Forums Discussions Working midnight and pole fitness Help!!!!

  • Working midnight and pole fitness Help!!!!

    Posted by November Pink on April 8, 2013 at 1:10 am

    Anybody having a hard time pole dancing and working midnight shifts?  I can't seem to get my energy up and very tired due to working midnight.  I was told to switch to working during the day and my body will feel much better, but that's not an option right now.  I'm eating healthy but still can't get my energy up. Any suggestions? 

    Yanille79 replied 11 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • tinarn01

    April 8, 2013 at 1:36 am

    I have the same problem!! I’m a nurse and work from 8p to 6a on fri sat and sun nights. When I’m off during the week I have to switch back to being up during the day and sleeping at night cuz I have a toddler at home. Needless to say, I always feel drained!! Here’s what I try to do..obviously poling on monday is a no go..I’ve been up all night sunday night, and only sleep a couple hours when I get home so that I’m able to sleep Monday night.. I go to the gym and do cardio, weights and strectching tues-fri mornings, I usually try to pole on tues and thurs nights after i put my toddler to bed, but honestly by the time i get him down, I’m exhausted..and God forbid I try to pole when he’s awake..can’t get anything done cuz he’s either in the way, or I’m havin to keep him out of trouble.. and then i TRY to pole Saturday afternoon before I go to work. Im totally with you..I wish there was an easy solution.. I’ll be so glad when I can have a normal job w normal hours…and when my child gets old enough that he can entertain himself for an hour or two.

  • tinarn01

    April 8, 2013 at 1:36 am

    I have the same problem!! I’m a nurse and work from 8p to 6a on fri sat and sun nights. When I’m off during the week I have to switch back to being up during the day and sleeping at night cuz I have a toddler at home. Needless to say, I always feel drained!! Here’s what I try to do..obviously poling on monday is a no go..I’ve been up all night sunday night, and only sleep a couple hours when I get home so that I’m able to sleep Monday night.. I go to the gym and do cardio, weights and strectching tues-fri mornings, I usually try to pole on tues and thurs nights after i put my toddler to bed, but honestly by the time i get him down, I’m exhausted..and God forbid I try to pole when he’s awake..can’t get anything done cuz he’s either in the way, or I’m havin to keep him out of trouble.. and then i TRY to pole Saturday afternoon before I go to work. Im totally with you..I wish there was an easy solution.. I’ll be so glad when I can have a normal job w normal hours…and when my child gets old enough that he can entertain himself for an hour or two.

  • November Pink

    April 8, 2013 at 2:25 am

    Yeah working midnights is not a natural thing. Your body is set to go to sleep when the sun goes down and wake up when the sun rise.  when you throw that natural cycle off you lose a lot of energy.  Whenever I start working during the day my body will feel much better. But right now while working midnights I need to pick up my energy for pole dancing.  I was also told to try the DVD workout Tapout, insanity or PX90.  My coworkers who also works mids swear by PX90 it will help out a lot.  

  • Runemist34

    April 8, 2013 at 3:24 am

    I kind of have to contradict the "naturally diurnal" thing. My natural sleep schedule as an adult is going to bed around 2am-4am, and waking up at about 11am-1pm. I tried to change that for more than three years while I was with my ex-husband, and it just didn't work- I was grumpy, tired, listless, and generally felt very unhealthy.

    Unfortunately, society seems to assume that most people are the daytime-type, and I get classes that start at 10am, or have to work around that time, too. It's very frustrating, and I often describe it as "Imagine if you had to get up and work at 4am. You wouldn't be happy, either!"

    I cannot sleep before 2am. I've tried. I have REALLY tried. My best sleeping time is actually between 5am and 11am. I get the highest quality sleep then.

    And that's where the issue is- when you don't get that highly efficient, truly restful sleep, you'll suffer. Loss of energy, focus, and motivation. You may be getting a full 8 hours of sleep, possibly even more, but it won't be the same.

    My suggestion would be to make sure you're eating often, and perhaps more than you would consider to be "normal" for you. Not too much more, but a bit more. Remember that you're trying to replace energy that you are lacking from not being able to sleep at your ideal time.

    And, if you feel that this sleep schedule will be going on for longer than a month, don't deviate from it, even on weekends. It's really tempting, and it can be really hard to just stay tired when you know you have time to sleep… but you may be able to transition your body to your work schedule. You suffer for the first bit, but I'm told that most people find it gets easier.

  • Yanille79

    April 8, 2013 at 10:36 am

    I’m a nurse to and I work night shifts so I am a zombie most of the time and always tired and don’t rest enough. I’m on the waiting list to switch to days. But when Im off after I sleep ill try and squeeze in atleast a hour.

  • LadyE1

    April 8, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    I'm a nurse that works full time nights and on my days off I have little energy and I really just want to sleep.  But I've decided that I'm going to have to push myself to pole more if I want to grow. I was poling once or twice a week, but now I've increased it to 4. I just have to make time to do what I love!

  • Yanille79

    April 8, 2013 at 3:53 pm

    Yeah I work from 7:30 pm to 8:00 am three nights a week. Feels like more because I lose the whole next day cuz I’m drained. But my goal is to practice more poling and attend a studio atleast twice a week for now and Ofcourse Veena’s lessons . Which I enjoy more sometimes then going to a studio .night shifts are not easy. And nursing is not only physically draining but mentally draining sometimes. And u never know what to expect each shift very unpredictable . But at the end it’s all worth it. And I feel rewarded. Poling for me lets me disconnect from work. Which helps me with my anxiety a lot. Ok enough blogging lol

  • Yanille79

    April 8, 2013 at 3:53 pm

    Yeah I work from 7:30 pm to 8:00 am three nights a week. Feels like more because I lose the whole next day cuz I’m drained. But my goal is to practice more poling and attend a studio atleast twice a week for now and Ofcourse Veena’s lessons . Which I enjoy more sometimes then going to a studio .night shifts are not easy. And nursing is not only physically draining but mentally draining sometimes. And u never know what to expect each shift very unpredictable . But at the end it’s all worth it. And I feel rewarded. Poling for me lets me disconnect from work. Which helps me with my anxiety a lot. Ok enough blogging lol

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