It might be your pole is too tight and needs loosening? If mine isn’t spinning it’s usually because it’s over tightened.
Re continuous spinning, I don’t think any pole dancer can spin continuously because the pole will naturally slow and extending away from the pole also slows it, whereas leaning in and bringing the body close keeps the spin going, and you can use ‘whipping in’ techniques to speed up the spin (like going into a flower spin from Scorpio when inverted, or pulling the leg up and round and to the pole in a spinning climb. There are also tricks like reaching down/ up to push off against the floor/ceiling and I often climb and descend a few times to speed up or decrease spin speed (in a fancy way so it becomes part of the dance). How I mount the pole and start climbing also has a big impact on how long I can keep spinning for. If I know I am going to lose spin because I am doing big, open moves like jade, then I use a fast spinning climb and push off from the floor to get momentum going. If I need to slow down I go into a plank or just reach out an arm and leg. The longest continuous spinning dance I have done was almost 3 minutes without stopping but I was controlling the speed throughout and riding the spin – the pole wouldn’t have kept turning that long if I hadn’t done so.
Quite often dancers sabotage their spins by thinking they are going faster than they are and trying to slow down instead of riding it out and controlling it. They subconsciously make body movements fighting the spin (I do this especially when trying new tricks on spin). Watching vid of yourself often shows you are not spinning as fast as you think!
Finally (cos this is now an essay) videos you see on Instagram and youtube are often sped up or edited so you are not getting a true picture. You can build up tolerance for spin over time. I would just play about to music I like without pressure and doing this my body developed a lot of muscle memory so spinning control became natural, leaving me free to concentrate on the trick or dance. There is a lot to think about when poling so the more your body can do without thinking the easier !
Sorry for epic post ! Hope you get your pole spinning happily.