Forums Discussions When do you fit in strength training?

  • BlueGirl

    March 25, 2011 at 9:30 am

    I try to fit in additional weight training on my trick heavy days. I absolutely love my TRX system! It was a little pricey but well worth it.

    I hoop and do Pilates reformer on my off days. Still searching for a cardio activity that I will stick with….

  • chemgoddess1

    March 25, 2011 at 10:30 am

    Lindsy…have you tried Zumba?  It really depends on your instructor so don't let one experience skew your thoughts on it.  I was lucky to have an awesome instructor and it was easy going to class.  She has moved to another locations and I am now taking a Cardio Hip Hop class that also incorporated toning (lunges, push ups, squates, etc) and I like this a lot too.  For me, I have to be in a group setting for cardio.  The energy of the room keeps me going and coming back.  I HATE cardio and this has been the onely thing that I have been abelt to stick with for any length of time (a little over a year).

  • mizvix

    March 25, 2011 at 12:33 pm

    wow…. you guys seem to work so hard! how do you find the time? 

    per week, I take 1 90min pole class (focusing on tricks and transitions), 1 1hr pole routine class (inc. floorwork and much more cardio based) and i usually go to an open session for 2 hours on a sunday, tho i'm not sure how much time we spend dancing and how much we spend talking!

    i used to run 3-5 times a week, normally in the morning before work so it might only have been 20 mins or so, but i found i was too exhausted to do anything. At the minute i have to say i am having some difficulty keeping up with work and exercise, so even though i want to do more (i've always been very active) i don't have the time!

  • Hazi411

    March 26, 2011 at 6:37 am

    Earlier today I was asked how often I go to pole classes.  That got me thinking … at the moment, this is my schedule:

    Mondays:  beginner pole (1 hour – includes warm up 10-15 mins, pole spins and tricks, learning a routine 10-15 mins, and a very brief cooldown/stretch)

     Tuesday rest. 

    Wednesday 1 hour flexibility class (includes warm up).  Sometimes I do intermediate pole 90 mins on Wednesdays too (includes warm up, strength training, pole spins, stretching) – different pole studio than Monday and Thursday nights.

    Thursday is  Intermediate pole at the same studio as Mondays, with the same format as for Monday. 

    Friday rest.

    Saturday morning 1 hour flexibility class (sometimes  I do a 1 hour cardio class – sexy dance based aerobics)  first.

    Sunday afternoon I sometimes get the chance to use my pole at home!


  • joni1

    March 26, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    I really don't do any weight lifting anymore as we lift our body weight  so much on the pole and silk. Here is my schedule;

    Sunday; 1hour pole spins, trick and transition. And either 1 hour rockclimbing or 1 hour indoor badminton.

    Monday ; Restday with light stretches

    Tuesday; 1 hour hot power yoga with 15 min splits stretching or 30 min eliptical and 30 minuites splits stretching in the morning. Then off I go for 1 hour and 15 minutes of aerial silk training in the afternoon. After dinner it is off for 2 hours of intermediate and advance pole tricks and dance.

    Wednesday; Restday with some light stretches .

    Thursday; 1 hour of hot power yoga  and 15 min of splits stretching.

    Friday; 1 hour of hot power yoga, 15 min of splits stretching. 30 min of eliptical

    Saturday; 1 hour of aerial silk training.


  • Polecat88

    March 26, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    how does everyone fit all this in around work? O_O

  • Hazi411

    March 27, 2011 at 1:25 am

    Salubiveres – I'd like to know this too 🙂 I don't think my body would let me do as much as some of you ladies do;-)

  • BailaHoops

    March 27, 2011 at 6:50 am

    I use to feel too exhausted to do this kind of crazy every day sort of excercise, but just recently I started forcing myself to do some sort of excercise before school and sometimes after and this has really really brought my energy level up. I thought I would be so exhausted after it that I wouldn't be able/want to do anything. But just the other day I got up did yoga took the dog on a walk, went to school (with an hour drive blech) came home ran with the dog after and did some light weight lifting and instead of being dead tired I cleaned the house afterwards.

    And I am soooo not one of those people with endless peppy energy. I usually wish horrible things on those people LOL Just beacuse I am jealous. so I would say give it a shot for a week stepping up your workouts and see how your body responds. And if you can get up a little early to get a workout in in the morning especially some sort of cardio I bet you will feel great!


  • mizvix

    March 27, 2011 at 2:14 pm

    In winter i find morning workouts energising, but if my work schedule is hectic they kill me! It is amazing how much wrecking yourself with exercise can wake you up!

    @salubivires – badly!!! unfortunately exercise is the first thing to go when i get busy 🙁 which then gets me very grumpy (I would sacrifice sleep, but i don't get much of that anyway lol!)

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