Forums Discussions Woman Sues Crunch Fitness For Pole Dancing Injury

  • anngiern

    February 10, 2010 at 2:46 am

    My experience was similar to Amy’s at Crunch. It was like a free-for-all in a sense. Close to 20-something girls in the class and only two instructors. There were two students in the class who mentioned that this was their first time taking pole, and one of them ended up doing a CAR (maybe I was jealous because I was too afraid to try it at my own studio, lol.)

    I wonder which class the woman was in when she was injured. At the NYC Crunch locations, there’s Pole Dancing and then there’s Turning Tricks. Not that it makes much of a difference, but I wonder if there was pressure/eagerness to try in invert if she was in the advanced class.

    I also would like to know if the Crunch instructors are certified. I know that some of them teach at Body & Pole.

    hmmm…i had received a link to this story from a student….

    i have to say this is why i am glad we teach our pole dancing in levels. we have been pressured to just to do mixed levels classes but we stuck with what we believed in. i know people dont always like it but IMO it is just safer. i compare it to something like gymnastics, karate, or cheerleading…you just cant walk off the street and go into an advanced class. pole dancing is really hard to monitor in that format when you are teaching aerial tricks. we do have mixed level classes like cardio pole, freestyle pole, but they have to have at least 3 months pole dance experience to participate. mixed level classes are better when its experienced pole students IMO.

    we teach inverts in level 3…and i feel so much better as an instructor knowing that my students have been poling for 4 months continously before they attempt inverting.

    i agree empyrean……i just hope the pole championships get this much press!!!!!!!!

    Anngiern, are you at PoleLaTeaz? When I saw level 3 (because that’s when I learned my first invert) and cardio pole it reminded me of PoleLaTeaz. I left Atlanta after 5 months at PoleLaTeaz to move to NYC.

    Yes SandyBrown I do! I am the founder and owner of PoleLaTeaz in Atlanta and Houston….hopefully more cities to come.

    I just hate to see people getting hurt. You really need to condition your body for this type of activity….I think people downplay that aspect of it sometimes. Especially when you are dealing with everyday women who might not be as physically active as others or not currently working out on a continuous basis. But thats why I love teaching b/c I get a chance to get women in shape and help them achieve their goals

  • bebeduckie

    February 11, 2010 at 1:40 am

    I just took a class at crunch last week and girls were definately trying things they weren’t ready for. With 25 girls and 8 poles it’s impossible for the instructor to keep an eye on everyone. It was more a free for all. She showed the trick and you would try it on the pole. And of course there were some beginners who wanted to try everything. The teacher did not stress not trying certain things if you were new, etc. First time goers saw twisted grip mount an were trying it!!!

    As far as teacher quals, that particular instructor has been a stripper for 7 yrs but didn’t really seem caring about anyone getting hurt! My instrucor now started her own studio but used to teach at crunch. I guess the teachers do know how to pole, but the liability falls on crunch, not them, so they might not really care what’s going on!

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