Working on “bad” side – Need motivation and tips
Hi Veeners
I pole about 4 years now and I am at an average intermediate level I think. I do cross train yoga and bodyweight training for strength.
So my BIG problem is that I was really guilty of using only my dominant side for most of my tricks. I can do basic spins and holds on my “bad” side but thats it. When I freestyle I mostly use only my dominant side. So this led to some pain in my back and an muscle imbalance. I have the ok from doc and physio with the advice to work on my bad side to balance it out to prevent further pain and injury.So the thing is…I absolutely KNOW what to do…. but I am so unmotivated und frustrated to work on my weaker side.
Do you have tips to deal with this? And how you train this?
Should I start a blog here with the progress? (Feeling like I am at the very start again)
Should I track with videos or writing a journal?
How do you motivate you to train the other side?
Should I only train the weaker side or like 5 reps weaker side, 2 reps dom side?
Should I stop progressing on my dominant side?Halp! 🙂
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