Forums Discussions Why I will never buy an X-Pole

  • MissKitty83

    June 30, 2011 at 7:43 am

    Correction – I got my pole the first of April.

  • Dancing Paws

    June 30, 2011 at 11:02 am

    I got mine in January

  • JeHanne

    June 30, 2011 at 4:22 pm

    @Ophidia, it does make sense! Thanks for sharing. SimpllySweet had posted how she pout a wood disk under the dome. I like to hear all the ideas people are using to keep the poles how they belong… upright! 

  • Flexx10

    July 1, 2011 at 7:01 am

    I just bought a used xpert xpole from a friend ~ I was going to order directly from xpole, but the lady on the phone said something about the shipping being held up in China and it would be a while before I would get it…. Anyway… The pole I bought is a about a year old and wasn't used very often. I put it together with no problems and am pretty impressed with it so far. My husband did have to file down a sharp spot at the joint. OUCH! No wonder it was barely used! The pole is pretty hefty and seems sturdy enough. I do see how the "x joint" can become a problem though ~ It's easy to see how they can slip and how the little grooves can become stripped! I feel like it's not a matter of "if" it will slip, but "when"! Although I am satisfied with the pole, and learned that (for me) chrom is waaaaay better than ss, I am glad I did not buy a new xpole. I don't think I will be buying one unless or until they improve the x joint. Does anyone know if the same issues apply to the stationary xpoles?

  • Dancing Paws

    July 1, 2011 at 9:32 am

    I think that the x joint slippage can happen on the stationary pole too. I had my x-pert in stationary mode when the pole stripped and rotated. You start out with your hand on the B pole when you spin, so the circular force is mostly on the b pole, which causes the B pole to strip and rotate. It would seem that spinny mode would be less likely to cause joint issues just based on physics.

  • OopseyDaisey

    July 1, 2011 at 1:16 pm

    Yes, mine was on stationary when it slipped, too.  But it was the top extension, so since I'm not tall enough to spin that high, I'm still perplexed.  Plus, I had a guy tighten it (back and forth the way I was told by the lady at X-Pole), so it was super tight and still slipped.  Very frustrating.

  • faerymoon

    July 19, 2011 at 10:43 am

    Hi Ladies, 

    I can tell you I got my 'real'  Xpole in June, after a disastrous experience with a fake xpole.  I have to tell you my experience with the company has been beyond wonderful.  Their customer support has been top notch and without going into much detail about my situation, I know for sure that they care very much about their products.   I've not had any issues with the x-joints as described or even slippage.  I don't take mine up and down a lot and it's not over 12 feet, although I was wanting to extend mine that high. 

    I would say if you're having that much problems to contact the main company at

    Good luck.

  • poledanceromance

    July 19, 2011 at 10:58 am

    Good luck with ps. They have the worst customer service in the history of the world, topped only by the worst products in the history of the world. They’ve cost my studio thousands of dollars in their junk products and then when we would tell them their poles were actually cracking and wiggling at the joints, they told us it was our fault. At least you are getting the permanent poles…don’t bother with the removables. They are literally chrome over plastic for all the top and bottom parts. The Chrome peels right off the plastic and I’ve got the adjustors cover wrapped in athletic tape because it’s so sharp I’ve actually cut myself so badly I bled everywhere. The cut went down the entire length of my thigh, just from a standard dismount.

  • PolefitFanatic

    July 20, 2011 at 12:45 am

    I have seen this problem at another studio. It doesn't sound like jointed poles are really the way to go in a studio situation that's such a shame that you have had that problem. There seem to be so many variables with studio heights, ceilings and installations it would seem like one piece poles are only way to guarantee longevity. I hope you can get your money back and maybe get some one piece poles. Jointed X-poles should, as I understand it, be only used in a 'take up and down regularly' situation not in a permanent fixed situation. I have an x-pole and have been on an x-stage lite  – both of which are great – but I think it's a horses for courses thing…

