Forums Discussions Why Peekaboo SUCKS

  • Why Peekaboo SUCKS

    Posted by Foxy_Rei on March 24, 2009 at 1:59 am

    We all know why the peekaboo poles suck, but I wanted to show some first-hand experience. I only had the pole a week and it already started to show its cheap-ness. These pics are actually of the Carmen Electra pole, but you will notice that the Peekaboo logo is on the box if you look. So, an Electra-pole IS a peekaboo pole.

    First this is a pic of the ceiling fixture. It’s not very big and not very stable, and it’s made of plastic. The pole doesn’t come with anything to bolt it to the ceiling, but I did anyway. The holes they put in the thing are huge, so you need to put some bolts with large heads on them in it. The only bolts we had were too small, so we didn’t screw them in all the way; therefore, the pole didn’t hold fast to the ceiling. However it never came down.

    Second, this is a pic of the base. Again, plastic. There’s a large plastic screw coming out of the base going into the bottom joint and there’s supposed to be 2 plastic nuts to secure it in place. We took one off because our ceilings are too short. However, when you do left-handed spins it unscrews itself. The plastic nut also hurts you when you slide over it. Also, you’ll see the nut is cut up to heck from us trying to adjust it. And finally, there was no way to keep the base from sliding on the floor (especially since we have carpet), so we stuck 2 drywall screws through it. It’s not made for it, and the screw heads stick out, but that’s the lengths we had to go to in order to keep it from moving. And again, it never moved.

    And if it weren’t for this part I wouldn’t have been in such a hurry to get an X-pole. The joints for this pole just slide together, but they don’t fit snug. There’s wiggle room no matter how tight the pole is between the ceiling and floor. I didn’t think the flexing was that big of a deal until I noticed it was making the metal on the female end of the top joint flare out; it makes sorta a bell shape in the middle of the pole and it hurts to slide over it. I tried everything to make it stop moving – I stuffed cardboard and paper in around the male end of the joint and the pole still flexes. The pic isn’t the clearest, but hopefully you can see what I’m talking about.

    And also as a side note: to adjust for height you have both the plastic screw in the base and the top joint extends like another foot. However, there is a massive spring in the top joint to enable this, and it rattles horribly. I filled the top joint with expending foam ("Great Stuff") to stop the rattling.

    The pole never did come down, but it still managed to find a way to suck. Buy a pole right the first time. This is what is referred to as "stupid tax".

    DeaconJungleCatPoles replied 15 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • lily

    March 24, 2009 at 2:15 am

    Lame. Sorry you got rooked on a piece of crap pole, I was so excited that Carmen Electra was promoting a dancepole – but not anymore!

  • RoxyPink

    March 24, 2009 at 2:42 am

    OMG!!! Thank goodness that piece-o-$&!& didn’t come down….

    Did you’re legs/hands/arms not get cut up from the joints???

    X-pole is def the way to go!

  • Veena

    March 24, 2009 at 3:26 am

    Just wanted to let you all know I believe the Pole Aerobics pole is also the peekaboo and electra!!! Same crappy pole screwing women out of money

  • Foxy_Rei

    March 24, 2009 at 9:37 am

    Yeah that pole aerobics pole looks exactly the same in the pics I’ve seen of it.

    And also, when I take it down later this week, I’ll probably take some more pics of it so you can see how it’s actually put together.

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 24, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    Oh my gosh, that’s horrible So sad that this experience had to happen to you.

  • Trena

    March 24, 2009 at 9:17 pm

    OMG!! Thats disgraceful!!!!!!!! I remember when I decided to get a pole I looked on the internet. When I found the x-pole I was so disappointed at how expensive they are. So then I came across the Peek-a-Boo pole and I thought ‘Jackpot’ cause they’re so much cheaper!!! Luckily I checked out some reviews and I found that everyone said pretty much the same, "Peek-a-Boo poles are bad!" So I just decided to suck it up and save for the x-pole and BOY was I glad I did!! Especially when I see these pics that you’ve taken!! Thanks for posting these for everyone to see!!!
    Just wanted to let you all know I believe the Pole Aerobics pole is also the peekaboo and electra!!! Same crappy pole screwing women out of money
    I cant believe there are so many different names for the same crappy poles!!!!

  • amcut

    March 24, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    LOL @ stupid tax. I had to pay that one, too.

    You would THINK that they’d be out of business by now, but no… beefing it up with celebrity endorsements! And why on earth would she let her name get stamped on such a terrible product… Oi.

  • Foxy_Rei

    March 24, 2009 at 11:22 pm

    I looked up customer reviews on Spencer’s website (the store where I bought it) and they must’ve cleverly not put up most of the negative reviews. Most people said their 200-some odd pound boyfriend could swing on it and it wouldn’t budge, or that it needed a just a little tweaking to stay put (i.e. the blots in the ceiling). The biggest complaint was problems with the set-up.

    I called the store to see if I could get a refund, and they said I need the original box, which I do not. Which is stupid, it’s not like they can re-sell the thing! I’m thinking about taking it to the store and really giving the manager a piece of my mind… I paid $140 for it!

    And just for $hits and giggles, here is a link to the Electra-pole website where they have a video of a dancer that is "putting the pole through its paces" to show off how good it is. Well, take a look at the rigorous workout she put this pole through: (scroll down a bit, left side)

  • Trena

    March 24, 2009 at 11:46 pm

    Oh my God! That video shows sweet f*** all!!!!!!! She does like 2 tricks!!! And you can barely see them!!
    Id definately bring it back regardless of not having the original packaging!!

  • RoxyPink

    March 25, 2009 at 12:14 am

    She is probably using an x-pole in the vid!! hahahaha

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 25, 2009 at 3:48 pm
  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 25, 2009 at 3:49 pm

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