Forums Discussions Who is your pole crush?

  • ronia

    March 24, 2013 at 11:28 am

    One of the first pole performers I've ever seen was Zoraya Judd and she became my first ever pole crush. She is so strong and dedicated and has unique style. I just wrote a post about her on my blog:

    My second pole crush was my instructor Patryk Rybarski. His pole career is just beginning but he already had some success at International Pole Championships in Hong Kong were he was a runner up in the men's division and an appearance at Pole Art 2012. He's an experienced contemporary dancer and I think it shows in his routines

    There are so many others: I love Felix for her sweet personality and bendiness, I admire Alethea for her sexy slow style, I could go on and on


  • Paula Floyd

    March 24, 2013 at 1:52 pm

     anastasia skukhtorova first you tube pole art videos i watched, started me down my passion for pole. once i found studio veena, luvlee and pixi were my 2 crushes that got me re- inspired! and continue to keep me motivated to try new moves and challenge my self. there fluidity and strength are second to non  

    lola! 😉 even the quiet ones from small towns can leave there mark in the pole world 🙂 

    so many more…everyone who has shared there journy from the begining wins and misses, those not afraid to be them selves. 


  • luvlee

    March 24, 2013 at 2:16 pm

    I honestly am so honored that my name even came up in this thread. I love all of you ladies and each and every one of you inspire me in different ways. I got into poling when I saw a video of Jamilla Deville doing a routine on a stage pole. I had never seen pole videos on YT. Pretty soon I found Tara Karina and then SV. I could not believe ladies had poles in their home!!!! I wanted to do that too! I thought with all my dance background, it would all come pretty easy. WRONG!!!! I seriously remember a day when I thught the Gemini was the most advanced move. LOL!!!!!! Mt friend and I put on high heels and little skimpies and started poling in a basement that had un finished rough tar floor!

  • Saphyre

    March 24, 2013 at 7:02 pm

    My very first crush was Glitterhips because she was my first instructor and is is the sole reason I continued poling even after I thought I was done.

    Jenyne was next, as hers was the first pro video I ever saw.

    I love Sergia Louise Anderson's 2012 USPDF Amateur Optional Performance.

    Anastasia Skukhtorova has flexibility, strength, and gorgeous lines.

    Alethea is, well, freakin' sexy!

    Annie Tobiasz. If you knew her story you would agree that she is such a sweetheart and so inspiring. She's also a great poler!

    Michelle Mynx is a new crush. Her performance in Detroit was unbelievably sexy and she told me afterward that it felt good to just do what she wants to do no matter what anyone thinks. How could you not crush on that? Plus, I took her workshop and learned some cool stuff. (That I can't quite do yet)

    Aerial Amy. I just took her workshop and she is super fun and rocked her showcase performance. She just has the knack for explaining things really well. Something we all can appreciate.

    Veena. A wife. A mother to all those boys! A multiple business owner. A daughter, sister, and an inspiration to so many men and women around the world. She roller skates, does yoga, ballroom dances, hoops, silks, lyra, crafts…and I can't forget she is an incredible pole dancer. I'm sure I missed something.

    So many fellow Veeners inspire me. Some I have finally met in person. Crush is a big word, but I find myself drawn to videos by luvlee, PlatinumAni, Pixi!!, tarah, and Legend. I am also drawn to videos by the ladies who are closer to my age like Lyme, Paunobs and Hookedonpole. KiKi inspires me with her dedication, generosity, and her ability to just let go when she dances. Chemgoddess1 inspires me as a person. She's freakin' awesome. I'm sure there are more, but it would take up too much space! Charley Crystal, Kyrsten, Poledanceromance, Shadow,, etc…..


  • VonnBpoling

    March 24, 2013 at 9:40 pm

    I so love Steven Retchless

  • PoleLeo

    March 25, 2013 at 5:13 pm

    Alethea is my celebrity pole crush. As for the Youtubers; Emotioncatcher and Lola Grace(who is also a SV member) . 

    Im new to SV, but aside from miss Veena herself, Pixi Lou and Ambersky.

  • Charley

    March 27, 2013 at 11:25 am

    Kelly Yvonne, Aerial Amy, my student Claire, Agent Kat, Phoenix Kazree, Mary Kolaninski (sp?), Nadia Sharif, Annie Tobiasz…those are the latest 🙂

  • AriFerrari

    March 27, 2013 at 3:12 pm

    Jenyne takes the cake for pro's for me. Whenever someone asks me about pole or thinks that it's just a foo-foo dance class…I show them the same video that Krissykiki linked. That's what pole is all about for me! She's such a wonderful perfomer.

    I love Alethea, too. She's quite the sexy bad ass. 

    I, too, have to say Veena is an inspiration to me. Aside from her wonderful pole skills and beautiful personality, her ability to unite this amazing community is absolutely admirable. I am still surprised at how peaceful, supportive, and inspiring this site remains. Not many social networks can pull that off.

    As for fellow Veeners, I adore S girl, she is such an amazing dancer and person. We met on SV and are now email-pals. She recently performed in her first competition, and rocked it <3
    PA was my first pole Skype date, and she is so encouraging, inspiring, and fun!
    I also admire Kyrsten, I seriously bookmark a crap ton of her pics and videos to go back and try things out.
    For flexy, I love Llalinka and as I was just telling her in another thread, Katana. I could die for either one of your hamstrings!
    Also, Llalinka 

  • CrazyKosters

    March 27, 2013 at 3:53 pm

    I like Leigh Anne, Cleo, and Alethea. I love the sensuality Leigh Anne gives, it looks so sexy! lol. I love poling to rock and Cleo does an amazing job! Alethea is just sexy and very skilled.

  • S girl

    March 27, 2013 at 4:39 pm

    @AriFerrari–adore you girl. You moved me the first time we ‘met’ on SV. Thank you SV for bringing us together. I was so touched by a post I saw when I first signed up for SV and it was an instant friendship, an instant respect for the ups and downs, the triumphs large and small in this wonderful world of pole. So my hero is SV for doing such a great job in connecting the pole world.

  • AriFerrari

    March 27, 2013 at 7:46 pm

    Of course, S…being a home poler in recent months can really be a struggle but chatting and sharing with you has certainly made the experience sweeter. I completely agree that the connections through SV are priceless. <3

  • vickiezoo

    March 28, 2013 at 8:54 am

    Karol and Alethea, Becca Butcher, and Suzy Q. My first inspiration was Tara Karina.

  • Tristabel

    March 28, 2013 at 11:10 am

    Samantha Star! She is amazing, and she is so much fun to be around!

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