Forums Discussions Who is your pole idol?

  • PolarGirl

    November 19, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    Right now I really like watching Marlo Fisken and Leigh Ann Diamond. But there are honestly SO many amazing dancers out there that it’s a bit overwhelming. I think it’s all about finding someone whose style you relate and aspire to at the moment.

    And I am perhaps MORE inspired by everyone’s videos here on SV (I’m so sorry – I need to post some!), because seeing people from all over the spectrum, from first starting out and struggling, to seasoned competitors, is really awesome. Especially seeing some of the progress videos that y’all have made. Because sometimes watching my pole “idols” makes me feel like I can never achieve that level so why try — whereas watching all of you grow as dancers, with strength and fluidity and grace, is so so inspiring and makes me feel like I can do anything in pole if I keep working and putting in the time. I’m so grateful to Veena for creating this community!

  • SharkyHill

    November 19, 2014 at 5:05 pm

    TaraKarina and Jenyne Butterfly were the reason I started pole dancing! Right meow, my current pole obsession is Eva Bembo. Her dancing is unreal! Also, Sasja Lee. She has insanely unique tricks and super-fluid dance moves. Of course, my pole instructor at the studio I go to! She is bomb at teaching, dancing, and is really strong.

  • VerticalVenus

    December 10, 2014 at 8:21 pm

    So, I’m a complete newb in the pole community but I would have to say the person who gives me the most inspiration is Anastasia Sokolova. Gorgeous, gorgeous routines. I’m NO WHERE near this level (can’t even invert yet), but I can’t wait to be able to do some of those moves.

  • Poudrepolegirl

    December 11, 2014 at 2:53 pm

    Tracee Kafer/NYPolerina on Youtube. Love her!! The emotion she puts into her dance is so beautiful. Everything she does is an inspiration for me and everything I want to be as a poler. 🙂

  • epsilonte

    December 11, 2014 at 3:17 pm

    Uuuh, nice question! 😀

    The most famous of my idols are with no doubt Alethea Austin, Bendy Kate and Kristy Sellars. Tracee Kafter and Cleo too.
    But my “real” idols are some of the teachers at my pole studio. 🙂 It’s just really nice to have idols that aren’t totally out of your league and on an other continent… 😉

  • Lucca Valentine

    December 11, 2014 at 3:21 pm

    Sasja lee and veena are my tall girl go tos 🙂

  • Lucca Valentine

    December 11, 2014 at 3:28 pm

    Pole idols is a tricky question cuz there’s lots of people’s style I admire or pull from: amber richards (who hasn’t been posting/around lately/for awhile), dirdy birdy, tracee kafer, Michelle stanek (moreso everyday her IG kills it), is it weird to say PoleLeo? cuz she’s definitely on the list

    But short answer: jenyne butterfly brought me into it, dirdy birdy made me stay. I think I default more to dirdy birdys style than anyone else cuz she was the first person I really spent time watching like ALL of her videos

  • Lula Geddes

    December 12, 2014 at 4:09 am

    Pole idols for me are the ones I can identify with for different reasons and most of them pretty old school: I got into pole because I am a big 80s hard rock fan, so for me it was all about the sunset strip, rock music and being different. The one that will always be my favourite is Pantera, just because she’s sooo different from all the rest and has her quirky style – she’s the one that made me feel like ‘I can do this too’, Felix also rocks and of course Cleo – she’s the ACDC of pole! She’s really the one who managed to build a style that really is hard rock! The odd one out though is Elena Gibson, I train with her once in a while, she’s an amazing person, but an idol also because she was one who did something that was very different at the time when she got into pole and, although it now feels like it was another era, I think that her winning (and disqualified) 2005 performance at the first Miss World Pole Championship will become a super-classic in the history of pole (and yes, that rocked too!)

