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Why did you pick your Veena name?
daisyheadmayzie replied 13 years, 1 month ago 35 Members · 46 Replies
My real name is Tanya Maree. Tanya comes from the Russian name Tatiana, of which Tia is a nickname. So Tanya Maree = TiaMaria and 27 for my birthdate. Plus, the drink is nice too 😉
The third Joker’s Card, the Riddle Box, is another entity used to determine fate. Upon death, a soul enters a dark chamber containing a jack-in-the-box on an old wooden table. The front of the box has a “painted question mark faded with time,” representing the mystery of your own afterlife. As the handle is turned, a melodic tune begins to play, and when the music stops, the choice is made. The pure see a vision of God, warming their souls as they enter eternal peace. The wicked see an immense fog seeping from the box, “stripping their sanity, as they witness an image of hell, spawned and formed from their own evil; a hideous reflection of their demented souls.” The floor falls from underneath them, casting the doomed into the bottomless pit of Hell. The fate determined by the Riddle Box can be found by looking deep within yourself, and can be changed with righteous actions. It’s my music, haha.
My name has a double reason….kinda. Jigga is my former dancer name and when I had first started dancing Jay Z was one of my favorite rapper and my favorite song by him was 'Jigga Wha" jigga was one of Jay Z's nicknames and I couldnt resist. I played the song every time I went on stage So yes, the name in itself is an explanation LOL.
It's my name and I usually forget anything else…
I am still quite new to pole dancing and Veena . So when I registered two months ago, all I could think of was to be able to do hand springs straight up side down, lol… So I call myself vertical.
I would like a cool pole name, but I haven’t been able to come up with one that I feel right yet. So the name I choose here is fairly strait forward. My name is Nicole and I’ve always liked Nikki, but I could never get it to catch on. It always ended up being cole, colikins. So I decided to use Nikki. As for the numbers they are my b-day. Hopefully I’ll find a pole name soon!
i too started making a list of my veena friends' names. i still need to get paunobs, polergirl, and fuzzy navel. tiggertail started a thread like this a while back, you should check that out too! my real name is tara, lol 🙂
The first 3 letters of my first name…..Alyssa, and the last two digits of the year I was born….1977 = Aly77
I’m really awful at coming up with names, so mine are usually boring!!! -
My real name is Jade, so you all are way more creative than I am!! : )
Pippi is my stage name, because I have reddish pigtails and superhuman strength. Still working on that treasure chest full of gold….
i love the name jade!
@pippi – that's so cute! i loved that movie when i was a kid. i was pippi longstocking for halloween once, lol. the younger girls here probably wonder what we are talking about!! 🙂
When I was searching online after starting pole to find help after my studio closed down, I came across sv. I was curious and registered, the only thing I could come up with is hookedonpole because that is what I was, "hooked"! After I registered, I had second thoughts about the "hooked" part and wondered if anyone would take it out of context
I visted the site a couple of times and actually did not return for quite a while. I was still so new to pole and didn't think the site was for me…WRONG!! I came back and am "hooked" on sv!!! Now I LOVE my user name! (copied from previous thread that tigger posted)
@tarah That's OK, me and you can sing the theme song together. Pippi LOOOONGGstocking is coming into your worrrrld!!!
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