Forums Discussions Wrong top hand for SM

  • Wrong top hand for SM

    Posted by moonflower on January 28, 2010 at 1:13 am

    I just watched the SV shoulder dismount video and I realize that I’ve been shoulder mounting with the wrong hand on top. I was taught to put the hand on the side my shoulder rests on on top. If anyone wants to see, I SM in my Dec. Challenge at 1:47 ish.

    I’ve never been able to get into brass monkey from SM, or roll all the way over in a somersault (name of this move?), and I realize that this could be why. Anyway, I just tried it the correct way and damn near pissed myself. I must have slipped a good foot before I scrambled to hook my legs. I"m afraid that learning to SM the second time will be much harder since I have already ingrained a bad habit. Does anyone think I NEED to relearn it? Can i work with what I have now just find ways to get into other moves with my arms switched? IS it possible? I’m hoping someone with more experience can give some advice before I embark on a hard road of retraining a bad habit.

    azzwoo replied 15 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • PoleGrrrrl

    January 28, 2010 at 2:18 am

    It depends on the grip you’re using. If you’re using the double cupped grip, then the opposite arm/hand to the shoulder the pole is resting on is on top. *however* if you’re using a different grip to this, its not necessarily the case.

    The other grip I’ve been working on is the bobbi/felix grip, which is where the hand of the resting shoulder (which in my case is on the right) comes around the front of the pole and grips from the left side (its kind of twisted), and then the left hand cups just underneath it. In this case then the same hand as the shoulder is resting on top.

    I’m sure there’s a gajillion other grip alternates that will also vary.

    Each to their own really, do whatever feels comfortable for you (and the brass monkey isn’t easy to get into btw from SM so its not necessarily to do with your grip!) Also remember with the SM roll to flip your feet towards the resting shoulder.

    Hope this helps

  • moonflower

    January 28, 2010 at 2:23 am

    "Also remember with the SM roll to flip your feet towards the resting shoulder."
    Do you mean when getting into the BM?

    As for grip, I use the double cup as well as the princess grip to SM. For both of them, I put my shoulder side hand on top. Is that okay?

    Edit: I forgot to add, I just did the shoulder dismount from veena’s video and I have no problem DISMOUNTING with my arms switched…probably becuase I"m approaching this as a new move. But when I try to mount right back up after I dismount, I can;t do it and have to switch my hands. The body is a programmable machine ain’t it.

  • PoleGrrrrl

    January 28, 2010 at 9:53 am

    yep any flippy-over-thing where your legs will go over your shoulders (which would include the BM) should be on/over the shoulder against the pole.

    personally I think if you’re using the double cupped grip, its best to have the opposite hand on the top, I think it just works better for the push/pull aspect of it, like you’re pushing against your shoulder and pulling with opposite hand (sort of).

    I have found that the felix-style grip (i assume this is the princess?) is much more secure once you’re actually in the upside down v position, so you can do more things while you’re up there .

  • azzwoo

    January 28, 2010 at 11:21 am

    moonflower I do the same thing…. although I never realised it until you just put this post up lol. Ah the hazards of teaching yourself pole, when I learnt I just went with what felt right, but I guess now its wrong!!
    ANyway, I can do SM flips and air SM’s etc with no problem with my arms the wrong way round, whether this is dangerous or not I have no idea, but I haven’t landed on my head after a SM……yet! Although I can do the flip, I’m wondering now if the reason I can’t control the SM flip into a sit is for the same reason as you?

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