Forums Discussions Where to go from here?

  • Where to go from here?

    Posted by Foxy_Rei on March 24, 2009 at 2:19 am

    So yeah, I’ve been at this a few weeks now and although I’m rather limited until my new x-pole gets here later this week, I’m kinda stumped on what moves to tackle next. The reverse grab is on my list already, but I suck at the chair spin which is kinda a stepping stone to it, so there’s one project. I can invert, but I really don’t know what to do once I get up there. Handstand and elbowstand come to mind, but I can’t try it yet. (see my topic under dance poles – why peekaboo sucks – and you’ll see why). I don’t have any problems with most of the spins I’ve tried except the chair.

    Any suggestions for beginner (maybe some easier intermediates) would be great!

    yogabeachbabe replied 15 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Fleur

    March 24, 2009 at 5:41 am

    you can do handstands or elbow stands against the wall
    for spins I would try to master these before moving on: front hook, back hook, chair, carousel.
    for climbs: leanr to single climb then double climb. learn to sit, learn to sit and then tip back into cross ankle or knee release
    for inversions: imperative to get a good, strong crucifix, then work on gemini, scorpio and inverted thigh hold, those are the basics.
    Good luck!

  • azriel

    March 24, 2009 at 2:04 pm

    I think fleur gave the best advice for this! you could also try practicing new transitions and floor moves.. they’re just as important (both fitness and performance-wise), and you can never have too many of them!

  • Foxy_Rei

    March 25, 2009 at 2:11 am

    Well the good news is I can already do the front and back hook spins and the carousel spin (both right and left handed). Like I said, the chair spin needs work. I can’t seem to get enough momentum, but I know it’s because instead of kicking my outside leg up and pulling my legs up off the floor, I kinda let my body collapse into the chair position so I lose my momentum and I’m like 2 inches off the floor and have no room to spin. I used to do it really well, but then all of a sudden I started stumbling into it and can’t do it now! When I get my x-pole I’ll try it again.

    I had to look up the other inverted moves Fleur mentioned, but I go back and forth on days that I can actually hold onto the pole with my legs. Some days I just slide right off and other days I can stay on, but not enough that I feel confident enough to let go with my hands. Again, I’ll try it when my new pole gets here. This goes for the cross ankle and knee releases, too. I can usually sit on the pole just fine, but I have my bad days with it just like anything else.

    But I can’t seem to find what the single and double climbs are. Is that just how high you’re going up the pole, like how many times you pull yourself up, or does it refer to the actual technique to do it???

  • yogabeachbabe

    March 25, 2009 at 2:26 am

    The thing that really helped me in the chair spin was to use my outside leg as the "gas pedal" (as my teacher, Trixie, calls it.). Control that outside leg to come around as if you’re going into a fireman or ankle spin. THEN bring your legs into a chair pose. You’ll get much more momentum than if you were only tucking your legs under you. It felt kind of awkward at first, but once you practice it, it gets much smoother.

    I know what you mean about some days sticking on the pole and other days sliding right off. This has stalled many of the inverted moves I’ve been working on. Oh well, it’s always good to get back to the basics…

    It sounds like you’re doing really well. Be proud!

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