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Will I never be able to go upside down?
Serzi replied 11 years, 10 months ago 12 Members · 27 Replies
From the way you describe it, you're doing actual headstands, like with your head on the floor? Those are *really* tough – Veena herself recently shared a video on her FB about headstands, elbowstands and handstands, and even she recommended against the headstand (with your head on the floor). Even with a cushion there for safety, there's a world of difference between resting your weight on your head vs. on your forearms, elbows or hands.
The feeling you're getting might be related to the pressure of your weight on your skull, in addition to just the blood rushing to your head. Maybe try elbowstands or handstands and see if it still feels that bad?
Ah okay, that's interesting! I don't know what an elbow stand is but I'll see if I can find this video.
Yeah just had a watch…I do see the point about not having the pressure on your head but all of those look SO hard 🙁
Well Veena makes them look easy 🙂
Here's what the "beginner level" looks like (for elbow stands).
It involves a lot of false starts, jumps, and awkward entries. Practicing against a wall, with a crash mat so you don't stub your toes if you fall down, is highly recommended.
That's awesome, way better than my attempts 😛 I think so much of it is just fear, I need to convince myself that I am NOT going to fall and break my neck. Maybe I'll have to try again soon 🙂
you guys have all convinced me to give it another shot too… going to pole class now and will get someone to spot me, wish me luck!!!!!!!! Together we can do it kate!!
I don't think you will know whether you're going to have problems with inversions until you do them, although I'm not recommending that you go and do it just yet! From what you described in your posts, I can think of several things that could be happening 1) It could be normal disorientation from being upside down, perhaps magnified by anxiety about not knowing what the feeling is, 2) It could be discomfort from blood rushing to your head, again because you're not used to being upside down (circulation improves with practice, and that head-full-of-blood feeling goes away), or 3) It could be some kind of inner ear thing, where you get really disoriented from being upside down, or 4) Some combination of those things.
I would try a little test to see if the following bothers you: lay on your bed, on your back, with your head and shoulders over the side.(i.e., head upside down) Do you have the same feeling? If not, my guess would be that the feeling of blood rushing to your head, combined with some normal anxiety and disorientation from being upside down is what's causing the problem in the headstand. You might want to practice laying over the side of the bed like that, or other poses where your head is inverted (like standing with wide legs and bending as far over as you can), in order to get used to it, before worrying about all the mechanics of doing a headstand.
Go Hazelnut! You can do this!! Let me know how you got on 🙂
Thanks for the tip Elektra, I've just tried that and it didn't really bother me. My head felt a little heavy and I imagine staying in that position for a long time could get uncomfortable, but I didn't feel panicky or freaked out and I didn't feel dizzy or ill from it like I did in the handstand.
Just a brief update for you all – I managed my first ever invert! Didn't take my hands off, it was very basic and I didn't get my body quite as vertical as I'd like, but I managed it (without kicking) and I felt totally fine…I was just practicing tucks/leaning back and the next thing I know I'm staring up at my feet, no freaking out or feeling dizzy so happy! Will be working on it more when I get back to uni for classes. Inverted crucifix here I come!
Congrats on your invert!!! One thing I’m not sure anyone mentioned is to BREATHE PROPERLY. My biggest obstacle to feeling comfortable in a handstand is lack of oxygen. If I focus too much on everything else I don’t breathe right and then I bail. Take long, relaxing, controlled breaths. It will prevent head-pressure, panic, and can improve balance as it helps alleviate overly-tense muscles.
As always, if you feel you are not ready or are unsure about your strength to execute the move safely then please proceed w/ caution if you try it. Take your time working up to the move. Break down all the steps (Veena’s lessons are great for this, btw), be aware of your points of contact, and take it slow.
Inverting came easier for me than handstands. I still cannot do an elbowstand and can only do exits (no entry-moves) while facing the pole. Another issue for me w/ this is that my spine is not straight. I have scoliosis and the 30° curve in my back has a serious impact on my balance.
It takes all kinds to pole. Work w/ what you got, not against it! 🙂
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