  • ppmd

    July 20, 2011 at 9:10 am

    That stinks that you have had these issues with xpole. Their customer service and products are wonderful though and I am sure that any issues you have brought to their attention, they will look into. I am a studio owner and I have lil mynx and xpole (spinning, 12+ feet) in my one studio and platinum stages in my other studio. I have not had any trouble with lil mynx or xpole and both have always had great customer service. As for PS, i have had nothing but trouble and they have the absolute WORST customer service!!!! I would never recommend their products to anyone. The poles are cheap, they are unorganized and rude. I honestly don't know how they stay in business. They cost me thousands of dollars and headache and I never got anywhere with them. As soon as I can replace the PS poles, I am. Now with xpole, I will say that you have to understand how the xjoint works first or they can get damaged. When students purchase a xpole, I always go over how to tighten and loosen the xjoint. I have had students strip them, but xpole has always been great with exchanging them for us. In the studio with the tall xpoles, we cut out a wood circle the size of the dome, mounted it to the ceiling, and then installed the dome over the wood to prevent any slipping, and I have never had any issues. Best of luck!

  • black sheep

    July 20, 2011 at 11:54 am

    Well if the guy who is the tech from Xpole cannot install the pole without it breaking, you guys must be amazing technitions.  I also think its odd most of this thread seeminly is deleted except for all the nonsense defending x-pole. 

    Yes they have wonderful brown nosing, butt kissing customer service, but they also dont know ANYTHING bout the product they are selling, to the point of not including all the parts you need, to yelling at people and telling them they are wrong, to charging people again and again for defective parts. I think that is awesome. I think its also awesome the sponsor a great amount of people on this forum and thier studios to pretend that they are great, and its even more awesome that the pics on x-poles main page are of PLATINUM STAGES POLES as most of those pics are from Bespun in Hollywood that had special poles made by PS, and then also had them reinforced so they can hold a bunch of girls. 

    PS is honest about the limitations of their products. They will tell it how it is, which many people dont seem to like. Yeah they need to work on their customer service, however, they are not trying to mislead anyone. I have no experience with the multi piece poles they sell, but I will say the one piece permanant poles are really nice, and of really good quality.

    X-poles are made of led with questionable finishes. This is scary. They dont even know what the metal content is in their poles! Yes I know this as I ASKED CJ when we were standing in front of him. He acted like metal content didnt matter. It does.

    All I know is if I had a kid, I would not want that thing in my house, and if you do have a kid and you let them play on the pole, you should have them checked out for lead, as well as yourselves. I am not making any money off posting this, I do not benefit in ANY way as I do not, and probably will never compete. 


  • faerymoon

    July 20, 2011 at 12:16 pm

    IDK, I never had a tech from X-pole come help me, I don't compete and I don't have a studio and I get no endorcements.   I still love my xpert pole, it's been stable and no problems at all.  I leave mine up for long period of time.. no problem.   I don't have issues you're describing about buckling sharp points or anything else, and they're customer service has been fantastic.  

    Honestly I think the UK division offers better assistance than the US division does as I've dealt with both, but I wouldn't say the US division is bad either.  

    I feel for you with your problems, but I think it's wrong for you to elude t all the polers out there who are saying they like their product is being bought off by the company.   To me that's just being childish IMHO


  • chemgoddess1

    July 20, 2011 at 12:40 pm

    Liz, you are getting your threads mixed up.  This is not the one with all of the allergy info that got rather heated.  You continue to rant about lead in X Poles and now you are stating that they are made of lead.  I find this all rather amusing especially since up to last week your profile picture was you in an X Pole tank on an X Pole.  We all understand that you had problems with X Pole but the way that you are presenting yourself makes it really hard for anyone to take you seriously.  If you had stated your problems in a constructive way instead of attacking everyone who has disagreed with you maybe your message would have gotten through.  PS has been around a long time.  They may have changed their image or their customer support in the last 2 years.  I do like their one piece poles especially how easy it is to change from spin to static.  I have had numerous issues with their poles that took way too many phone calls and way too long for them to resolve.  Customer Service in my mind is what makes or breaks a company and unfortunately PS is notorious for having poor customer service when something goes wrong with their poles.  It is also quite laughable that they sell a stage pole with it clearly written in the instructions that you should not use it with both feet off the ground.  The original Star Stand Alone was just plain poor design.


  • chemgoddess1

    July 20, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    And now I have egg on my face, it was not you who had the picture but LizzyLiz. 

  • LizzyLiz810

    July 20, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    Actually I was the one with the Xpole tank top picture. Dont confuse us. We are different people.

    Unfortunately i was too busy trying to get poles in my studio that would be safe, that i didnt have time to remove a 1 year old picture. 

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