Forums Discussions Why is Studio Veena Bias towards X-Pole?

  • Why is Studio Veena Bias towards X-Pole?

    Posted by PaytonPlays on December 29, 2011 at 8:46 pm

    Becuase this website is a product pusher. There are plenty of companies that make amazing poles. In my opinion X-Poles suck, the latest XPert pole has nothing but problems and all I read is complaints about slipping joints and poor quality in manufacturing. Yet Studio Veena get's a kick back for promoting those poles.

    Shame on this web site for not promoting all companies and products Thi should be a non-bias website promoting pole, not companies.

    And if the admin on this site pulls my post and closes the thread, it is proof that there is no room for free debate on this matter.

    tiggertail replied 13 years, 2 months ago 46 Members · 72 Replies
  • 72 Replies
  • PoleFitMom

    December 29, 2011 at 8:57 pm

    I love my x-pole, i don't have issues with it! What I don't understand is why you are trying to start a fight and being so defensive. I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinions, but a different approach should have been taken. The reason Veena promotes x-pole is because SHE likes the product. SHE has good experiences with what she recommends. Please remember to be respectful!

  • HotelChick

    December 29, 2011 at 9:01 pm

    I disagree. There are countless threads on this site where members ask for recommendations on what pole to buy, and everyone offers up their opinion. I’ve seen forums where Veena shares what brand she uses and I’ve also read threads where she has mentioned other manufacturers. Furthermore, one popular brand offers a discount to SV members. If this site were truly biased towards one brand, they wouldn’t allow another manufacturer to advertise or participate in the forums here.

  • HotelChick

    December 29, 2011 at 9:03 pm

    @polefitmom – we must have posted at the same time. Sorry.
    My “I disagree” was in response to the original post.

  • Shellectra

    December 29, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    In your opinion Xpoles suck, yes your opinion. But obviously a lot of other people swear by them being a great pole brand, including Veena.  Why get so defensive and to be honest I don't see them pushing Xpole on this site the way your making it out to be? A product pusher? Hmm okay…

  • PaytonPlays

    December 29, 2011 at 9:29 pm

    It's my opinon that a website like this should be a free forum to the consumers. Studio veena closed a thread on Platinum Stages Poles when all they did was try to give clerification on their poles and how they were made… This is a free country, based on capitalism. This site obviously does not believe in the American approach to free speech.


  • hookedonpole

    December 29, 2011 at 9:46 pm

    I debated whether to comment here, but decided to.  I also do not understand why the need to express an opinion in such a negative manner, as well as already attack the administrators.  If you are around this site often enough, it's obvious it is the most encouraging and supportive group of people, as are the administrators.

    There are many threads where opinions are provided in a respectful manner regarding poles, grip aides, style of pole dance, etc.   Veneers give feedback based on their experiences with a various product, which is what many ask for when making decisions.  I did when deciding on a pole purchase.   Just because they are a vendor of a product, doesn't mean they are shoving it down our throat.  I know quite a few gals who are pole vendors, for xpole or other brands, and don't even have a studio business.  If it's a way to earn income, what's wrong with that?

    I also have two xpoles, a 50mm titan gold and a 45mm chrome.  I prefer one finish to the other, but that's me.  All in all I love the xpole xpert.

    Please rethink before posting so as to be part of the encouraging and supportive mindset that makes up the community of studioveena.  Your original post saddened me as a veneer.  

  • PlatinumAni

    December 29, 2011 at 9:51 pm

    We don't need this ugliness. I for one appreciate Webbie moderating this site and keeping it the happy, caring place it is. Furthermore as it is Veena's site she has the right to her opinions and I have often heard her reccomend at least 3 different companies depending on personal preferance. 

  • PaytonPlays

    December 29, 2011 at 9:52 pm

    I believe as a member of this community that I have a right to my opinion and I felt the need to voice it.

  • Miraine

    December 29, 2011 at 9:57 pm

    Can't say as I've seen any indications that there's a lack of free speech around here…  That wasn't a thread about Platinum Stages, it was hijacked from another subject. which helps no-one: how are forum searches supposed to remain remotely helpful if the answer to the original question posed gets lost amongst off topic comments, and why would anyone look for information on Platinum Stages poles in a thread with "X-Pole" in the title?!


    As for the "pushing X-Pole" theory, utter nonsense.  So many people ask "which are the good poles", and there's always a variety listed in the answer.  First concern: making sure people don't injure themselves with play poles.  Sure, Veena may occasionally say "we sell them on the site here!" when someone is asking where they can get them, but I'd hardly call that pushy, lol.

  • poledanceromance

    December 29, 2011 at 10:02 pm

    You have a right to voice your opinion. You do not have a right to voice it by calling us all corrupt and biased for ours. Many people here prefer x-pole, and careful reading will show that many people who have had troubles with the x-joints have been because of user error. We all have preferences here, and no one is ever criticized for liking one over another-EVER.

    I do think your post should be pulled. But not because you don’t like x-poles. Because you marched in here and used disrespectful language and false accusations.