  • Pretty Pixie

    December 12, 2014 at 12:16 pm

    Sarah Jade is the reason I started pole, so slinky and sexy and yes…seemingly boneless! She is my sexy side idol. Then, I fell in love with Sergia Louise Anderson and her lyrical dance style. Then, for the strong athletic side I adore Samantha Star. I love and appreciate all styles of pole and all dancers, tbh. It takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance to even do our sport, let alone become professional, so everyone who does it deserves to be idolized a bit!

  • Lucca Valentine

    December 12, 2014 at 1:48 pm

    Oh yeah Sara jade for sure, I have many videos of hers in my “to do” pole folder 😉

  • firebird

    December 16, 2014 at 12:51 pm

    Like many, I’m also not so sure abt the word “idol”… but right off the bat if u asked me which one I would go back and be born as: Zoraya, no question. Though she is less dance-y than I like, it’s really the background story… like it sounds like it is for a lot of us… until something abt them more personally resonates with me, they are pretty 2-dimensional — as beautiful & spectacular as they may all be to watch. But Zoraya as a mom of 2 boys, with what appears to be a really romantic and beautiful partnership with hottie hubby Nick, their dedication to fitness and just overall seemingly healthy and strong famimy vibe — well I guess what I’m realizing is that’s just me too… Minus the ridiculous ripped body and impossibly exotic beauty, nevermind tbe strength, haha! But Zoraya I find inspirational as a mom working professionally in my little corner of the pole world, trying to juggle all the demands in time and energy…

    And while I’m on it, gotta give a shout out to Veena who also inspires me for, well, pretty much all the same reasons as Zoraya. And then on a more local level, really all the studio owners (mostly women, yay!) who are also doing their part to advance the pole world, and often simultaneously juggling other careers and husbands and kids and pets and households…

  • firebird

    December 16, 2014 at 1:07 pm

    Ok but gotta list a few who, when I run out of Zoraya stuff to watch (which is quik bc there just isn’t a lot out there of hers), I invite u to check out the ones who I never grow tired of watching (on like infinite repeat):
    – David Owen (my 1st male pole hero — yay for making this a coed sport/art!!!)
    – Evgeny Greshilov (my 2nd… & since the cancer in me is so drawn to relationship stories… his partner:)
    – Anastasia Skukhtorova (sp? Sorry… but what an amazing and fun and beautiful duo they are)
    – Olga Koda (I’m also big on fun in pole, & Koda definitely seems to have a LOT of it!)
    – Polina Martyanova (my go-to for sexy… I think one of the 1st I discovered pole dancing on YouTube)
    – almost ANY of the Russians (male or female — dang, they are so crazy and creative on the pole!)
    – ok bringing it back home: Nadia Sharif! There I go again, always being drawn to the “Fun” side of pole, and from the 1st time I saw Nadia onstage, right up to the 1st time I met her, took class with her, shared the stage with her, etc — she has always been so ballsy and non-stop FUN!!! Just my style… 😉

    Never stop being inspired folks, but also never stop having your own fun on the pole too, ok?!

  • Girl On A Pole

    December 22, 2014 at 9:41 am

    No idols as such but am inspired by Oona Kivela for her movement and flow. She’s beautiful to watch. Mesmerising.
    Michelle Shimmy. Awesome. Her technicality is mind blowing.
    My awesome instructor Terri Fierce for her hardcore athleticism and beautiful tricks (she’s the doubles world champion) and being a daily inspiration to me! My teacher is the reason I’m training as hard as I am 💪❤️

  • Meggie

    January 1, 2015 at 3:42 pm

    Julia Wahl is one that I love to watch – she doesn’t make it a stripper thing. Jenyne is admirable, but don’t always like her style, but the technical ability is out of this world!

  • tacha666

    January 2, 2015 at 1:58 am

    Alethea Austin
    Karol Helms
    Sarah Jade
    Danielle Romano
    Crystal Belcher
    Eva Bembo
    Doris Arnold
    Sergia Louise Anderson
    Michelle Shimmy

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