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Why is Studio Veena Bias towards X-Pole?
tiggertail replied 13 years, 1 month ago 46 Members · 72 Replies
"This site obviously does not believe in the American approach to free speech. " No disrespect, but you are always welcome to create your own site where you can exercise your right of free speech. I don't see where free speech is being violated. There are plenty of pole websites on the internet and you are free to visit them. I don't understand why you would choose to purposely create an atmosphere of negativity. If you like another brand of poles that much, why wouldn't you just start a thread under the blog section describing your devoted love?
@PaytonPlays – That video was done at a time when we were finding people in the pole community to interview. We did one interview a month, and we did not accept any payment for any interview. We paid full price for that pole as well. We interviewed Heidi and Kimara because we were in LA to pick up the pole and we hadn't been able to line anyone else up that month.
I was also interviewed on this and can guarantee you there were/are no “kick backs” happening. You need to start being careful what you are saying about this site before it becomes slanderous. Webmaster would have every right to close it if it becomes so.
I have learned that the problem with negativity is that it grows when fed! As
you see here! Apparently she needs attention. Which would only make since because who would be this concerned about someone else’s paycheck. Thats a hell of a way to make friends like you want Mrs. PaytonPlays!!! Goodnight -
Empyrean is correct. I am a state employee here in Illinois and we receive extensive training in what constitutes illegal or imporoper exchanges of funds. The term kickback always refers to a sum of money given to circumvent a normal competitive process (such as negotiating or bidding) and create a contract or a job or a relationship that is either improper, concealed, or against the interests of the final consumer or the citizen. Typically, when there is a kickback, the price of a service or a commodity (like concrete in building a toll road as happened a few years back here in Illinois) is inflated beyond the normal margins to create the revenue for the kickback.
I don't like to be indiscreet or talk out of school, but I am going to go so far as to say that I have been around the pole community quite a while…and had more than a few drinks and dinners privately with MANY of the folks in this industry and I can tell you straight from the horse's mouth that ALL of the major pole manufacturers have their problems, screw-ups, customer service disasters, and other such missteps. I could tell you stories about the "other brands" that would make your hair stand up–and I mean events I have witnessed myself! I've seen "POLE FAILS" from at least three of the major manufacturers…
Joel Lessing
Forest Park, Illinois
"I have learned that the problem with negativity is that it grows when fed!"
Internet trolls enjoy stirring the pot. This discussion is trending towards such activity.
You guys have a good point. Maybe instead of putting Webmaster in the position of policing this thread we take the responsibility on ourselves and refuse to respond further to the obvious attempts to antagonize? We have plenty of other threads to enjoy.
Yep and I am unfollowing this thread. I know it is in capable hands.
This is kind of funny, I mean it's obvious that Veena isn't bias toward x-pole. Otherwise Veena/PS wouldn't offer 10% off their poles for the members here. As for x-pole VS PS I have no idea who is better, I'm going to buy an x-pole, I can't buy a PS pole multi piece pole because of the weight limit. Also, I know a lot of people have issues with PS customer service and not with x-pole. Anyway in the end it's a personal preference…
oh i didn't want to but i have to!!
why the big deal. buy the pole you like from whoever you want, who gives a hoot who makes what, and just get over it.
we get it, you hate x-pole, so what, im not a fan of some things i have seen in the pole community, here and outside the Veena site but im not going to go on here and make everyone feel like crap just cause i have a beef with something.
i think the Veena site is amazing and should been seen for what she is doing for us women, and few men, we have a place were we can talk about poling, post photos videos and not have someone judge us, we can ask any question and not feel silly asking it, no matter the subject, and as for buying x-pole though the site,
that is the way with 90% of the online pole forms and communities and 90% of the pole dance studios, they sell x-pole. there are 3 studios here in Halifax and 2 could sell me an x-pole and one made and sold there own!
so hate x-pole all you want, and we will all understand why, we will not hate on you for that! but from now on just pole, and be happy you have the privilege to own your own pole, no matter the name brand.
happy poling
No one has to like everything. If you have a preference you should be able to voice it… No matter which pole you are partial to. Pole Manufacturers seem to be a divisive point in the pole community, its one or the other. I don’t think PS vs. Xpole is our biggest concern as a community.
