Forums Discussions Where to start??

  • Where to start??

    Posted by seminolgal on May 21, 2009 at 1:35 am

    So I got my pole a couple weeks ago but my little girl had some minor surgery and my mom was in town to help me out with her. Gotta love my mom, she signed for my pole when FedEx came. But I didn’t think it was appropriate to bust out the pole while my daughter was recovering and my very conservative mother was here. BUT…mom went back home and the pole install occurred yesterday. Yay!!!

    So I was able to sit on the pole and I can lay horizontal with the pole between my legs (if anyone can tell me what this is called, great) but I still have to hold on with my hands. So what should I try next? Any suggestions on more beginner moves? Thanks.

    PS I was sooo proud of my bruises I was showing them off to everyone at work today.

    Veena replied 15 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • amcut

    May 21, 2009 at 2:39 am

    You’re doing some version of the plank!

    Go ahead and try out some spins! The halfspin and fireman are a good place to start. Be sure to engage your abs all the time! Don’t neglect your dancing, either. Go mama!

    And go recovered daughter!

  • Veena

    May 21, 2009 at 5:17 am

    I usually tell ladies to start with basic strength train moves then work on transition and spins. When performing spins or inverts always keep your shoulders back and down, this will prevent you from "hanging" from your arm. You want to be sure to engage your muscles and not hang. I would look into lessons

  • rubberstarlet

    May 21, 2009 at 6:35 am

    Holy crap man! I need the same answers haha. My guy put the pole up today! I tried doing basic spins and climbs, but after an hour my body/strength just wore out! Plus its HOT in my room -_- so im slippery. I want to do a basic invert. Or that move were u hold the pole and kick up and grab on. dont know the name. My wrists are killing me

  • Rouge_LAmour

    May 21, 2009 at 10:16 am

    "I want to do a basic invert. Or that move were u hold the pole and kick up and grab on. dont know the name"
    If I had a dollare for every time I’ve heard that… inverting’s for crazy folk I tell ya!!!

    Leave inverts for a while until you have the strength, flinging your self up there is not worth the end result (sprained toes, dislocated ribs etc). Also when you try to do mid air inverts, you won’t have strength or anything to fling off, so start basic and let it all happen when you’re actually ready.

    Start with basics: fireman, cross leg spin, martini / mermaid, front and back hooks (Goddess), hurkey / sun wheel, princess, Chair, transitions, pirouettes, poses, walking….. that’s 6 lessons worth of moves for you!

    Can you tell I’ve been teaching today????

  • seminolgal

    May 22, 2009 at 2:24 am

    Great advice, everyone. So since I posted yesterday, I have added the chair spin and front hook spin to my repertoire. This is so much fun.

    Veena, I haven’t heard of any place in Daytona Beach, FL that has lessons. We are so behind the times when it comes to what’s new in fitness. I think I might have to drive to Orlando. But I am definitely researching it. I could definitely benefit from lessons.

  • Veena

    May 22, 2009 at 6:01 am

    You could take the lesson online here?

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