Forums Discussions Working both sides?

  • Working both sides?

    Posted by Forever Young on July 24, 2012 at 6:03 am

    Hi all,

    I know that there has been discussions on here about learning to invert on both sides and to do spins on both sides – which I can totally understand.  However, do you think you need to be able to do ALL moves on both sides?

    When it comes to inverting, shoulder mounts etc I understand that if you can do it on both sides you have the choice of which side you want to use for a specific move but is it necessary to learn all the moves on both sides? 

    I would like to hear everones views on which moves they think you should be able to perform on both sides and which ones you don't need to be able to do on both sides.

    Thanks ladies

    sundcarrie replied 12 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • LillyBilly

    July 24, 2012 at 6:11 am

    I do everything on both sides.

    Every move uses different muscles, and you want to be more or less balanced (I think it reduces the chances of injury). Plus, it makes learning new moves and transitions way easier: some transitions won't allow you to use only your strong side, and if you already have some muscle memory you won't have to re-learn every move on your weak side before being able to learn the transition.

    I also think that knowing how to do everything on both sides gives you more flexibility when planning choreographies.


  • MichelleH

    July 24, 2012 at 6:50 am

    I think like everything in life, you need balance. When learning the basics (climbs, inverts, etc), do you need to both sides? Yes. Will you use your less preferred side in a performance? Less likely. But it means that you're developing both sides of the body more evenly.

    When you learn a new trick, should you immediately learn to do it on the other side? Probably not, but I would put it on the list of things to learn. Like LilliyBilly said, you will find a transition that you can't do until you step back and learn to first do the move on your other side. That sucks. Ask me, I know!

  • Aviva

    July 24, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    I am a strong advocate for learning everything on both sides.  However everything has it's limits.  There are some things I may never do on the other side but if it's a matter or strength or flexibility I will push myself to get it on both sides.  If it's a matter of re injuring an old injury I may let myself slack if I have something on one side.  Definitely a minimum of basic invert on both sides will go a long way. 

  • sundcarrie

    July 24, 2012 at 12:50 pm

    I think it is good to lean both sides but I always tend to learn on one side first then work on getting the other side. I have a brain that just doesn't like to turn things around so I have a lot of trouble learning both sides at the same time. Once I have one side down pretty good it makes it easier for me to reverst the move. Now that I have been doing it for awhile though I see the benifit of learning it on both sides because I tend to have a lot more muscle on one side than the other and it kind of looks funny. I am sure there will always be an inbalance but if you work both sides you will not see such a huge difference.

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