Focus people!!! There are still people out there that think we are all strippers (not that that’s a bad thing) -
PlaytonPlays, I find the entitlement in the tone of your post disturbing, and the logic you use to draw conclusions severly flawed. Most of us here know Veena likes X-poles and offers them for sale on her website, but I've never seen her slander other pole dealers. To go a step further, I have actually seen her acknowledge the value of other leading pole brands. There's nothing sneaky about the way she does business. She's been more than professional in the way that she promotes her pole of choice while still maintaining respect for other pole dealers. Anyone can become an X-pole affiliate and get a "kickback" from making x-pole sales through their own website. Pole dancers visit Veena's website because she has created a valuable resource for pole dancers in her forums and her online lessons. It would be silly for her to not offer poles for sale. I considered Platinum stages and Lil minx when I considered buying a pole because they were also recommended in the forums on StudioVeena, but I chose x-pole for its versatility and ease of use. It suited my needs better. A less important factor was that I didn't care for the branding of PS and LM.
You expressed:
"Thi should be a non-bias website promoting pole, not companies. It's my opinon that a website like this should be a free forum to the consumers. Studio veena closed a thread on Platinum Stages Poles when all they did was try to give clerification on their poles and how they were made… This is a free country, based on capitalism. This site obviously does not believe in the American approach to free speech." is a Company. I'm surprised you were not aware of that. Companies fill a need by creating something of value to sell to customers. Often times, as a service to their customers, companies will recommend related products to their customers if they believe their customers will also value it. Obviously, a lot of people on StudioVeena value X-poles. You have expressed that you don't, and that's fine. They way that you expressed it was extremely immature and uninformed, so as a natural result you can expect that your opinion will not be held in high regard. As for the thread that you complained was deleted; For any poster on an online forum, it's common courtesy to stay on topic and respect the guidelines of the moderators. It's especially *UN*professional for a representative of one company to post on the forum of another company and not stay on topic, and further disregard a moderators request to stay on topic.
I think Veena is a great example of how to promote what you love without backbiting and trolling competitors, which is probably why so many people frequent her forums and support her business.
"Shame on this web site for not promoting all companies and products Thi should be a non-bias website promoting pole, not companies."
And I think you misunderstand the concept of free speech and capitalism. Free speach and capitalism doesn't mean that you or I or studioveena has a responsibility to promote all companies equally. It means we have the freedom to promote and give business to the ones we value the most, which is what is happening here. Since when is it the responsiblity of one business to promote all other related businesses equally? I give my business because I value the lessons, the forum, and the opinions of (most) of the other members here.
Shame on this site? Honestly? Why on earth is it Veenas fault if you bought an x-pole and hated it? Because she has one and loves it?
All this site does is helping people who wants to learn how to pole. Everything Veena does on this site is what SHE thinks is best. Do you also think its bias that she shows her learning methods on a move and not ALL the ways you can learn it?
Sorry you dont like your pole. But its your own fault..
I think that Platinum Stages has had a bad reputation for customer service and has in the past been negative to many customers that's why they have a bad rap. Since then Erica has joined Studio Veena has been posting on all sorts of threads and no one has gotten mad at her and in allhonesty she has done a very good job of turning their bad reputation around. Just this time last year I experienced a lot of negativity from PS when there was a facebook thread about the original SSA *not the current model* and they were very mean to me, I can assure you that Erica while I am sure not employed by PS at that time has worked hard to reach out to everyone in sincere apology and has tried to rectify some of the bad feelings out there.
Infact, Erica has done such a good job of presenting PS in a good light that I have begun to reconsider my own position on them.
As for X-pole, I have had minimal problems with their poles and have received great customer service as a pole dancer and as an event coordinator.
I think many members on this site and others choose X-pole and support X-pole because of their customer support and support to the community – something PS has not been great about until Erica came a long.
Yes, all poles have their problems – I have seen ignorant owners at studios let their X-joints twist out so bad they cannot be fixed making the poles unsafe to use. I have seen all 3 poles fall, infact I had a PS pole fall over in a class once, I saw an X-pole fall over while my friend was on it and I have seen LM's fall over.
PS in recent months is working very hard on their products and more so their reputation. I hope that their products will reflect all of Erica's hard work in promoting the poles and turning their "bad customer service" reputation around. No company can please everyone, not PS, not X-pole, not LM. Infact BECAUSE I see Erica on here so much I am not aware of products that I might be interested in buying for the future – despite not being a fan of one product I have used PS poles much longer than X-poles and will say that they are good poles. I don't see a bias here, but I do see that X-pole seems much more popular. I have never seen Veena actually PROMOTE X-pole aside from selling them. I have never seen her sales pitch the X-pole over anything else.
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