Forums Discussions Where did your nickname come from???

  • Terpsikhore

    August 14, 2010 at 10:02 am

    Terpsichore was one of the 9 Greek muses. She’s the muse of dance.

    I just spell it differently because my real name’s Kath and so I like the letter K, haha.

  • Charley

    August 14, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    My name came from a conversation eons ago at one of the radio stations I worked at. One of my interns was also an exotic dancer so we used to talk shop all the time. She already had a "stripper name" and yes, that’s the term we used – no offense intended…and I had only ever used a really bad "stripper name" so it was time for a new one. The problem IS my real name Crystal already sounds like a stripper name. I looked at the computer and the display was "Charris" and I thought Charley. She loved it as a name for me because I am just not super girly so Charley stuck.

    Shortly thereafter there was the annual round of firings and I was cut as was the entire morning show and the afternoon guy, the imaging director and most of or promotions staff…so I had 6 months severance coming and had already purchased a pole because I missed pole dancing so much (although I couldn’t DO anything.) I spent those 6 months playing around and then started posting on forums and Charley really came into her own.

  • hookedonpole

    August 23, 2010 at 4:25 am

    "descalzada" means barefoot (in Spanish; I’m Venezuelan), and I’ve always preferred being barefoot.
    It’s been my on-line nom de plume for many years … when I was a young engineer back in the mid-70s, the prevailing male attitude was that women should be "barefoot & pregnant", so initially I was using it sarcastically.
    I still prefer being barefoot at home most of the time, but I also enjoy putting on my CFM heels!

    I knew that’s what that meant, I like it!

  • hookedonpole

    August 23, 2010 at 4:34 am

    tigger, how creative you are to start this thread!

    When I was searching online after starting pole to find help after my studio closed down, I came across sv. I was curious and registered, the only thing I could come up with is hookedonpole because that is what I was, "hooked"! After I registered, I had second thoughts about the "hooked" part and wondered if anyone would take it out of context

    I visted the site a couple of times and actually did not return for quite a while. I was still so new to pole and didn’t think the site was for me…WRONG!! I came back and am "hooked" on sv!!! Now I LOVE my nickname.

  • Gsylass

    August 24, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    I picked this name back when I was at uni in Aberdeen, Scotland. I’m actually from Guernsey in the Channel Islands, so it’s a mixture of shortened Guernsey to Gsy and the Scottish term for a girl, lass. Gsylass. My real name is Hannah.

    Great idea for a thread – I’ve loved reading all your stories!

  • Jenn PoleLush

    August 25, 2010 at 8:14 am

    Ugh, I was not very creative when I made it…My name is Jenn..and …I am an RN..sigh

  • tiggertail

    August 25, 2010 at 11:26 am

    Wow i’m so happy that this tread is not dead yet and that all of you girls been sharing this with us

  • GisaFelix

    August 25, 2010 at 5:45 pm

    So boring… it’s from my name.
    When I realized I could use whatever I wanted to I wasn’t able to change it.

    Anyway, I have no imagination could be worse.. better this way. lol.

  • polebunny

    August 25, 2010 at 5:51 pm

    well my husband and i always call each other bunnies, he even got me a bunny necklace for valentines once, so i just went with pole bunny bc it was easy to think of, and reminds me of jessica rabbit if i need a sexy inspiration, lol. also bc there is a bunny smile on here that i try to put at the end of all my posts.

  • hookedonpole

    August 25, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    well my husband and i always call each other bunnies, he even got me a bunny necklace for valentines once, so i just went with pole bunny bc it was easy to think of, and reminds me of jessica rabbit if i need a sexy inspiration, lol. also bc there is a bunny smile on here that i try to put at the end of all my posts.

    Good one, polebunny.

  • vickiezoo

    August 26, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    Well my name is Vickie and I work at a zoo, I am animal mad and love zoos. Enough said, I am head of the big cat setion which is why I always put cat smilies at the end. Great thread its really interesting reading everyones nickname reasons. I love ottersocks its waay cute!!

  • Serzi

    August 27, 2010 at 7:45 am

    When I was about seven years old my Aunt Heidi was in high school and was like a big sister to me. She had a boyfriend that I had a little kiddie crush on and she’d playfully tease me about it.

    For some reason, the guy always thought my name was "Suzy"…except with his Colorado accent it sounded more like "Serzi". Soooo, my Aunt would try to correct him and then one day I said "He can call me whatever he wants to." This evoked a riot of laughter because, that coming from a seven year old, it sounded a tad too sexy. From then on, Serzi stuck and any hope of my Aunt’s boyfriend ever remembering my real name was lost forever.

    It got even better when I became a teenager. The song Suzy Q by CCR came on the radio one time when I was drinking w/ my friends at a party. We all started singing it but we were so drunk we slurred the words and it became "Oh, Serrrrzi Q! Oh, Serrrrzi Q! Oh, baby, I love you! Baby, I love you…Serrrrzi Q.". I got up and did a sultry dance in front of everyone there and Serzi became my official stage-name for life. lol

    ? ~*Serzi

  • dustbunny

    August 27, 2010 at 9:13 am

    My father-in-law gave me my nickname. When my hubby and I first started dating (back in high school) I would hang out at his parents house after school and on weekends. Like most teenage boys, his room wasn’t the cleanest place ever and so, because I spent so much time hanging out in there, with the dustbunnies, his father started to call me dustbunny. Now I use it all over the internet! And if I ever want a "stage name" I’d use Dusty Rose because Rose is my maiden name.

  • beltainebabe

    August 28, 2010 at 10:48 am

    Hi everyone! Newbie poster here, though I’ve been watching the vids/lessons for a few weeks.

    My name is from my birthday, Beltaine/Bealtainne is an old word for the festival of May Day, the day I was born, hence Beltaine Babe – babe of beltaine sounded wrong, and i secretly like the double meaning of the babe bit!


  • mizvix

    August 29, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    When my big brother was born he was called David. My mum got really annoyed when people would shorten it to dave or davy etc. So, when i came along, my parents decided on a name that couldn’t be shortened – vicky.

    unfortunately, my darling big brother always called me vix, which stuck – even my dad calls me it now! When I qualified as a teacher he started calling me ‘miss vix’. Not being the creative type, it just seemed easy to use here – i changed miss to miz because i thought it sounded catchier!

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