Forums Discussions X-pert spin question? Halp!

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 7, 2010 at 7:48 pm

    Unfortunately for you guys I had the advantage of two poles…so I systematically started at the top and replaced each piece one at a time from the dome all the way down. It just happened that my problem was the base so it was the last piece I replaced and that was the problem as soon as I tried to remove it and found it was stuck I knew that was it.

    Rabid as I recall mine was also sticking when I took it down and took the pressure off so this may not be the problem but it’s still worth trying to get the base off and see.

    How about checking the insert section of the dome when you have it down and see if there is any sticking to that part? The insert of the dome should rotate freely too.

  • rabidshrooms

    March 7, 2010 at 8:53 pm

    Awesome! Ty! It’s crazy because my bf and I were tugging on the base yesterday and it wouldn’t budge, took a rubber mallet to it and it pops right off with a slight swing of the thing. Wtf.

    Anyway, haven’t put it back up yet because I was going to move where I had it to see if maybe the placement was just bad (which would be weird).

  • petitejam

    March 8, 2010 at 1:19 am

    Hmmmm reading all these posts is making me very so-so about the new X-Poles. It seems really hard to set up, take down and re-put back up. And into spin mode. Compared to the old ones (if you have had either) which do you prefer?

  • rabidshrooms

    March 8, 2010 at 1:34 am

    Petite: You know what, I was wondering if that isn’t part of the problem? I mean, did people have this much of a problem with the older top loading poles? Most of the people I talked to about their x-pole had the older versions (pre 2010).

    I had it pretty decent on spin ONCE but it wasn’t tight enough (it had been tight enough though…checked it and everything before use) and I almost took the whole pole down. Could have been worse, but makes me a little nervous now :/ Hmmm. I dunno. I picked the Xpole because no one really had anything negative to say about it and the weight limit was higher which I liked. I’m not sure if I will have to sacrifice superb working spin mode for stability. At that rate I could have bought the sport for a hundred less.

    I am going to actually lightly grease all of the contact parts (like the inserted part of the base, the inserted part of the dome adapter, etc). Who knows, maybe it’ll help? Doubt it but I can dream lol If that doesn’t work, I am calling x-pole tommorow. They already told me they’d probably send me a new adjuster.

  • Daphne77

    March 8, 2010 at 4:44 pm

    @ rabidshrooms
    I contacted Xpole with these problems. I will let you know what they say.

  • rabidshrooms

    March 8, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    Awesome Daphne, I’d love to know. I need to call them back today and bug them. They told me they’d more than likely send me an adjuster and would call me back either that day (friday) or the next. Unfortunately, they aren’t open Saturday so the guy probably forgot. Anyway, they’ve been nothing but nice but I have heard of them trying to say you’re the reason it doesn’t work right and that their product isn’t defective so just stick to your guns.

  • psychoholicslag

    March 8, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    I have found their customer service to be excellent. Kimara has been great with any issues I have had.

  • rabidshrooms

    March 9, 2010 at 4:42 am

    Psycholic – I agree, they have been very helpful. Kimara actually called my boyfriend back today. I need to take pictures of the dome and send them to her and she will send me another. My bf and I didn’t think it was the adjuster because everytime we’d put it up without the dome on and unlock it, it’d spin perfectly fine but as soon as you’d lock it back, put the dome on and tighten it it’d be funky so I guess they think it’s in the dome which makes more sense. I’m excited!

  • jvks1mom

    March 11, 2010 at 7:09 am

    My pole has been fine but now I feel the speed bump thing when on spin mode. Also, my ceiling is a tiny bit over 8′ 5" and I had to use all standard poles even though according to xpole’s measurements I shouldn’t have had to. So why is there a gap at the lower part of the pole at the bottom of the adjuster cover? You can see the inside part where it is greased. Is this normal????

  • Daphne77

    March 26, 2010 at 4:09 pm

    I’ve got an email from x-pole.
    They think there is something wrong with my bearings. They will sent me new ones.
    Does anyone know what bearings are??

  • EVamp83

    March 26, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    They are what makes it possible for the pole to spin

    I hope it will solve your problem!!

  • turkishDlight

    April 6, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    ughhhhhhhhhhh this is ridiculous im about to cancel my order

  • Dwiizie

    December 29, 2011 at 8:50 am

    I am having this same problem with my pole. I got it in April, used the 5 inch attachment, spinny mode was fine, everything was level. My pole space got junked up for a minute around Christmas. It also got colder. I went to check my pole, and it was loose. It was at the very top of its thread, so I changed out the 5 inch attachment for the 10 inch. It was too tall by juuuuuuust a little bit. I took the pole down, set the dome to the side, and used the two cardboard pole covers as little props to keep the pole from putting sideways pressure on the base. I prompty ordered an 8 inch attachment, and re-erected the pole. The first problem was that the extender thread cover no longer screws and unscrews with ease. It takes man power to get it on and off. Before, it was EASY. Then, after all was set up, level, adjusted, NOT overtightened, I set spinny mode. The thing went around like the pole was bowed, but it wasn't. I untightened it while holding the dome against the ceiling, and spun the pole. The top was connecting fine, no wiggle. I started to retighten it, as I do, I see the threading is wobbling around, creating the bowing effect. I recheck leveling, start to tighten again, and the screw is still bowing. I'm going to take the pole down again tonight and try taking the base off and putting it back on and see if that works, but I am so upset and frustrated. It was FINE until I took it down and put it back up. And it WAS at the very top of the threading with the 5 inch attachment and it didn't wiggle or bow. It extends and retracts with ease. Its where the bottom of the threading attaches to the base where its like the one short thing that goes in the bottom of the pole is stuck instead of like an up side down t, more like a shallow /  :(:(:( I feel like crying! I finally tackled all the projects in that room to get to my pole so I could really DO it, and now its pole problems. Hubby also brought up the possibility that when it got loose the first time, maybe the floor settled unevenly and the base will always be uneven. I don't even know how I'd check for that. Its carpeted, and the carpet has a nice pole base imprint that looks even to me. Argh! 🙁 Help 🙁 🙁

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2011 at 9:05 am

    Are you sure that the pole is level in 2 directions?


    Are you sure that you tightened the xjoints properly?

  • Dwiizie

    December 29, 2011 at 9:14 am

    Absolutely sure the pole is level, from 3 different vantage points. We actually marked the floor the first time we leveled it out, so we just line the pole up with the circles on the ceiling, and its carpet indentation on the floor. I only took it down to change the top attachment, I don't take it anywhere else, it doesn't go up and down, its just this once, it worked perfectly before. I took such care with it, "wear and tear" is not an issue here….

    I'm sure the x joints are proper. This pole was very easy for me to put together and adjust, and the mechanics never confused me untill now.

    Why would the thread cover suddenly not screw on easily, and why is the pole doing this now when it was perfect before. Spun perfect, thread cover perfect, nice and firm but not too tight.


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