Forums Discussions X-pert Review

  • Pixie0909

    July 20, 2010 at 12:45 am

    I just put my Xpert up lastnight and despite being super careful with the fine threaded adjuster cover it got partially stripped It now only goes on a little bit leaving a gap between the top of the cover and the main pole. This concerns me as I dont want to get my skin caught in the gap or have the cover come off if im upside down and my hands are on it.

    I think the adjuster cover was not machined properly and came damaged from factory but I cannot get in contact with Xpole (Australia) all I get is Undecipherable phone instructions…

    Any suggestions??

  • Pixie0909

    July 21, 2010 at 4:14 am

    On another note…

    I spoke to Xpole and they will be trying to get hold of a new adjuster cover for me from the U.K so hopefully that works out.

    And now I realise my pole is bowing will loosen it and see if that helps

  • Caley

    July 27, 2011 at 12:58 pm


    I am currently shopping for a pole that I can put up in my condo without doing any damage to the ceiling and it appears x-pole is going to be the one.

    I am curious about the extensions though. My ceiling where I intend to put the pole is exactly 9' and through reading some of these posts, I am a bit concerned about the threads being exposed. I emailed the site I was going to order from about this, and they recommended adding the 200mm extension, however a lot of the information here indicates something as small as 100mm will work (and that in some cases 125mm is too big) for this height.

    Has anyone tried the 200mm extension with a 9' ceiling? Any troubles? Would a smaller size be better? For those of you that have the 100mm extension, are any of the threads exposed?

    Thanks for the help!

  • Caley

    July 29, 2011 at 10:03 am

    I have also found info that the 125mm and 250mm pieces that come with the pole could be replaced entirely with the 500mm extension. Any recommendations on what will work best? I guess I am just afraid of buying the wrong sized extension and having it be too big for the space. They way I am envisioning this, is that threads are going to be sticking out and there won't be a completely smooth pole from floor to ceiling. Am I wrong in thinking this?

  • kklove

    July 29, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    dont stress chica. the extensions that come with the pole (125 and 250) will allow your pole to reach 9ft, but if you want you can always order an extra extension if you want.  i personally have a 500 ext but i dont use it as much as i thought i would but im glad i have it just in case i ever do.  as long as you dont overtighten the pole you should be fine, no worries 🙂  I have the xpert and xsport and no threads are exposed(smooth from top to bottom after putting together correctly) so you should be fine.

    happy poling

  • Caley

    July 29, 2011 at 3:46 pm

    Thanks kklove!!! I think I will just order the pole itself and then get the extension later if I find it's needed. I really appreciate your response. Gonna order it right now! So excited!! 😀

  • kklove

    July 29, 2011 at 3:57 pm

    yay…im so happy for you. i love when people order poles, its like christmas/birthdays all in one. 🙂  I will say this, when you do get your pole take all the pieces and access. out of the box and make sure you have all thats included (poles, xjoints,ext,carrybag,etc)…..if i were you just to get the xjoints broken in, since they come straight from the warehouse i would use the hex screw to open and close the joints a bunch of times to break it in better. (this helps to learn the direction you need to turn to tighten and loosen as well lol) it will help when you do go to install your pole you wont pull a muscle just incase the joints are extra tight/stiff.  :)))

  • ShonaLancs

    November 19, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    Tried to put up my xpole xpert tonight. My ceiling height is 7ft 9″, so I shouldn’t need an extension but to get the pole to fit tight I have to extend the adjuster more than 5inch, which it says not to do in the manual. Tried to use the 125mm extension and it extends the pole too much so I can’t get it up.
    Any ideas guys?? Really want it up asap!!

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