Forums Discussions Who is your pole idol?

  • chemgoddess1

    March 7, 2011 at 3:31 pm

    While I admire a lot of the performers I would not consider any of them "idols" per se.  The ones I see as idols are the ones who are advancing this community and sport in ways we cannot even imagine….Veena, Charley, Wendy, Mary Ellyn, Alena, Bobbi, Tinu and I am sure there are others (not sure who is behind the LA Pole show). 

  • Orchis

    March 7, 2011 at 6:41 pm

    I'm really very new to viewing pros on the net (well hey, the whole pole thing is pretty new to me right now anyway!), but recently I was sent a link to one of Oona Kivelä's performances and kapow, did she blow my mind! So graceful and balletic, yet fearsomely strong; It's like she tells a story with each move. Totally my new pole-crush

    Here's the link if anyone's interested: 

    Otherwise, I live off watching beginners' routines and tutorials on YouTube – they feel inspiring because they seem achievable. My favourite to date is MissDirdyBirdy's channel – I love the way the moves are broken down, and also the way that they're so slickly and inspiringly performed! It's thanks to those vids that I'd branch out a bit after class to experiment with moves that I'd not yet been taught – the fireman into standing spin, for example, or the "angel" pose. Gosh, if I lived in Oz I'd totally be knocking on her door for lessons, haha!

    That said I'm now totally going to start YouTube searching all the names that have popped up so far in this thread. I consider this my introduction into the world of pro-pole performance!

  • muffin85

    March 7, 2011 at 10:07 pm

    At this point~there seems to be something i love about everyone in the industry!!!! They all bring something so different to the pole.  I will say that back when i first started and REALLY wasn't sure if pole was for me, i was VERY inspired by Amber Richard.  I was shocked to find there was big name pole dancer out there with a BALLET backround~same as me!!!!!  i became obsessed with her videos and just 4 weeks after i started poling i had the opprotunity to take a workshop with her!!!  She definately inspired and encouraged my love of pole!!!!!!!!

  • Viva

    March 8, 2011 at 5:51 am

    Hmmm….tough one — there's so many inspirational performers out there!! Idols??

    I really can't go past Karol Helms. I have followed her on YT since she was a little-known club dancer who was struggling to get her splits, just like so many of us! Of course she is absolutely gorgeous to watch and SO skilled, but there remains something accessible about her style.

    Also love Oona — she is so unique and completely breath-taking. I love the gymnastics influence, the way she "presents".

    At the moment I am also totally loving Hsiang who I think is going to rock it! Shadskyball on YT or she also has vids on Veena.

    Oh, and how could I forget Jenyne??!?! Her Pussycatdolls routine, I think from LA Pole Show 2010, was my fav.


  • Gyrl79

    March 8, 2011 at 9:05 am

    I'm pretty new on here, but I thought I'd share my pole idol. I'm the first to name her too 🙂 Nicki Shaw. I freakin love her style, fluidity, strength and versatility in her dances. Her styels range from athletic, sexy club, fitness and everything in between. She is too amazing and I love that woman's pole dancing!

  • 40pluspoler

    March 8, 2011 at 9:52 am

    I haven't checked out alot of the girls that are mentioned above but I was lucky enough to have Felix Cane as a teacher for a day. Flippin EXPENSIVE but she is incredible. A school in Fort Myers, FLA. has her as a guest teacher for a day. You had to pay almost $200 for one hour workshops. She had 4 workshops that day. With a dozen people in each workshop, 4 separate workshops at $200bucks a pop. She made some serious money for doing something she loved and didn't have to work that hard because we were all beginners. 

    After she did a little performance for us. It was awesome. talk about flexible. She's like a contortionist, seriously. Anyway I don't know if I would spend THAT much money again. But it was definitely a blast.

  • poleluvndallas

    March 8, 2011 at 3:09 pm

    my favorites as of today are jenyne, toy laster from candy and chrome, kira m from climb spin, fya starta and veena. I love a smooth performance. if you have never seen Kira’s you tube video “speechless” you should see it. she moves so elegantly and sensually I was holding my breath! I signed up for pole classes after I saw her video. its not all about the tricks for me,its the whole presentation.

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 8, 2011 at 5:07 pm

    Wow…thank you so much Chemmie! That made me feel really good!

    I was asked in an interview once who my pole hero was…I now say this all the time. It's the students and every dancer I've met who have come to class (or self-trained) who started meek and intimidated but challenged themselves and met their goals who are my heroes!

    I can't say that I idolize anyone.

    My original mentor and strong influence is KT Coates who is now a good friend as well. But that is different.

    Actually it bothers me that some pole dancers have been placed in the super star category! They are humans and the ones I've met whom I'm most impressed with are the ones I've gotten to know who are the most real.

    Since 3 of those are on here I will make mention of them: Karol, Kira, and Amber. These women are genuine, down to earth, sincere, and un-pretentious. They are all great dancers but they could suck at dancing and I'd still think they are great women!

    Also I recently had the opportunity to get to know Veena a bit more personally and was impressed with her ability to reach out and connect – another sign of something I can respect.



  • EagleSpirit

    March 10, 2011 at 12:24 pm

    Jenyne is always mesmerizing to watch and there's no performance of hers that I don't like.  My favorite performance is by Candace Leigh when she competed and won Miss Pole Dance Australia 2007.  Love both of those songs so much, and she turned her dance into such a show!

    In this community, the dancer I love to watch and try to emulate the most is Tracee.  I love the way she moves so slowly and with such feeling and control!  And I want my legs to look as sexy as hers.

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    October 30, 2012 at 4:01 am

    Marlo Fisken is my latest pole idol! Adore her lines, flexibility, unique combos and artistic musicality…. Have you see her performance at Gravity this year? Stunning! 

  • Lina Spiralyne

    October 30, 2012 at 5:51 am

    There's so many good ones, but I do like watching Karol, Cleo, Bobbi, Oona and Anastasia to mention what is probably my top five in no specific order!

    But I also love to watch for example MilienElayne. She must have the best lines ever!

  • Later

    November 19, 2014 at 10:17 am

    I know this thread is Hella old but I wanted to say that Zoraya Judd is how I found out about pole, Karol helms, solidified the deal, and I love watching chalese marie

  • Genbob

    November 19, 2014 at 12:28 pm

    Zoraya is goddamn awesome! My favourites at the moment are Bendy Kate, Sarah Jade and Eva Bembo. The last 2 are not made of bones like the rest of us I swear!

  • Carrington

    November 19, 2014 at 2:01 pm

    Rozz the Diva and Nicole The Pole Williams! Love them!

  • Stefana of Light

    November 19, 2014 at 3:11 pm

    Jenyne butterfly mesmerized me, Olga koda is fascinating and my number one. Also of course Alethea Austin is like silk:) I also really enjoy tracee Keefers expression. Wow that was too hard to name one ha!!

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