Forums Discussions Where did your nickname come from???

  • PennyGirl

    August 10, 2010 at 1:01 pm

    Wow. A post in my honour. I’d better hope my story lives up to it now.

    I did say there was alcohol involved, yeah?

    I was at a club chatting to a lesbian friend of mine and a male friend. The conversation turned (as it does remarkably often) to sex, and specifically the way men frequently claim that they want to watch lesbian sex. I think I said that what they actually mean is that they want to watch bisexual sex, ‘cos they always have this vague hope of being invited in. The guy agreed with me in that wonderfully considered way the only utterly inebriated can manage and said, again as if imparting great wisdom, "Yes. I mean, lesbian sex, it’s a bit like seeing your ideal gerbil… as roadkill." The other girl and I stopped abruptly and sort of looked at each other. Slightly hesitantly she asked "Do you mean <insert name of breed of small rodent here. I was too drunk/intruiged to pay much attention to specifics>?" His voice was completely shocked as he replied "God, no. That’s a hamster!!"

    The very next day I had to find a new username (for LJ, IIRC) and the only thing I could think about was this completely random conversation. So, yes, I am a euphamism for lesbian sex. What can I say? as with so much that I do, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

    WOW totally random and I’m sure invites Quite a bit of conversation lOL!

  • PennyGirl

    August 10, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    When I was 11 and started playing Everquest 1 I made my first wood elf druid, I didnt know what to name her, then I sounded out ‘Mel…..ea….ni…a’ tada! literally just made it up like that (Mel-lay-nee-uh). Im the only meleania ive come across to date, and if you find someone with that name on another site, chances are its me. my real name is Aubree though =D

    i LOVE your real name, I think Aubree is so pretty. I wanted to name my dayghter aubree, but then my friend stole the name from me and so I named my daughter Azalea

  • Bex

    August 10, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    I am a Sign Language Interpreter (Terp) and the 258 is actually a play-on-words in sign meaning "interesting"

    I use it as my handle for almost everything because I know it is always available and I guess I was feeling uncreative when I joined SV. Hindsight, I should have come up with a stripper name of something.

  • yogabeachbabe

    August 10, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    This thread is so cute and interesting. I really love hearing everyone’s stories!

    I used to be a Yoga instructor and I used to live on South Beach (FL). I think I had wanted Yogababe for an email account but it was already taken, so I inserted the "beach" part so it could be read as either Yogababe or Beachbabe. But really, my name is Sasha, which actually sounds more like an exotic dancer’s name than yogabeachbabe!

  • EvaRut

    August 10, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    Im boring. I just use my name. Eva Rut

    I though ti meant that you were 4 eva in a rut….I really thought that. I had no idea that was actually your name…oops!

    Hahaha Well now you know

  • Finreah

    August 10, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    My nickname came from a mmorpg( massive mutiplayer online role playing game) Everquest I created like 7 chars and never liked any of their names and so I said fine this will be the last ,Fin. I added reah so it would sound more feminine and for a long time my name was Finreah Guerriere. literally the last warrior.

  • TwistedGripKristy

    August 10, 2010 at 3:46 pm

    koi for the tattoo I have on my back and kristy for my name

  • chemgoddess1

    August 10, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    Mine was given to me in college. I was a chem major (yes, I am a chemist) and in our study group there was me and one other girl. I became chemgoddess 1 and she became chemgoddess 2, I don’t really remember how the whole silly thing came about. I remember at one point in time she had this really sexy/geeky message on her answering machine.

  • litlbit

    August 10, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    My nickname came from Carl Eller, #81 tight end from the Minnesota Vikings….WAY back in 1970! LOL I was dating his cousin that was living with him at the time…he called me that because I was so tiny! (everyone was bigger than me back then!! haha!)

  • AubFolts

    August 10, 2010 at 7:58 pm

    Everyone is so interesting! Mine is boring!! A is for my first name (Aubrey) and Dis is the first three letters of my last name – and pole …. – for pole.. LOL

  • PennyGirl

    August 10, 2010 at 8:17 pm

    I am a Sign Language Interpreter (Terp) and the 258 is actually a play-on-words in sign meaning "interesting"

    I use it as my handle for almost everything because I know it is always available and I guess I was feeling uncreative when I joined SV. Hindsight, I should have come up with a stripper name of something.

    ha ha no, it’s cool and "interesting" LOL! I love that your name in unique.

  • stars2shame

    August 10, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    This thread is so interesting! I love hearing all the stories about how people thought up their nicknames!

    I was a huge Mortal combat fan, and Kitana was my fav, with those cool fan weapons she had .I played the super nintendo one (very old).

    Chemgodess – I was always intrigued by that name because when I was a teenager I was a raver and the thing to do at Raves was ecstacy and everyone would always say "know your chemist" to refer to knowing where you got the drugs from, when in reality the person we were buying it from didn’t know the chemist, and I’m willing to bet that the person he bought it from didn’t know the chemist!! Wow, the stupid things teenagers do makes me really happy that I am not a teenager anymore!!

    I chose my name because I’m a sucker for stars and all star related things and on tv one time I heard someone describe someone else as being so beautiful she "put the stars to shame" and I thought that was really cute. My real name is Tasha. I usually sign up for things using my email name happy_tasha , cause I’m a happy girl, but this time I wanted to be more anonymous so that nobody could find me on here. When I first started poling I kept it quiet for the most part, I was afraid people wouldn’t understand, and some still don’t! yuk.

  • chemgoddess1

    August 10, 2010 at 8:26 pm

    Chemgodess – I was always intrigued by that name because when I was a teenager I was a raver and the thing to do at Raves was ecstacy and everyone would always say "know your chemist" to refer to knowing where you got the drugs from, when in reality the person we were buying it from didn’t know the chemist, and I’m willing to bet that the person he bought it from didn’t know the chemist!! Wow, the stupid things teenagers do makes me really happy that I am not a teenager anymore!!

    Yeah, but I am the geeky lab rat type of chemist.

  • Poleluver

    August 10, 2010 at 9:00 pm

    When I signed up didn’t imagine being involved much- just reading and viewing. I was very uncreative and probably tired so mine is obvious and even though I consider myself a huge fan of my daughter- I am also kicking myself in the behind! I think I was in a hurry to get to see some informational help LOL! Should of thought about it more.

  • studio409

    August 11, 2010 at 4:50 am

    It’s the name of my Studio! We start at number 409 but now we growing and we move at the 406 since one year. But everybody know the 409 so, we keep it! Studio 409! But my name is Valérie!!!

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