Forums Discussions Which is better for “Thunder Thighs”

  • Which is better for “Thunder Thighs”

    Posted by LoneStarDiva on May 18, 2011 at 4:42 pm I wish I'd used that for my name on here.. lol (thunder thighs).. ANYWAY…

    I was thinking of buying the xpert 50 m.. BUT..??? With the few pole sits I've done so far, (on 50m) I'm wondering if a 45 m would be better.  

    My bottom half is Always gonna be thundering, no matter how much weight I lose.  It's just a size bigger than my top half – even when I was a young skinny girl. 🙁  SO..

    I don't think it matters much to my hands.. I have an arthritic thing w/left wrist/thumb base.. and the 50 is okay.  Hmm..

    OPINIONS, please!  THANK YOU :))

    ivygirl726 replied 13 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • amcut

    May 18, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    Hehehe, not unless you're a masochist!  The smaller diameters are a lot more painful for thigh holds, so I'd stick with the 50m if that's your concern.  Of course, they make a lot of spins and grips nice, so it's give and take! 🙂

  • Cinara

    May 18, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    Hey buddy! I'm a member of the determinedly big thighs club too. The theory goes that wider poles are easier to grip with your legs, but narrower poles are easier to grip with your hands. Personally, I don't feel any difference in leg grip between 50mm, 45mm or even 38mm, although 38mm did take a couple of weeks to adjust. So the good thing about large thighs is that they do give you a grip advantage. 

    If you've tried a 45mm and it's more comfortable and you'll look forward to poling more if you have it, just go with that. But I don't think the width should really matter too much. If you're planning on being a big serious competitor go with 50mm, but I guess the point of my rambling is that big thighs are best suited to EVERYTHING! Especially once you strengthen them 🙂


  • Cinara

    May 18, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    Hey buddy! I'm a member of the determinedly big thighs club too. The theory goes that wider poles are easier to grip with your legs, but narrower poles are easier to grip with your hands. Personally, I don't feel any difference in leg grip between 50mm, 45mm or even 38mm, although 38mm did take a couple of weeks to adjust. So the good thing about large thighs is that they do give you a grip advantage. 

    If you've tried a 45mm and it's more comfortable and you'll look forward to poling more if you have it, just go with that. But I don't think the width should really matter too much. If you're planning on being a big serious competitor go with 50mm, but I guess the point of my rambling is that big thighs are best suited to EVERYTHING! Especially once you strengthen them 🙂


  • FreeTheSun

    May 19, 2011 at 1:21 am

    I find it way harder to grip a 38 than a 50 in things like plank, superman, etc, which is annoying cause there is more than enough skin there to get a good connection and grip, especially if the pole gets too high on my thighs. Cross ankle release is fine once I'm back but getting there feels like I'm gonna smash my head open (I know I won't but I have major fears of this when I'm on a new pole). Sits are more painful, but bearable. It is much easier for your hands to grip smaller, but I didn't feel I had many problems on a 50.

  • ivygirl726

    May 19, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    Smaller Poles are easier to learn tricks on but harder to hold with thighs. If you have problems with your hands then you want a smaller pole because your whole hand can grab it and have room to spare with your fingers that way you are using more of your palm to hold on… the thumb problem… some moves you don't even need your thumb to be involved. Like spins.. smaller poles are easier to do standing spins on in my experience.

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