Forums Discussions X-pert spin question? Halp!

  • Dwiizie

    December 29, 2011 at 9:20 am

    Also, technically, once you tighten the three screws back after adjusting, the pole should be as it is. As in, the thread cover is to complete the solid surface and stuff, but if it wasn't there, the pole should still stand correctly right? Because when we tighten it and put the screws back without putting the cover up, and do a "pole check" pull, the thread piece moves back and forth, as in, the pole is straight, the dome is cool, the base is in check, and there is just a slight "hinge" effect where the threading enters the pole above it. It would seem as though there should be little to no wiggle room there….

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2011 at 9:45 am

    You state from 3 vantage points but did you actually check with a level?  You need to check both top and bottom with a level on 2 planes (90 abgles to each other).  You could possibly have mashed your carpeting in a different direction when installing the pole this time.


    When you tightened the 3 screws did you make sure that they are in the grooves and not on the threads?



  • Mary Ellyn

    December 29, 2011 at 9:51 am

    Dwizie…have you spoken to XPole customer service?

    Chemmie is evidently following what you are writing but to be honest it's confusing to me. XPole has excellent service and will help you figure it out.

    My only thought is that somehow the insert screws (on the lower section under the adjuster rod) have come loose but you are not suppose to adjust those without talking to XPole customer service.

  • Dwiizie

    December 29, 2011 at 10:04 am

    I am waiting for X Pole to open. I'm on the East Coast so I've got 3 minutes until its 8 AM there lol. I was just trying to see if I've missed anything before speaking to them so I can cover whats going on and get to a solution quickly. And yeah, not messing with THOSE screws.

    And to Chem, yes we checked with a level. I say 3 points because we level it one way, then level it 90 degrees across that, so if you were looking down on the pole, it would be a noon shadow on a big plus sign. We tighten it there. Then we check from a random 3rd point because if we did our job right the first time, it should be level no matter where you check it. This time, we just checked with a level after set up, and its level. And yes, I'm adjusting the 3 screws to the flats, not into the threading. I will call xpole, its 11:02 🙂 Thanks you guys for your help. Talking it out prepares me better to talk to customer service as well. I have horrible anxiety over that sort of thing. Here I go!

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2011 at 10:08 am

    You could have called.  Kimara is now located on the east coast and starts answering her phone at 8am EST.  They now have customer service hours of 8am EST to 5pm PST

  • Dwiizie

    December 29, 2011 at 10:22 am

    Didn't know that, I was just going by their hours listed on the x pole site under "Contact Us" I described the problem to her, we talked a bit about it, went over what I've already tried. She has advised me to adjust those vertical screws Empyrean mentioned. She told me to loosen the screws, make sure the adjuster rod is all the way in and secure, and retighten the screws, and to make sure I'm hitting the "flats" and not the threading, and see if that doesn't stop the wobble. I'm going to do this when I get home today and hope its fixed. I thought one thing odd, she said I was working with an old pole so they get "worked in" and come loose. I just got the pole less than 8 months ago, and I've so far only been able to use it for conditioning and a little climbing. I've done NO spins, maybe 3 half spins, and only a handful of attempts at a pole sit. That doesn't seem like an old pole thats been "worked in" but I really don't have a basis for comparison. Curse day job. I really want to go home right now and see if it fixes.

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2011 at 11:27 am

    This is fairly recent and they have not updated their site regarding it.


    Which reminds me…I need to call her myself!

  • Dancing Paws

    December 29, 2011 at 11:36 am

    What does that mean? "old pole???" Does that mean it's no good?

  • Mary Ellyn

    December 29, 2011 at 11:46 am

    I don't think the "old pole" would mean it's no good. I have all of the first XPerts made as I got them when they first came out in April 2010 and haven't had any issues with mine.

    However, X-Pole is always listening to customers and responding to issues promptly so that they make adjustments as needed.

