I pole 3-4 times a week and stretch on my rest days. It all depends on my schedule and what I have time for. It also depends on how my muscles are feeling, but generally speaking I do cardio just about everyday and strengh train/pole every other day.

  • EvaRut

    February 7, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    I usually do strength training as a warm up for about 20 minutes before each pole session. 

  • Kobajo84

    February 7, 2011 at 12:24 pm

    I do a warmup that includes stretching and strength training exercises.  As you're warming up take some of Veena's strength training exercises and incorporate them into your warmup. 

  • juvo73

    February 8, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    I am totally new to poledance, but used to ST. I am starting out with poledance (mostly spins and tricks) 3 days a week, and on the off days I do ST on my lower body, since I don't use my leg muscles a lot when I poledance.

    I poledance in the studio, so there are not much time for streching. I do extra streching on my ST days, witch is perfect as my legs are better warmed up and I have time, since I do it at home.

    Only guys have compelte rest days to grow bigger. Or they divide the week up into about six or seven bodyparts, if they do ST every day.
    If you research the bodyfitness women, they do pretty much the same routine as Bellz- with barely any restdays. That way the get strong, toned but not huge like the bodybuilding women. There is a huge difference. Good luck finding what works best for you 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    February 8, 2011 at 6:27 pm

    Good post. I'm still trying to figure this one out too.  🙂

    Before I got into pole I was a regular gym goer (3-5 times a week). Now that I pole, I only go to the gym to lift weights about once or twice a week (usually weekends) and then I pole in between.

    I find I lack time also. I'll get into these phases where I have no time to workout so I'll do these workouts from They are short but super intense workouts meant to burn calories and maked you jacked ! They really work.

    Best of luck. 🙂

  • EagleSpirit

    March 23, 2011 at 4:18 pm

    I've started doing strength moves on the pole during my sessions, and this has been working out great!  I warm up, work on some moves and incorporate some strength building static poses in between (for example: a pole hold with my legs tucked behind me away from the pole before slowly sliding down to my knees to come out of a climb) in between spins and other moves.  When I'm ready to end my workout, I do a dance to whatever song I'm most in the mood for and just enjoy doing the moves that I've already mastered so I end on a positive note.  That final dance really helps me to not get frustrated over the moves that I'm struggling with;  it keeps me looking forward to my next workout.  Finally, I cool down and stretch to increase my non-existent flexibility.

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    March 24, 2011 at 1:36 am

    Wow you guys are so structured and organised… I have no set workout plan, I just go with the flow and tend to fluctuate a lot. When I pole dance (prob 4 or 5 days a week) I usually just pole dance – so an easy dance to warm up, some stretching, then work on tricks, do a few more dances, stretch etc. When I do my cardio exercise (about 2 to 4 times a week) I run the beach, sprint in the soft sand, and do my strength training then. Usually lots of lunges and squats to burn calories by activating those large muscles (quads and glutes). Push-ups and tricep dips for arms and planks and pilates for core. But I have to admit, I am so undisciplined… My workouts and thus my stength fluctuates regularly. I do think it is so important to include strength training in your weekly schedual though. Especially as women get older, we have to work harder to maintain our strength. I want to make sure i can walk up stairs and lift the kettle when Im 80 🙂 And I really really want to be able to do the Flag! 😛 hehe  

  • PolefitFanatic

    March 24, 2011 at 4:38 am

    I usually strength train at least twice a week, pole twice a week, need to fit more cardio in, but currently include that with my ST, stretching/core class once a week. Trying to fit a 3rd pole session in now….

  • Pavi

    March 24, 2011 at 9:17 am

    OK, so here's my routine:

    Mondays: Power yoga

    Tuesdays: Pole class + Bendy Buddies in the evening

    Wednesdays: Free/Bodyrock/Gym

    Thursdays: Pole class + Exotic dance class

    Fridays: Free/Bodyrock/Gym

    Saturdays: Free/Bodyrock/Gym

    Sundays: Free/Bodyrock/Gym

    I usually end up having 2 free days in a week but I have to say that my addiction to bodyrocking is gradually growing. I've never been a fan of home workouts but now with my love for pole, it's a totally different story 🙂 I like that it combines strength/cardio/interval training in all-in-one package. And it's actually fun although it looks like military training.

    However, just like PolefitFanatic, I'd like to fit in one more pole session….

  • Sair

    March 24, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    I love to see what everyone is doing 😉  It helps me to personally shake up my routine.


    As of right now:

    Monday – Intermed. Pole class + 30 mins yoga

    Tuesday – 1 hour Strength Training + 30 mins yoga

    Wednesday – 1 Hour Pole trvansitions class + 1 hour core flow (yoga)

    Thursday – 1 hour strength training + 30 mins yoga + a whole lotta pole in the evening (This is the night that we pole jam every week)

    Friday – 1 hour strength training + 30 mins yoga

    Sat – 30 mins yoga + (occasionally strength and flexibility class @ studio)

    Sun – 30 mins yoga

    i'm doing a 30 mins for 30 days yoga challenge thus all of the yoga madness 😉

    I hate hate HATE cardio, but once my yoga challenge is over, I plan to alternate stretching days with running or swimming grrrrrr

  • Kira

    March 24, 2011 at 3:51 pm

    o_O holy moley everyone… i just pole 2 hrs a week and that's if i can afford to go lol and just fit in stretching and ST in with pole…man I feel so bad right now…. I'm in awe of you guys doing all that training!!!

  • BailaHoops

    March 24, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    I love seeing everyones schedules, so inspiring! I am currently trying to change up my fitness to be a  bit more active but right now it looks like this:

    Monday: Modern Dance Class

    Tuesday: Cardio of some type, weight lifting / pole

    Wednesday: HIIT yoga more weightlifting

    Thursday: Cardio (this is kind of my easy day)

    Friday: Yoga and pole

    Saturday: Cardio and weight lifting

    Sunday: Cardio and yoga/ lifting just my body weight (sometimes I get an extra pole day in here)

    I really want to be doing a consistent pole 3 days a week but my current schooling schedule isn't lending itself to that haha



  • Poleluver

    March 24, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    I am trying to lose weight and get stronger on the pole.  I do hard cardio and weight lifting.  I work over night and 2 16 hr shifts back to back so it leaves the rest of the week open but then takes away a few too. Today I did an hour spin class ( balls out) , then body pump for an hour. Strechted for splits. I'm hoping tonight of trick practice. Ideally I wan to do 2 nights a week of solid practice if I don't have pole class but  sometimes getting on the pole now is hard. I'm in a rut and feel frustrated but wow after a month of working out it definately made a difference!

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