Forums Discussions Which pole? Brass – Chrome – Stainless Steel?

  • Which pole? Brass – Chrome – Stainless Steel?

    Posted by DeliciouslyDark on April 24, 2010 at 7:52 am

    Hi everybody! My name’s Andrea, but all my friends call me Ray I’m new here. I’m 15, but SV wouldn’t let me on unless I was older. So I kind of had to put in that I was born on 1990. LOL

    I’d like to take up pole dancing, and after showing my mom some pole-dancing videos (which she occasionaly said ‘wow’ to and ‘that looks like fun’) and explaining to her that it was a really good exercise, she told me I could.

    I’ve found lots of free online lessons on E-how and other sites that show (and break-down) moves like the Fireman, Butterfly, Chair, Windmill, etc. And I’ve been looking for a good pole all around. I’ve visited the X-pole website and read about the different kinds of poles there, and how some could be fake and could cause serious injury. I’ve also looked all around Amazon, and asked a multitude of questions on Yahoo Answers about it.

    I still can’t find an answer to which pole would be the best.

    I looked around the forum here under "Dance Poles" but didn’t really get a straightforward answer.

    From what I’ve learnt, I understand that Brass is the best for beginners, but expensive. Stainless steel the second best, and Chrome the best for it’s price and with the best reputation.

    I’ve never pole-danced in my life, and I doubt that watching video lessons without actually trying the moves would be considered helpful in this stage.

    So would Chrome be a bad option? The Brass one is out of the question, since it’s quite expensive (I told my mom I’d pay for it) and I don’t want to have to go out and buy ANOTHER pole for when I’m intermediate. I’d like to stick with one, unless I have no other option. Like if it breaks down or whatever other reason.

    I measured my hands on a ruler and it surpassed 55mm by a fair bit, so I think a 45mm pole is out of the question.

    I wish I could buy one from a store or somewhere, but where I currently am there is no other option but to buy it online. So I’m worried about the shipping cost (which I have to pay TWICE, since I need to pay from Amazon and from Aramex).

    I’m going to buy through Amazon, since my mom doesn’t trust any other online store other than it (she had a bad run in with E-bay, Craiglist, AND iTunes) and I don’t have a credit card. So I’m going to have to use hers then pay her back.

    Unfortunately the results on Amazon are limited. Here is what I found:

    Kendra Wilkinson Sport X-pole 45mm Xpole (I found Kenra W was recommended on the X-pole website, but 45 mm isn’t enough for me *I think*)

    X-Pole Xpert 50mm Chrome (looks perfect but says ‘X-pert’ and is ‘currently unavailable’)

    X-Pole Sport Titanium Gold 45mm (still too small, and I heard Titanium is very slippery)

    X-pole 50mm X-Pert Chrome Xpole Dancing Stripper Pole (currently unavailable

    45mm Xpole Dancing Pole Kit Fully Portable with Carrying Cases and DVD ( )

    I think the last one sounds OK, if it has extensions and what not, what do you all think?

    PS: I’m sorry if this was too long, but thanks so much in advance for taking the time to read this and help me

    Veena replied 14 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Journey

    April 25, 2010 at 1:09 am

    Tip: if you’re under age, don’t tell us. Veena can still delete your account, and there is an age limit for a reason.

    I would NOT go for brass as a beginner. I’d say stick to the middle of the road. In order from most slippery to more grippy: stainless, chrome, titanium, and brass. Go for either chrome or titanium, I’d say. If you start out on something that grips too much, then if you ever use anything else, you’ll have a heck of a time trying to do anything because everything else will be more slippery.

    Then again, if the only pole you ever plan on using is your own, then it really doesn’t matter. But keep in mind that pole burn will be worse on a brass pole.

    Chrome is perfectly fine – no such thing as a bad option (I use chrome).

    X-Pole is a good option and is what a lot of us use. Be careful of Amazon because you could still get a fake pole from them. I’d recommend ordering directly from X-Pole itself or finding an authorized dealer – you can call X-Pole and ask for assistance if you’re limited because of your location and payment options. Their customer service is awesome

    Whether you get a 45 or 50mm is your personal preference – a 45 is easier to grip with your hands, but harder with your legs; a 50 is harder to grip with your hands and easier for your legs. But if your hands are larger, then you may be more comfortable with a 50. Most people start out on a 50, anyway. That’s another area where you really can’t go "wrong."

  • Rena LadyBug

    April 25, 2010 at 1:58 am

    I have a 50mm chrome pole and I love it. I have small hands, but 50mm is the standard pole size, so that’s why I chose it. It’s not the most gripy pole, but I’ve learned to get used to it and really like it. I’ve ordered through Xpole’s website for some pole extensions and got great service w/ quick shipping!! If you do go with an Xpole, if you buy from their site then you pay with your paypal account. I’ve been to a studio that had stainless steel poles and they were so hard for me to grip!! But from what I hear, whatever you are used to is what you will prefer..

  • miss fern

    April 25, 2010 at 4:40 am

    Tip: if you’re under age, don’t tell us. Veena can still delete your account, and there is an age limit for a reason.
    Well by law you can’t collect information from under 13s. But 15 should be fine. Most online communities anf forums, pole dancing or not, around the world require you to be 13+, not 18+.

  • Veena

    April 25, 2010 at 4:45 am


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