    The “website” has never gotten “kickbacks” from x-pole. At one point, the owners of the site were x-pole vendors. Yet representatives of many pole manufacturers have accounts here and have been welcomed. If the site were really biased, why would all those different people be allowed to use this forum to contact and answer questions as many have? That’s right. They wouldn’t. Use some common sense and act your age. This is not a place for members to start posts solely to accuse and insult. IF you felt like there was misinformation or bias in the site, you have every freedom to contact the owners and voice that concern. To use the forum as you have is not only against the user agreement for the forums, it’s impolite and inappropriate. And that’s the only comment I’ll be making on this subject.

  • MissChampagne

    December 29, 2011 at 10:04 pm

    @PeytonPlays: nobody is saying you can’t voice your opinion. They’re saying it’s a more respectful way of doing so, in keeping this site positive! And in MY opinion, if you are so dead against what she (veener) promotes. Why are you still here?

  • glitterhips

    December 29, 2011 at 10:04 pm

    Veena originally used to use a PS pole that you can see in her early videos. They are still on Youtube if you would like to look at them for yourself. She didn't start her affiliation on here with X-Pole until much later. Webmaster first asked for the thread to be brought back on topic before he chose to close it but they run this website and can choose to do such things at their discretion. There are always numerous discussions on the forums going about different poles and I would say there's a good variety of brands, finishes and thicknesses across the board when it comes to preferences of people that use this site. In all honesty I have only used X-Pole but I have heard about a lot of girls having bad experiences with PS customer service so I am not sure if they would be my first choice. I have also heard a few stories about bad experiences with X-Pole. Could all of the stories about both companies be made up? Absolutely. I feel like the different poles cater to different needs and I feel that X-Pole has the most versatile features and that is probably one of the reasons they carry it here. I do not feel Veena "pushes" the purchase of an X-Pole to anyone. If she was going to push anything here it would be the lessons because they don't make their main income from their affiliation with X-Pole anyway. The way you approached this was pretty accusatory and negative so don't be surprised people are jumping to Veena's defense – posts of this nature are not really tolerated here.

  • Kobajo84

    December 29, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    I love all my X-Poles (Yes, I have many.) I also love my Lil' Mynx.  And I hope to love my Platinum Stages 38 mm removable pole when I buy it after it becomes available for purchase.  And how do I even know about the Platinum Stages 38 mm pole being on the market to the U.S.? I found out about it from!  The administrators of this site also sell their branded apparel in addition to selling poles.  It's another means for profit so they can continue to provide this amazing social community to all of us in the pole community.  I don't feel this site pushes anything about a specific pole you must buy.  I have found this site to be very useful to anyone seeking information and people have always been very helpful in guiding people to come to their own decision regarding what pole will work best for them.  Besides, any serious poler knows the importance of using different poles- brands, sizes, and finishes.  As you evolve as a pole dancer you begin to collect all types of poles and venture into other brands.  I love the fact that this site makes it easy for beginners to choose a pole in addition to asking questions and having immediate and educated answers.  In my opinion, X-Pole is probably the best pole for a beginner- many beginners try it out and end up giving up and selling their pole down the road. For cost purposes, easy installation, and not having to put a hole in your ceiling- I'd say X-Pole is the most reasonable pole on the market.  But like I said, if after your first purchase you find yourself immersed in the love affair of pole the only logical direction would be to explore your other options as you grow in your experience of dance. 

  • Webmaster

    December 29, 2011 at 10:32 pm

    @PaytonPlays – You are 100% incorrect in your assertions.  Product sales for poles and clothing account for so little of our income that it is inconsequential.  Most people spend more on lunch in a month than we make on product sales from poles and clothing.

    Does Veena Love her Titanium Gold X-Pole? Yes she does.  Is she paid to love it? No she isn't. Is she paid to talk about? Not even a tiny bit.  She loves it because it works for her.

    As to your admonitions of shame for unfair representation, I am unsure why you would scold us.  We tried to sell Both Platinum Stages and X-Pole when we first built the site.  In 2008 X-Pole responded immediately with the paperwork and proposal neccessary for our resale agreement with them while Platinum Stages took weeks to call us back and then never replied to a second message left on their answering machine.  As to the general admonitions in the forum, opinions are 100% the responsibility of the poster, we do not post nor do we moderate in any fashion to create product bias.

    The earlier thread that you refered to was closed after I was blatantly ignored in my request for the thread to be brought back on topic.  Not only was I ignored, I was ignored by a stated leader in the pole dance community.

  • Mary Ellyn

    December 29, 2011 at 10:34 pm

    The reason you probably feel there is a "bias" toward XPole is because the majority of members on this site, and in fact the majority of pole dancers, prefer XPole.

    It's not Veena nor the Webmaster who have posted anything negative about PS. What happened was that a thread that was NOT about PS got taken out of context and the Webmaster asked that it get back on track and no further debates between the two products continue on that thread.

    So what happens…Erica comes back and says it's only fair that SHE is allowed to go against what was requested and just posts her opinions anyway. Were that me, I would have privately contacted the Webmaster or Veena and pleaded my side and asked how they thought it was best I respond. Instead she blatantly disregarded his request and disrepectfully took matters into her own hands. Basically thumbing her nose at the Webmaster.

    PS and many PS supporters have taken every opportunity to turn any thread they can all about PS. Things aren't slanted toward XPole but it's almost turned into spamming about PS around here.  

    But that's just my opinion…the real point is that because Erica was called to task for blatantly disregarding a request made by the website owners now they are accused of being biased???  Really? 

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