Forums Discussions Where did your nickname come from???

  • coolchange

    November 21, 2011 at 11:31 pm

    I have always liked the old song Cool Change by The Little River Band.  I guess I was about 12 when it came out?  It would stick in my head sometimes…love the message.  Sometimes we all need a cool change in our lives : )

    "Time for a cool change
    I know that it's time for a cool change
    And I know that my life is so pre-arranged
    I know that it's time for a cool change" ""   



  • coolchange

    November 21, 2011 at 11:39 pm

    How did I manage do  a triple post?  So sorry! Brain fry…trying to bake a cheesecake for Turkey Day. My test one recently was divine.  Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake, in the Nov Southern Living magazine.  Very fattening..hope to stay out of this one!  It has praline icing

    Any way to delete the duplicate posts?


  • Legend

    November 22, 2011 at 2:24 am

    One of my favorite movies growing up was Legend, so when I had to pick a nickname (way back in the days of mIRC) seemed like an obvious choice, both mysterious and androgynous. Over time It became part of me, my "virtual" identity. If its taken I use Lenda (legend in portuguese ).

  • PaulettePoles

    November 22, 2011 at 4:24 am

    Paulette is jus my middel name.. not a nickname.. Ive had jewels as a real nickname (Im julianna) some in high school called me jewlery- grandpa always called me twinkle toes.. dad calls me goober ( loved the candy).. LOTS! Just named a kittena fter my sisters childhood nickname- Besty Butt! Her name is Janette but I couldnt say it when I was little and called her Nettie too! Too many nickers to choose from! Oh- Last name was Suffety- noone could say so we also got called the suffers! I too should ave put more thought into a username, was just trying to get one up!

  • PaulettePoles

    November 22, 2011 at 4:24 am

    Paulette is jus my middel name.. not a nickname.. Ive had jewels as a real nickname (Im julianna) some in high school called me jewlery- grandpa always called me twinkle toes.. dad calls me goober ( loved the candy).. LOTS! Just named a kittena fter my sisters childhood nickname- Besty Butt! Her name is Janette but I couldnt say it when I was little and called her Nettie too! Too many nickers to choose from! Oh- Last name was Suffety- noone could say so we also got called the suffers! I too should ave put more thought into a username, was just trying to get one up!

  • emotioncatcher

    November 22, 2011 at 4:54 am

    so much fun to read all the stories.

    i made my nickname when i started to photograph. it´s very simple how i came to that name: I wanted to "catch" emotions with my photos, so i called myself emotioncatcher on different websites where i uploaded my photos. 

    since then i started using it on all websites, also here and on youtube. but i think it also fits very good to a pole dancer, because emotions are also very important to me for a good and impressive dance. =)

  • phoenix1986

    November 22, 2011 at 6:09 am

    Hey guys.. I really enjoyed reading all your stories!

    Well, here is mine – my nickname is quite a personal one I guess.. I’ll start off with the easy part “1986” – this is the year in which I was born.  The “phoenix” needs a little bit more explanation..

    On the one hand I like the idea of reincarnation and the never-ending cycle of life. That good and bad times alternate and that death is just another part of life.

    On the other hand I feel like a “phoenix rising from the ashes” myself, my newly started pole journey being another milestone in this process. For me it’s a way of getting in touch with myself and it allows me to love, respect and accept myself (apart from simply being a lot of fun! ).

    Concerning the "ashes"… I’ve had a pretty rough time in the past years. In sum I’m talking about a really difficult childhood culminating in a nervous breakdown at the age of 19. After that I wanted to change something, found myself a therapist and slowly started working everything out. Meanwhile I additionally put loads of efforts into an extremely exhausting 5-year relationship. My ex-boyfriend had a bunch of problems as well and constantly tried to pass the responsibility for his life on to me – I helped where I could, always excusing his aggressive behaviour towards me with his familial background of violence and alcoholism. We lived together, which added a huge household to my duties – along with a full-time study (the university being three hours away from where I lived) and several part-time jobs. Taking care of my horse was one of the few fun parts in those days..

    When I finally ended the relationship I felt more than relieved. It took me all these years to recognize that life doesn’t need to be that hard and that you simply can’t solve other peoples’ problems. Back then I regarded every finding which hadn’t been painfully earned as worthless. Now I know that life can actually be loads of fun..

    A couple of months ago I got to know the most wonderful man and I really love him. Everything just IS with him – I’ve never felt like this before.  On top of that I’m about to finish my education. My relationship to my parents has improved so much and I really love them (always have, btw.. )

    Right now the phoenix in me just feels like spreading its wings and taking off. Everything seems possible right now! I’m very grateful for all the stuff which has happened in my life so far – otherwise I wouldn’t have learned so much or become the person I am.

    Well, that was my story. Thanks for reading.


  • FuzzyNavel

    November 22, 2011 at 9:24 am

    My name FuzzyNavel–well in the states Fuzzy Navel is a cheap rail drink with orange juice and peach schnapps. One Karaoke night my friends suggested we all pick "drink names"…they went with girly drinks (margarita, champagne, martini). FuzzyNavel popped into my head and its stuck. But it is fitting–I am cheap and cheerful. 🙂

  • RoseMay

    November 22, 2011 at 12:11 pm

    My name is kinda an english version of the german long form of my real first name When I grew up I always found "Rose May" such a beautiful name and always thought that when I was old enough I'd change my real name to it Well I'm not gonna change my real name now, but I still like it.

  • VanillaryPuff

    November 22, 2011 at 12:22 pm

    I like ginger, I like cake – and I like gingercake. How I came to choose this name, I don't know. Probably I was eating some at that time ^^   It is something you don't get often, so it's special. Just like me!

    (Also, my haircolour is red.)

  • _ang

    November 22, 2011 at 9:39 pm

    A friend came up with it. It's now my go to handle.

  • Mechie

    November 22, 2011 at 11:14 pm

    "Mechie" is short for student in Mechanical Engineering…(Sorta like "ChemEng" short for Chemical Engineering…and "Double E" for Electrical Engineering…)

    It was stuck with me the day when people started to introduced me as "She's a Mechie" instead of "Her name is so and so…"   Geeky…I know…LOL

  • anna2422

    November 22, 2011 at 11:40 pm

    Anna  … short for Annabel:  and my two youngest sons (16 and 18) have raced Motocross since they were 4 years old and their plate numbers on their bikes are 24 and 22.  So, anna2422 I am!

  • MadisonsWorld

    November 23, 2011 at 8:38 pm

    My stage name was Madison when I danced and I added world because I like to think its my world…lol….don’t we all …..not real creative…but to this day I use madison as my name when guys hit on me…so needless to say,its my second name…

  • Queenie426

    November 24, 2011 at 8:45 am

    Queenie is what my mom and sister called me when I was little. Not really sure why. And 426 is my anniversary!

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