  • Dwiizie

    December 29, 2011 at 12:35 pm

    Well, simply from tone of voice, I think she was referring to the amount of time that I've had it. I said "When I first got the pole in April" 

    It is not the older version of the x-pert as far as I know. I just remember some girls saying they liked the old ones better and the new ones caught their ankles because of the thread guard, and mine has the thread guard at the bottom and I can see why someone might have that happen with this particular design.

    I think she was just trying to tell me that it was used and worn in, when it really hasn't been used and worn in, I ordered it, brand new, at the end of April, and I haven't given it anywhere near the amount of love I'd like to. You more experienced ladies might "break in" a pole in 8 months, but when I bought this pole, I had never poled in my life, I actually got the bug because I wanted to train for upper body strength to do Aerial Silks and Lyra. The only silks teacher is hours away, but she said pole moves often translate to the silks fairly easily, and there was know way I had room or ability to rig silks in my apt. I could pole though.

    I used Veenas lessons for conditioning and went through the beginner lessons. I'm still trying to learn to walk with a toe drag and make it look nice lol There isn't even a scratch on the pole, I never wear rings or any pants with metal. I require anyone wanting to "test spin" to do the same. I take care of this thing like its a baby. Like I said, even when I took it down and needed the extension, I put it on cardboard cushions to make sure it was evenly supported and comfy while it was waiting for surgery.

    I don't know. I guess I just need to halt my frustration until I try what they told me to do. It just seems like it shouldn't be that finicky… And she never did address the problem of the thread cover suddenly not screwing on and off easily as it used to, she only addressed the pole wobble. One thing at a time….

  • chemgoddess1

    December 29, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    The pole cover can be something as simple as the weather.  The cover and the pole itself are probably different materials and definitely different thicknesses which means they are going to react differently to atmospheric conditions.  Mine has always been a tight fit and I don't have a problem with that.  I want that puppy staying put.


    Not to discredit you but I will say that new polers are probably harder on their poles than experienced polers.

  • Dwiizie

    December 29, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    I don't feel discredited, and you would know better than I, and logically, it would make sense that new polers are harder on their poles than experienced ones. I just haven't done enough ON the pole for it to even know me. I keep trying to build up strength in other ways to prepare for poling. I recently posted a blog about the way I am with my pole that would shed light on my habits lol. I haven't even gotten into shorts hardly for the pole, I'm usually in yoga attire because I'm using the conditioning exercises. I've never worn shoes. I've done pole hold, pole climb, and the one "step and squat around" half spin. I'm only even testing spinny mode to see if it works smoothly, as I did the first time I put the pole up. I've never even actually used spinny mode yet. I wanted a pole that would grow with me. The rest is floor work, free weights trying to build strength. Using chairs and walls instead of the pole to build on certain things. I know, all these things are not good practices, I'm trying to get more time in on the pole, I got a mirror, got myself some shorts, and I will move my workouts away from the gym and onto the pole to build pole strength (convenience of having a gym at work and the pole being at home was the only reason I thought that would work)

    I dig you on the thread cover totally. Colder weather would really make sense. In the summer its the hottest room in the house. In the winter its the coldest. I tried to bring this up as a potential reason the pole had "settled" and needed adjusting in the first place while talking with Xpole. She kept saying she didn't know what I meant by "settling" and said it shouldn't be settling. But I thought all tension poles were prone to settling, especially after going without regular use. For 2 months my pole was buried because I was recording music, sifting through and cleaning out my wardrobe, storing Christmas presents, etc. When I tried to get back into it after cleaning out the area, it had settled. Not just enough to be "a little loose" It literally just came right down when I did a sturdiness tug.

    I'm just still frustrated, I hope its not coming off as defensive, because its intended as sheer bafflement. How it can be fine, perfectly spinny, you take it down, put it back up in the same spot, and suddenly nothing is as it was. The cover feels more than just tight, it feels like grinding metal shards, or that I'll strip the threading if I don't screw it back up PERFECTLY. Even Perfectly, it just grinds. When I first got it, it just screwed on like a soda top, or a mason jar, it just went on….

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